One Shots - Discussions

Adventure League rules. If everyone agrees one person should have an item, they get the item. If more than one person wants an item, the one with the fewest magic items gets it.

Make it by player, and let players give their items to whichever character they want, but can only switch them between characters if they are both in between adventures. So if I get 4 magic items and give one to each of my characters, I have the same number of magic items as the guy who has four and gave them all to one character. When I get back from my adventure, I can switch magic items amongst my characters.

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Not a bad way to start, I have been reading a little bit about Adventure League downtime rules as well and hope we can find something like that to use in between games.

I like the magic item "pool" rule. This could also give the DM the chance to look over what you have and say what he would rather you leave behind or could say - You have 6 magical items in your pool but you can only take 3 of your choice. They will know the game they are running and the power lvl and such.

Anyone have any other ideals about items or downtime. I want to start with the Adventure League stuff as it is tested. ANd we can tweak those rules as we go.

I've always wanted to use downtime rules. They're great ways to enhance your character. Save up enough, and have enough gold, and you can learn new skills, proficiencies, make money or build a castle, or even make your own magic items! Heck, I hope the Artificer becomes an AL legal class this fall, as those guys get some good bonuses to creating magical items. They even get some as class features!

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I've always wanted to use downtime rules. They're great ways to enhance your character. Save up enough, and have enough gold, and you can learn new skills, proficiencies, make money or build a castle, or even make your own magic items! Heck, I hope the Artificer becomes an AL legal class this fall, as those guys get some good bonuses to creating magical items. They even get some as class features!

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Artificer isn't going to be legal for a while. We already know it isn't going to be in Xanathar's. We will likely see a further revision (along with Mystic) on the DMs Guild sometime after that for further playtesting via Adventure League before we get it in a book.

And as far as I know, you can't learn new skills via Downtime. Unless that was in the UA, which I haven't read.

Oh, so skill as in a new ability, not skill as in Athletics, Nature, History, etc...

Correct. Languages and tools. There was a UA offering a few more, but nothing that I've seen offering new skills, though I have seen house rules using the downtime system for new skills. It's still a lot of downtime. 250 days, plus lifestyle expenses in gold per day.

Working on my group D character, and wondered if I could swap musical instrument proficiency for proficiency in the net? (Gladiator (Variant Entertainer)) Background.

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