D&D 5E One Shot #2 - Irongrad (Closed/OOC)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
That was fun!

As for loot, I take it Ssz'irac can keep the (nigh-worthless) trinkets? As for the rest, Ssz'irac doesn't care much about scrolls, so I guess the boots and a potion will do. Not sure if that's on par with what the others get.

Also, I leveled Ssz'irac, although I now realize I forgot to add the hp. Will go with the standard.

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If I'm taking the scroll of Cure Wounds there is no reason for me to take one of the potions of Cure Wounds especially since I can cast it.

I think the cantrip scrolls would just be single use items but maybe for RP use it to start your training for the next cantrip you get?

If I'm understanding things right what we have so far..

- scroll longstrider - Zuleyka
- scroll cure wounds - Bilkar
- scroll magic stone - Bilkar
- scroll thunderclap - Zuleyka
- potions of cure wounds x3 Ssz'irac, Rilla, Alberich?
- potion of climbing - potion with red stripe - Up for grabs
- ruby of the war mage - Alberich
- boots of enduring: these magical boots resist wear and tear - Ssz'irac
- dread helm - Not only can I get no AC benefit from this, it's likely metal, I can't wear metal armor, really did just throw it on for comic affect.


Okay. Zuleyka will take the Longstrider and Thunderclap scrolls then, since they're the only ones she can use. Bilkar can use the other two. I believe she's the one who drank the cure potion, so I won't claim any of those. That leaves the rest for you guys.

How are we handling shopping/scribing? Need to get some armor, a whip, and scribe those scrolls. Though Thunderclap is a cantrip, so not sure it can be scribed with the way cantrips work in 5e? Do we have a ruling on that?

We need to stick with RAW for these games, if this were anything else I might rule otherwise. So no to scribing cantrips, sorry.


As for shopping/downtime/scribing I think it best to wait until the opening post of the next adventure that character is in. You may buy something now and need something else for that adventure. Also best way to ok gear with the DM of that game, he may not want someone with a +1 weapon or wand of fire etc. at higher levels.

You should have a list in mind maybe have a sblock in your sheet that you could copy paste into the post or some such. Also characters above 1st lvl will need to spend their cost of living gp in that post (to give the way you were living up till the adventure started, and it should cover your room and board during the game as well).

Note the spending/saving of any downtime, making the rolls in the post if possible. Giving you all one place to find this info, but you should talk about what you wish to do prior to the adventure with the DM. eayress33 has mentioned interest in running a One Shot, so hopefully more than just the next one I have in store coming up.

This is all my ideals not set in stone let me know what you all think would work.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
If I'm taking the scroll of Cure Wounds there is no reason for me to take one of the potions of Cure Wounds especially since I can cast it.

I think the cantrip scrolls would just be single use items but maybe for RP use it to start your training for the next cantrip you get?

If I'm understanding things right what we have so far..

- scroll longstrider - Zuleyka
- scroll cure wounds - Bilkar
- scroll magic stone - Bilkar
- scroll thunderclap - Zuleyka
- potions of cure wounds x3 Ssz'irac, Rilla, Alberich?
- potion of climbing - potion with red stripe - Up for grabs
- ruby of the war mage - Alberich
- boots of enduring: these magical boots resist wear and tear - Ssz'irac
- dread helm - Not only can I get no AC benefit from this, it's likely metal, I can't wear metal armor, really did just throw it on for comic affect.

Sounds about right to me. I would change the boots for the helmet, except Ssz'irac already has red eyes...


As for shopping/downtime/scribing I think it best to wait until the opening post of the next adventure that character is in. You may buy something now and need something else for that adventure. Also best way to ok gear with the DM of that game, he may not want someone with a +1 weapon or wand of fire etc. at higher levels.

You should have a list in mind maybe have a sblock in your sheet that you could copy paste into the post or some such. Also characters above 1st lvl will need to spend their cost of living gp in that post (to give the way you were living up till the adventure started, and it should cover your room and board during the game as well).

Note the spending/saving of any downtime, making the rolls in the post if possible. Giving you all one place to find this info, but you should talk about what you wish to do prior to the adventure with the DM. eayress33 has mentioned interest in running a One Shot, so hopefully more than just the next one I have in store coming up.

This is all my ideals not set in stone let me know what you all think would work.

Well, that depends. By RAW, you can't buy magic items, so I won't be getting +1 anything, or a wand of fireballs. I just want studded leather and a whip LOL But that's fine. I can do my purchasing in the next adventure. I just prefer to do it now while I'm thinking about it, I guess. That's when I usually do it for AL/PFS. I suppose that's the case for scribing the scroll into my spellbook, too?

As for shopping/downtime/scribing I think it best to wait until the opening post of the next adventure that character is in. You may buy something now and need something else for that adventure. Also best way to ok gear with the DM of that game, he may not want someone with a +1 weapon or wand of fire etc. at higher levels.

You should have a list in mind maybe have a sblock in your sheet that you could copy paste into the post or some such. Also characters above 1st lvl will need to spend their cost of living gp in that post (to give the way you were living up till the adventure started, and it should cover your room and board during the game as well).

Note the spending/saving of any downtime, making the rolls in the post if possible. Giving you all one place to find this info, but you should talk about what you wish to do prior to the adventure with the DM. eayress33 has mentioned interest in running a One Shot, so hopefully more than just the next one I have in store coming up.

This is all my ideals not set in stone let me know what you all think would work.

Shouldn't some of this be in the One Shot thread. Not lost here in the One Shot #2 OOC?

Also, as these one shots end, shouldn't there be a global One Shot thread to collect them in? (And at some point, perhaps get the One shot thread stickyed.)

I really should get my One Shot characters started. :)

Well, that depends. By RAW, you can't buy magic items,
Who says? Listed in the DMG index is "Buying Magic Items pg 135-136".

There is says, under a chart listing prices by magic item rarity and by character level, "Unless you decide you campaign works otherwise, most magic items are so rare that they aren't available for purchase." So, RAI perhaps magic items cannot be bought. But RAW, there are prices for magic items. Why would there be prices for items that cannot be purchased?

Next, Xanathar contains a whole bunch of common magic items. Who makes a magic Pole of Collapsing in a world where magic items are so rare they cannot be purchased? Staff of Flowers? Really, a wizard is going to spend months working to make a mighty UNBREAKABLE ARROW in a world where magic is that rare? The existence of cutesy magic items (perfume of bewitching) runs counter to the idea that magic items are even rare.

Not saying there are shops with regular daytime hours. But one or more by appointment only "stores" in Waterdeep? They must exist.


I think buying magic items (or is it selling them?) runs under downtime right? No books as I am on break atm. Will look into it all - and yes scribing should be done in that same post, basically anything that changes the sheet should be in one post. I think it might be fun to tell a lttle story of what your character was up to during adventures.

Shouldn't some of this be in the One Shot thread.

Still hammering it out, but after it was a little more finely tuned I was going to move it over see what everyone else thought. Before it became official. Far as I knew the only people playing one shots were here in this thread.

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