One Shots - Discussions


I was looking for a place to discuss the topic of 1 shot adventures in the Playing the Game.

I just recently returned to D&D after a 9 year sabbatical. My D&D history goes like this...

1985-1989 - 1e, Oriental adventures, Basic D&D and huge ToEE campaign (ending in TPK by demon, sry guys)
1989-2000 - 2e all the time and ran a huge DL campaign that made it all the way to the end... it didn't follow the books Goldmoon was killed by the black dragon and Riverwind hit it with the staff... Ranger5/Cleric1 oh what great fun.
2000-2008 - 3rd edition - Ran lots of things I have the whole blue cover saga (Sunless Citadel, Speaker in Dreams, etc) ran those as a linked campaign, ran Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil - that never got past the first door of the new temple oh well. And ran a huge Age of Worms campaign, before packing everything up once more.

So the box...

Is one of those long white comic book boxes that I used to store my preciously wrapped D&D modules and magazines. And I have been paging through all my old Dungeon Magazines wanting to play those adventures again as 1 shots.

My ideal goes if we were all sitting around the table about to play, we would spend some time discussing the game. Location, is there a lot of traps, underwater encounters, flying, all the things that would lead up to...

... "I have a great character to take into this game."

Each player would have a portfolio of characters (probably around three - part of discussion) and the players as a group would decided who would take what role, talk tactics, spells, etc.

Then we would set out on an adventure. Playing with the chosen group till the adventure was complete. Once completed there would be another game night and the process would start over. Players taking the same or a different character depending on what they felt like playing.

Here in ENWorld the players around the table is enormous, and everyone seems to have a portfolio of characters already. So my question is would it work if it was more stream lined. Having one DM (me or someone else if they had a game they really wished to run), and every player having his own portfolio of characters in a main RG ready to pull out when it was time to run a one and done.

I'm just looking through these old Dungeon magazines (reminiscing-oh how I love this game), and want to play some of these adventures. Tallow's Deep does anyone remember Tallow's Deep?? Great dungeon delve. Or The Menagerie?? great side trek. There are so many. And I would like to play them all if only the time were mine.

My thing is I don't think players would want to invest time on a character for non campaginship style games. I don't blame them. So maybe if they can come back that character, and, and newbies who join could come along for a game.

shopping/scribing/downtime talk
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It's probably a fine discussion to have here, falling under the category of [Interest Check] to discuss the thoughts and reasoning behind them.

What you end up describing, multiple DMs, players with returning characters, but variable parties... this ends up being a lot like the Living X model that started here around 3.5, and continued into Pathfinder and 4e. There hasn't been a Living 5e, but all the other Living worlds died out, mostly from lack of DMs I believe. In the end, there are always more players looking than DMs running.


Thank you I will change this to an interest check then.

I went to the Living Worlds area and found it to be anything but living, All those games ended a long tie ago.

But it was like what I'm trying to do. Just pick a character go adventure and then when that adventure is over, pick up a new character and go off on some totally different game? And the "living" part did that mean the games grew as people leveled their characters up? The world grew as they did?

Hmmm... I could make everything happen in the same world I guess at least to have some connection from one game to the next.


In the end, there are always more players looking than DMs running.

I don't think I would run multiple games at the same time running two may be pushing my limit, so that is why I suggested if anyone had a module they liked or wanted to run an adventure to play test. I'm not sure what I'm thinking on that side of things. I know I saw a couple adventures that are fun, and that I could run different styles of adventures, high seas, political intrigue, and so on and everyone in the game would have a character that fit.

Still a lot to figure out, but thanks for the advice I changed the topic.


Yeah, it seems like keeping it more low key might be good at keeping it flowing. I think that you'll find players (myself included) that are interested in character creation to the point that I have no problems with just creating characters on the fly for different adventure types. But there are possibilities of shared worlds, returning characters or any number of framing stories than might provide just a little continuity.


Your idea of one shots would actually work very well here, I think, giveb the often transitory nature of PBP. I would certainly be interested. You wouldn't necessarily need a complete "Living World", but would need a wah to handle levels, etc. Like does everyone start at level 1? You would have to wait on higher level modules. Are you going to allow higher level starting characters? Etc. You would also have to standardize things like ability score and hit point generation, track gold and magic items, and how to track inventory.

Oh, and Living Pathfinder is still around. We just moved over to Mythweavers after last year's Great Apocalypse. Check us out if you like.

Sent from my SM-G900P using EN World mobile app


That is what I was doing last night, as I couldn't sleep with all the ideals bouncing in my head.

So here is what I have been brainstorming:

-System 5e
-Player has portfolio of three characters.
-Character A is either: Fighter, Barbarian, Monk, or Paladin
-Character B is either: Ranger, Rogue, Bard, or Warlock
-Character C is either: Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, or Wizard

Two characters have to be of a PHB race and the third can be from the phb or from the following list:
Aasimar: Protector, Scourge, Fallen (DMG (base only), VOLO)
Deep Gnome/Svirfneblin (EE, SCAG)
Dwarf: Duergar (SCAG)
Firbolg (VOLO)
Genasi (PotA, EE)
Goblin (VOLO)
Goliath (EE, VOLO)
Halfling: Ghostwise (SCAG)
Half-Elf: Variant (SCAG)
Hobgoblin (VOLO)
Kenku (VOLO)
Kobold (VOLO)
Lizardfolk (VOLO)
Orc (VOLO)
Tabaxi (VOLO)
Tiefling: Variant (other than Winged) (SCAG)
Triton (VOLO)

Abilities would be Point buy @ 29pts
HP: Max @ 1st lv - average after that
Max starting gold for class (i.e. a monk would have 20gp, a bard would have 200gp to spend)
Backgrounds - 2 backgrounds should be from the PHB the third may be PHB or SCAG

Well this is what I have to start - something to discuss make changes add things? I don't want to use a bunch of sources I don't have but then I also wanted to give players some extras.


Your idea of one shots would actually work very well here, I think, giveb the often transitory nature of PBP. I would certainly be interested. You wouldn't necessarily need a complete "Living World", but would need a wah to handle levels, etc. Like does everyone start at level 1? You would have to wait on higher level modules. Are you going to allow higher level starting characters? Etc. You would also have to standardize things like ability score and hit point generation, track gold and magic items, and how to track inventory.

Oh, and Living Pathfinder is still around. We just moved over to Mythweavers after last year's Great Apocalypse. Check us out if you like.

Sent from my SM-G900P using EN World mobile app

I think everyone should start at lvl 1 as the xp need to reach lvl 3 is only 900, can get through that in one um.. one shot. The thing I want is to give players the ability to make any character they wish, and when the adventure comes around that fits they are ready.

It could also be for characters trying different builds. Use this portfolio and these characters to try something you wouldn't risk in a long term campaign.

Thanks for the invite I may drop in.


-Character A is either: Fighter, Barbarian, Monk, or Paladin
-Character B is either: Ranger, Rogue, Bard, or Warlock
-Character C is either: Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, or Wizard
I like a lot of the ideas, gives a strong base for a wide variety of characters. My only thought is on this section. I like that it encourages character diversity, but perhaps it's because of my tendency to build slightly odd characters that it feels like the lines are drawn a little oddly. I'm not sure exactly how to make them better, but for example, if you're trying to divide them up by role, A druid of the moon feels like it belongs a lot more in group A than a monk does.


I caught that too, and had a hard time with everything.

A fighter/Eldritch Knight - might start fitting into Group B and so on.

It is all open for debate so those can change- I also forgot to look up other alternate classes to either add a fourth to each list or have a group D

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