D&D 5E One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (IC)

Hassan takes a big swing at the creature. "Try and take it alive we still don't know where the townsfolk are!" he shouts.

OOC: Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

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After Hassan hits the creature aside the head with his glaive, Badger takes his shot at the ogre.

The green light hits the creature straight in the face. It blinks as the light causes spots before its eyes, and then he starts to sway. A huge yawn escapes its lips right before it topples backwards asleep. Blogg starts to snore in the corner of the tunnel.

Everyone sees Snorri start to stand. One hand on his head the other on wall to help hold him up he says deliriously to the wall in front of him, "Don't worry Mi'Lady I'll, I'll protect you!"

Snorri, swaying on his feet, gets into a defensive position, raising his shield awkwardly before his head and holding his hammer ready to strike. It may have looked admirable to see an obviously heavily injured dwarf getting up and ready to fight, if he wasn't facing the unmoving wall.

When the dwarf finally notices the snoring behind him, Snorri whispers, "It's trying to trick us! How could it sleep during a fight like this? Eh?"

He makes a few mock fighting motions towards the wall before dizziness overcomes him. With a sigh, Snorri lowers his shield and weapon.

"Don't feel so well," he mutters.


Skulltop Hillock

“Take it alive?” Milady exclaims to Hassan. “You tell him that!”

But Badger’s spell seemed to take the fight out of the ogre, and it collapsed into a snoring heap.

Snorri pulled himself up and looked about to attack the thing, so Milady stepped up quickly, putting a hand on the dwarf’s shoulder.

“The fight is over. Come. Rest,” she said, pulling him back away, seating him on a convenient rock. “I don’t have any healing potions, but maybe this will help.” She pulled out her flask and pressed it to the dwarf’s lips.

As Snorri rested, Milady went to retrieve her crossbow bolts, managing to salvage one of them. Then she returned to Snorri.

“Someone tie that thing up.”

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

Grabbing his rope Hassan goes over to the ogre and starts to gently wrap it around the creature's feet. He then slowly puts both the creature's hands on its huge stomach before tying them up as well. When he is finished the creature's feet and hands are tied together and connected by the same rope.

OOC: Short rest for Snorri who needs it while the tying up goes on? If he does then only need to know what Badger and Mi'Lady are up to during this time.


Skulltop Hillock

Milady takes a drink from her own flask as the ogre is tied up and they take a short break. “You going to be okay, darling?” Milady asked Snorri. “Can you keep going?” She did a quick check of her equipment before standing. “I’ll take watch. Relax.” She put a delicate hand on his shoulder.

OOC: Milady doesn’t have anything she needs to do during a short rest. She’ll take watch.

Action: Perception: 1D20 = [20] = 20
Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

"Thanks, Milady," Snorri says with a blush before allowing himself to drop down to the floor.

He does not bother finding a suitable spot, but instead lies down on his back where he just stood, folding his hands over his chest in a way that is remarkably like that of a dead body during a funeral. Within moments, a quiet snoring can be heard from the prone dwarf.

After just under an hour, Snorri awakes, looking somewhat better than before.

"I'm ready," he says confidently.

OOC: Thanks for the short rest. Regaining 1 hit die: [roll0]
This puts me at 5 hp.

Hassan whispers to the others, "Let's find the townsfolk and be gone. We can deal with the ogre another day."

Ogre's Bedroom
OOC: Read Aloud:
This immense chamber is at least 40 feet by 60 feet with a 20 feet high ceiling. To the east is a pile of furs and loose wool. Situated along the north wall are an unused fire pit and an iron-bound chest about 10 feet long. To the west is a curtained-off alcove, with a battered wooden table and a smooth stone for a chair nearby.

Peeking behind the curtain...

OOC: Two large ale barrels and a couple of old wooden crates lay about. And another tunnel heads of into darkness.

00_ogre cave_6.jpg[/sblock]


Skulltop Hillock

“Well, there aren’t any townsfolk here,” Milady said as she peered around the ogre’s room. “But what have we here?” Her blue eyes lit up as she approached the chest. She carefully examined it all around for traps before she attempted to open it.

OOC: Just realized I don’t have thieves tools yet. Did we roll the ogre already? If not, she’ll go search him for a key. If so, and we didn’t find a key, she’ll search the room, starting with the bed furs.

Action: Investigation: 1D20+1 = [12]+1 = 13
Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 39 Used: 0
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

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