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the magical equivalent to the number zero
In that case I have a tabaxi running around in my head, playing with yarn, that I'd love to bring to this game. :)


Cool. I have Milady de Winter (human crossbow fighter) and Zuleyka Xorlarrin (drow bladesinger) ready at level 2, I believe? And if Within the Circle is finished, that frees up Magdalena (human vengeance paladin). Probably will be level 2.


I've added Group C: Algrin Foehammer, Mountain Dwarf Wizard to the RG
I want to make him War Mage so might have to bump him to Group D...TBD

questions: regarding spells, are we able to use Xanathar's for spells? I read the prerequisites as Race and Background must use PHB and SCAG

[EDIT: also added Group B: Ramblin' Jack, Half Elf Bard]
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We are using mostly Adventure league rules to keep everything simple. So if you can use a spell, item, feat in the Adventure League it can be used for Character Groups A-C anythign outside of that (Say the Gunslinger Class) goes into group D.


We are using mostly Adventure league rules to keep everything simple. So if you can use a spell, item, feat in the Adventure League it can be used for Character Groups A-C anythign outside of that (Say the Gunslinger Class) goes into group D.

I was not familiar with AL, but downloaded the rules, took the time to acquaint myself and digest it.

now I have a few more questions regarding PHB+1, is this a thing?
if so,
  • PHB +1, does this mean that as characters evolve they could choose from a legal +1 for Archetype or Tradition
  • Can clerics use PHB +1 for a Domain?
  • Likewise PHB+1 then for spells? (meaning i cant use a spell and background from SCAG if i want to use spells from XGE)

I like that Algrin, the Mountain Dwarf Wizard could +1 for XGE to get his War Mage tradition, meanign i could keep him in Group C.
I also note he wouldn't be able to use the cantrips from SCAG if I chose the above.


FIrst I am hearing about PHB +1 myself. I have never played Adventure League myself, but their rules for things like downtime, and character death seemed to fit here pretty well.

If this PHB +! means you may use only one other book, than I don't believe that is what we are doing here. We are using anything that is Core Rules for characters A-c, and anything third party or designed by a player - like the monk alternate path from Greenmtn.

I probably should update character gene as new stuff comes out.


PHB +1 means you have access to everything that is in the PHB and one other official book or supplement ( NOT unearthed Arcana, typically). Whether you choose Xanathars guide to Everything, or Volos guide to monsters or Sword Coast Adventurers guide or whatever is up to you.

Hope that helps.


Ok thanks for clarity. I misunderstood you when you said using mostly AL rules.

not trying to embellish your rules here, just trying to make sure I am using them correctly.

My understanding is:
Characters group A-C can only use PHB (plus fall within the parameters set by the Group guidelines), anything else is Group D. meaning a Dwarf Wizard fall inline with Group C . But in order to use Sword Burst or Booming Blade from SCAG and later take the War Mage tradition from XGE, thatt character must be in Group D.

Voidrunner's Codex

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