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D&D 5E One Shot #3: Lady of the Mist


Round 0

Ivar led them up deeper into the island and the mist. There was little cover other than the mist. Soon they came upon the ruins of some buildings, and a skeleton partially clad in armor and the tattered remains of a Thrisk guard uniform. It was a recent kill, within a couple days, nearly picked clean by the bloodhawks.

Ivar motioned the others silently to take a look around and be alert. Bilkar found some tracks.

Investigation: 1D20 = [18] = 18

Bonus Action:

AC: 14
HP: 15/15 HD: 1/1d12+3
Rage: 2/2/LR


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the magical equivalent to the number zero
”That’s a Thrisk guard,” Mister Bubbles whispers as he points at the skeletal remains.

”Which means our man must’ve been here.”

The half-orc cautiously follows the duergar and the gnome, his cane held in both hands as a club more than as a walking aid.

OOC: I failed my perception check. I didn't connect that the shortbow was intact and the arrows usable

Lee picks up the shortbow and examines it. "This is still a fine weapon. I have been hoping to acquire one." She collects the scattered arrows and checks the shafts and fletching before putting them into the quiver. "I know not your name, but I will give your bow the honor it deserves."


Bilkar Gnome Druid

With the others looking around the area, collecting arrows and such, Bilkars attention wanders to a feather at his feet. He bends over picking it up, examining it, even smelling and stroking it as he looks around the cround for any other evidence of the birds thinking back and determine what he can about this beasts.

[occ]Nature: [roll0]
Trying to use the feathers and any footprints he sees to determine what he can about the "red-feathers". He wants to determine the approximate size, if it's flightless or not, and if it looks like there is more than one. [/ooc]


OOC: Nature result: Seeing no bird tracks going off in any direction leads you to believe that they can fly. And the feather indicates they might have a wingspan of 3-1/2 to 4 ft. long. Being overly aggressive birds Bilkar hasn't meet any as of yet.

Ivar finds the path the other two humans took, possible running away from the long strides. And leads the group deeper into the mists.

OOC: If everyone is ready I will advance things tomorrow.


Bilkar Gnome Druid

Bilkar swallows hard then holds up the feather for anyone that is paying attention to him to see.

"Not Axe Beaks. Flying predators. Wings almost as big as Ivar. Pack be careful. Eyes open."

Bilkar closes his eyes for a moment clutches his chest, tilts his head back and opens his eyes to the sky. As he lowers his gaze his eyes seem... Different, and these seems to be a presence there. "Bilkar ask hawk for help."

OOC: [sblock=Hawk Spirit Totem]Lasts 1 minute
Hawk Spirit. The hawk spirit is a consummate hunter, aiding you and your allies with its keen sight.
When a creature makes a n attack roll against a target in the spirit's aura, you can use your reaction to grant advantage to that attack roll. In addition, you and your allies have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while in the aura[/sblock]
Going to center this over Mr. Bubbles head and do my best to keep it there as we move.
Perception:[roll0], [roll1]


As the path starts up to the base of the large cliff face, it changes from a dirt track to a wooden walk way affixed to the side of the great stone cliff.

The walkway hardly inspires confidence as you begin your journey along it. The wooden boards that once were the walking surface are all but gone, forcing you to step on the thicker beams underneath. Some of these beams seem fairly rotted too, making every step potentially dangerous unless taken with care. Further ahead, you see that some of the stone support towers that raise the walkway up off the ground have crumbled and partially collapsed, disrupting the walkway's otherwise steady incline.

Marching order?
Mr. Bubbles

Everyone make those Advantage WIS(Perception) checks and let me know what your characters have in hand.

Lee straps down her newly acquired bow in the quiver. Her staff is also strapped to the side of her backpack. Hands free, she crosses the bridge.

OOC: Perception [roll0] advantage? [roll1]

Voidrunner's Codex

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