[OOC] Baptism by Fire_FULL

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Thanks though not my ideal. I read a post in one of your games about a dwarf buying an axe? It was a great little post where he paid the regular axe price but made it all about saving a rabbit. I liked the way that all went down and hope for others to try the same.


Thanks though not my ideal. I read a post in one of your games about a dwarf buying an axe? It was a great little post where he paid the regular axe price but made it all about saving a rabbit. I liked the way that all went down and hope for othgers to try the same.
I don't remember that but it sounds awesome. Just make sure that you're players know (I think Taran knows now) that you're okay with that kind of thing, otherwise they may spend time waiting for you to do it, not wanting to step on your toes.


Thanks, I'll need to edit this "shopping rule" in the RG I guess. But for now so long as people pay regular price for gear found in the PHB and trade in their gear for half price they may post up anything they wish to as to how they aquired it.

That's a good point. OTOH, there are probably halflings about. Buy some halfling armor. Maybe we should roll a random yes/no die? d20? High yes, low no, 8-13 is DM's call?
A 12 year old is way bigger than a halfling. A halfling is Like 40-60lbs and 4 foot tops. I was thinking he was probably closer to the size of a small wood elf.

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