D&D 5E One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (IC)



Skulltop Hillock

“Not much there,” she told the others. “Looks like they moved things up and down. Not for keeping prisoners, however, not with this ladder here. guess we should check it out? It’s dark again,” she said with annoyance.

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone (Milady)
Black bear pelt (Milady)

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OOC: Hassan can cast light on something and drop it down the hole. Or you can try stealth mode and have Snorri with his darkvision go and look first.

Either is good for me, I just need a marching order if you please.


OOC: Milady never goes first. She votes for the clanky dwarf in heavy armor! She'll hang around the back where it's safe! LOL

Damn, my characters aren't usually this selfish...


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"I'll go first," Snorri offers, and he starts moving down the hole in a slow pace.

OOC: Sure, send in the one with darkvision, armor and knowledge of underground caverns! ...wait, that's actually a pretty good idea. :)


OOC: Nice

Snorri descends the ladder slowly and before he gets a few steps he pauses. "There are eight hash marks along the wall here." he says quietly up to the group. After a moments discussion he decides to continue and stops short of the eight rung from the floor. "Ah-ha knew it! Trapped. Be careful on your way down, skip the eighth rung from the bottom, its on a hinge."

The party reaches the bottom of the 30' ladder with little trouble.

This chamber is 35 feet in diameter and has a clean stone floor. Along the northwest wall is a stocky L-shaped wooden workbench covered with beakers, flasks, and assorted glassware. A smaller wooden table rests to the southwest but is not nearly as cluttered. It holds a few opened books, and orderly rows of upside-down glassware. Along the northeast wall are several pegs holding cloaks and a broom. There are three tunnels leading out of this chamber, an odd hammering sound coming from the tunnel on the left.




Skulltop Hillock

Milady looked around the new chamber. “This...is definitely not an ogre’s lair,” she said, examining the books on the smaller table, then moving to the larger table, and then the cloaks. This was her life. Reduced to rifling for pocket change.

Action: Investigation: 1D20+1 = [8]+1 = 9
Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone (Milady)
Black bear pelt (Milady)


Snorri and Hassan both move to the tunnel that the odd hammering noise seems to be coming from, as Badger finally reaches the bottom of the ladder.

The paladin keeps his light to the center of the room so it doesn't shine down the tunnel. Snorri looking down from the opening turns to tell the others."It looks like a cell door at the end. You think that is the captives hammering?"



Skulltop Hillock

Milady doesn’t find anything of interest among the books, glassware, or cloaks, so she rejoins the others.

“Could be them,” she mused. “Hear any growling or something that might indicate it’s some beast?” She touch the pouch containing her thieves tools tucked in securely to her belt. “Let’s see if they answer.”

She moved a bit down the tunnel and yelled out, “Hello?” She moved quietly, hugging the wall of the tunnel, just in case anyone thought to shoot magic or an arrow down the tunnel.

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Ogre gemstone (Milady)
Black bear pelt (Milady)


Mi'Lady creeps silently down the passage way and calls out softly.

"Hello?" comes a faint female voice back from somewhere beyond the dimly lit wooden portcullis. "Help us."

During the exchange the hammering never wavers or stops. Curious the young adventuress moves closer her hand crossbow at the ready.

The ringing sound of a hammer on wood echoes off the cavern walls as you approach this chamber. A wooden portcullis blocks entrance to a 30 foot wide by 40 foot long chamber. Along the south wall are eight wooden cages, each five feet square with a single lockable door. Two of the cages are occupied: one by a female human adorned in peasant garb, the other by an aging gnome in leather breeches.

The sound is from a stocky dwarf wearing a leather apron. He is busy constructing more cages
along the north wall, and is so engrossed in his work that he ignores your presence. To the east is a large pile of timber, and several saws, hammers and other tools.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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