One Shots - Discussions

Moving this discussion here:

OOC: As for shopping/downtime/scribing I think it best to wait until the opening post of the next adventure that character is in. You may buy something now and need something else for that adventure. Also best way to ok gear with the DM of that game, he may not want someone with a +1 weapon or wand of fire etc. at higher levels.

You should have a list in mind maybe have a sblock in your sheet that you could copy paste into the post or some such. Also characters above 1st lvl will need to spend their cost of living gp in that post (to give the way you were living up till the adventure started, and it should cover your room and board during the game as well).

Note the spending/saving of any downtime, making the rolls in the post if possible. Giving you all one place to find this info, but you should talk about what you wish to do prior to the adventure with the DM.

This is all my ideals not set in stone let me know what you all think would work.

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Here in ENWorld the players around the table is enormous, and everyone seems to have a portfolio of characters already. So my question is would it work if it was more stream lined. Having one DM (me or someone else if they had a game they really wished to run), and every player having his own portfolio of characters in a main RG ready to pull out when it was time to run a one and done.

I'm just looking through these old Dungeon magazines (reminiscing-oh how I love this game), and want to play some of these adventures. Tallow's Deep does anyone remember Tallow's Deep?? Great dungeon delve. Or The Menagerie?? great side trek. There are so many. And I would like to play them all if only the time were mine.

My thing is I don't think players would want to invest time on a character for non campaginship style games. I don't blame them. So maybe if they can come back that character, and, and newbies who join could come along for a game.

(adding my 2cp to this old thread, because I noticed it's been updated last week)

IMHO the whole PbP idea should actually be more adequate one-shots than long campaigns. PbP are quite simply a huge drag, and they would probably work much better if everyone was less pretentious about their PC (or fantasy world, in case of a DM) and more focused on getting things going.

IMXP the majority of PbP games suffer because players and DM spend too much time chatting about house rules, perfecting their character build, or detailing their fantasy world and adventure. If it takes more than one month to start the game, there are good chances that people's enthusiams has already waned off. PbP games are really not the best place for the "character building" own hobby. So, as you say, having a few PCs already designed and posted to a rogue gallery would be a great help.

Then running the adventures always takes a huge time. I only ever DMed a single PbP game, and it took 2 years to run HALF of a Dungeon Magazine adventure. IIRC we covered a single small dungeon (~10ish rooms) and 5-6 combat encounters during that time. As a player, I've tried at least half a dozen PbP and none of them went past the 2nd encounter...

So IMHO to make a PbP work it is of paramount importance for the players and the DM to understand that every effort should be concentrated on keeping the game going, and avoid replicating the depth and investment of tabletop gaming.

Things that would probably help:

- short adventures (mainly to help the DM to avoid long preparations, but for the players it probably doesn't matter)
- no house rules or very few and clear ones
- clearly defined set of allowed character material, or allow everything (to avoid "mother may I" discussions)
- minimize the character sheet, do not calculate anything until you need to use it, strip off the equipment!
- minimize narrative requirements (one of the worst DM's mistake is to require players to write a long background history or fill-in personality details and similar)
- don't take turns, don't wait for players, move along...

The last one may not be easy at all to pull off, but it has to be attempted at least.

I’ve DMd some successful games that lasted a while and through many encounters, in fact the only reason they fell aside was my life got in the way. I’ve also played in a number of good games that survived many encounters. I’d say the best ones are when player posts are kept short and focused on actions and reactions. The DMs have to be on point, but as long as the players show up, he they go well.

Sent from my iPad using EN World

I've only been in the PbP forums here for a year. I've had 2 games out of 4 stall completely, both times the DM just disappeared without warning. I've had a game where we've gone through 3 dungeons and advanced to 3rd level. I've now joined a bunch more games since I have the time to handle a bunch more games. The slow pace can be annoying. Most frustrating is logging in in the morning and seeing a dozen games with new posts and not one of them is a game I'm in.

Addressing Li's points,

I've never seen a game take a month to start unless the DM stated "We'll start one month from now on the first."
The longest running game I'm in has house rules. No problems.
Never seen a mother may I discussion last more than 3 posts.
Have you seen my character sheets? They have everything including a kitchen sink, a bathroom sink, and an outdoor spa. That's never slowed anything down. (People have even borrowed my character sheet. That I XPed the first one of those I saw.)
No one has asked for long backstories in any game I've seen
No one waits to take turns and I've never seen someone suggest it.

I don't know what games you've been involved in. But your experience and my experience don't coincide.
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(adding my 2cp to this old thread, because I noticed it's been updated last week)

IMHO the whole PbP idea should actually be more adequate one-shots than long campaigns. PbP are quite simply a huge drag, and they would probably work much better if everyone was less pretentious about their PC (or fantasy world, in case of a DM) and more focused on getting things going.

IMXP the majority of PbP games suffer because players and DM spend too much time chatting about house rules, perfecting their character build, or detailing their fantasy world and adventure. If it takes more than one month to start the game, there are good chances that people's enthusiams has already waned off. PbP games are really not the best place for the "character building" own hobby. So, as you say, having a few PCs already designed and posted to a rogue gallery would be a great help.

Then running the adventures always takes a huge time. I only ever DMed a single PbP game, and it took 2 years to run HALF of a Dungeon Magazine adventure. IIRC we covered a single small dungeon (~10ish rooms) and 5-6 combat encounters during that time. As a player, I've tried at least half a dozen PbP and none of them went past the 2nd encounter...

So IMHO to make a PbP work it is of paramount importance for the players and the DM to understand that every effort should be concentrated on keeping the game going, and avoid replicating the depth and investment of tabletop gaming.

Things that would probably help:

- short adventures (mainly to help the DM to avoid long preparations, but for the players it probably doesn't matter)
- no house rules or very few and clear ones
- clearly defined set of allowed character material, or allow everything (to avoid "mother may I" discussions)
- minimize the character sheet, do not calculate anything until you need to use it, strip off the equipment!
- minimize narrative requirements (one of the worst DM's mistake is to require players to write a long background history or fill-in personality details and similar)
- don't take turns, don't wait for players, move along...

The last one may not be easy at all to pull off, but it has to be attempted at least.

Sorry getting to the discussion so late, and I wish to thank you for your insight. I haven't been at this long, but I lurked for about a month coming in everyday and looking over stalled games and those that looked like they haven't had a post in years.

As jumucchiello said everyone's experiences are probably different year to year. I hope the ONE Shot ideal catches on enough to get people who haven't DM to try their hand, and to give players a place to have their characters "stored" so they don't work hard on a build then have a game up and die on them.

Hope to see you in a One Shot soon.

I thought about that and i might do it. It’s just too perfect to pass up. The fluff is exactly his personality. And it frees up my C character to be a Druid, something else I’ve been thinking about trying.

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Request: The first (or so) post of each adventure should contain a link to each player's RG post so that it is easy to find the characters. Not everyone who posts in a game is good at saying "Hey, I'm a half-elf." and it can be annoying not knowing what kind of person is talking.

Oh, and EB, your one shot is not listd in post #2 of the RG thread.

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