D&D 5E One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (IC)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Careful," Snorri whispers as Milady approaches the chest. Obviously the dwarf fears it is trapped, although he has no way of disarming any traps.

Looking around the room, Snorri peeks behind the curtain and finds the ale barrels.

"Found our victory drink," he says with a smile. "And another passage, perhaps leading to the prisoners?"

The dwarf looks back at the others, waiting for Milady to finish her business with the treasure chest before beckoning them all over.

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The ogre has no belt pouch or pockets on his rusty makeshift armor. He does however have a leather thong around his neck fitted with fangs along the edges and a small gemstone held in its center.

Searching the room uncovers a few items of interest. First is a black bears pelt in fine condition, among the bedding (which would make an excellent winter cape or sold for a good profit), a huge padlock locking the chest up tight, and that the area around the chest suggest that it is moved and often as if something were under it.

Snorri eyes the beer kegs warily as he remembers the mayor saying they poisoned some of the ale the ogre took to rid themselves of their troubles.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Snorri stands over the ale for a while. If any of the others could see his face, they'd see it changing from merriment, to wrinkled as if deep in thought, to surprise, to annoyance.

"Oh wait," he mutters, "They poisoned those."

Turning back to the room, the dwarf casually saunters over to Milady.

"Found anything?"



Skulltop Hillock

“Well, isn’t that pretty,” Milady said, holding up the gemstone. She cut off with leather thong with the dagger. Unfortunately the stone smelled like ogre manboob sweat, so she tried to rinse it off with a bit of the whiskey from her flask before slipping it into her purse.

She continued her examination and found the nice bear pelt. That could fetch a price, and it wasn’t too stinky of ogre. She rolled it up and tucked it away.

When Snorri spoke to her, Milady was staring in consternation at the large padlock on the chest, cursing her luck for losing her thieves tools on the last job. She didn’t even have a damn crowbar for the brute force approach. Looked like she was going to have to be forced to...ugh...share.

“Found nothing much,” Milady lied as she examined the scrapings on the stone floor. “Think you could be a dear and smash that lock and then shove the chest a couple feet over?” she asked Snorri, batting her long eyelashes at him. She hadn’t found any traps, but no sense in being too careful.

Milady backed away and to the side of the chest, just in case.

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone
Black bear pelt


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Something nags in the back of Snorri's mind about what Milady said, but the dwarf finds he really wants to believe her. It makes perfect sense that the pretty highborn lady speaks the truth and cannot open the sturdy lock. Snorri has no reason for doubt, and he forces himself to believe it.

He nods, stepping forward to see if he can force the lock open. Grabbing his warhammer in both hands, the dwarf swings it at the padlock.

OOC: Not sure if that's an attack roll or a STR save. I'll roll for attack and damage; if it's STR just substitute the +5 with a +3.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage (twohanded): [roll1]

Also, I'm assuming Milady put the gem away before Snorri could see it? Otherwise he'd be all sparkly-eyed trying to pocket it himself.


[sblock=OOC] We may need to have a discussion on splitting loot. I know it is in character to try and pocket whatever you can find, but we need to keep things even in the end. So we need to discuss how everyone wants to handle it.[/sblock]

Snorri whacks the lock hard the first time around, and a second swing finishes the job. (had only 3 hp left, and your modifier is +3 so will just move this along lol)

Opening the chest the group discoveries it has a divider down the center. One one side is a suit of leather armor and a fox pelt, sitting atop six rocks that look to have been chiseled to about the same size. On the other side is a hoard of silver spires laying in a loose mess.

OOC: The rocks are softball sized for an ogre.



Skulltop Hillock

OOC: Oh, yeah, Milady would have pocketed that jewel before calling Snorri over.

Once Snorri had smashed the lock, Milady danced up to the chest, eager to peer inside. She didn’t shove the dwarf out of the way too much, just a little hip check.

“Oh, shiny!” the beautiful blonde said, digging a hand into the silver, letting it trickle through her long, delicate fingers. She checked out the armor and the pelt next, though the rocks held little interest for her. And she wasn’t thinking about kidnapped villagers at all anymore.

OOC: Totally understand about dividing the loot. Milady will reluctantly turn out her pockets when it comes down to that (and it isn’t like she can hide the contents of the chest). She’s just in this for the money and happened to get to it first LOL

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone (Milady)
Black bear pelt (Milady)


After securing the ogre Hassan took and walked down the the short corridor behind the curtain.

"No prisoners,"
he reported looking perplexed. "But there is a hole and ladder leading down. But... but it isn't big enough for the ogre to climb through. Perhaps he made the prisoner's climb down?"
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Skulltop Hillock

“Hmm,” Milady mused. “An oubliette?” she asked. “But why leave the ladder? This is getting stranger and stranger. The hobgoblin shepherd slave I can understand. But what about those men and the crates?” She nodded toward the northern corridor they had snuck past. “Who are they? This ogre just seems too...smart. All of this seems beyond an ogre’s intelligence.”

Milady looked back the way Hassan had come. “I suppose we should check down that hole. The way was safe?” she confirmed, before she headed in that direction, being sure to stay quiet.

Action: Stealth: 1D20+3 = [15]+3 = 18
Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone (Milady)
Black bear pelt (Milady)


The tunnel ends and at its base is an odd bit of work. A wooden base surrounds the hole and a ladder has been attached to it and one side of the hole, going down about thirty feet. Above the hole on the ceiling is a block and tackle and along the wall of the tunnel (about waist high) is an iron ring for tying off a rope, but there is none present.

The diameter of the hole is barely five feet across and looks to be a natural chimney and not ma/ogre made.

OOC: Looking down the hole? Not much to see except a smooth stone floor 30' below. No light, no unusual smells/sounds, etc.

Voidrunner's Codex

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