D&D General One thing I hate about the Sorcerer

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The problem is Batman (as an example of mundane superpowers) is his secret power is plot armor at thick he can barely walk. He always has a plan, has just the right gadget nearby, and always knows how to defeat his enemies. To model that accurately, just let the fighter or rogue player read the module at the table, have access to the MM stats, and pull any item out of the DMG when needed.

Batman's super power is his mind. His brain is so twisted it forced himself to trained to be one of the top 5 martial artists, sneaks, and detectives in the world to prevent an unpreventable random crime from happening to anyone else.

The problem with Batman is he has all the nonmagical feats and 6+ skill expertise


Batman's super power is his mind. His brain is so twisted it forced himself to trained to be one of the top 5 martial artists, sneaks, and detectives in the world to prevent an unpreventable random crime from happening to anyone else.

Which is an idiotic way to approach the problem if you're multibillionaire. With that kind of money he could totally reform Gotham into an utopia from the grime-ridden hellhole it currently is, but instead he runs around in pyjamas punching other mentally unstable people. 🤷

But yeah, @Remathilis is absolutely right. Working of Batman and other non-powered heroes teaming up with powerhouses like Superman or Thor relies on plot armour and other writer side shenanigans.


Which is an idiotic way to approach the problem if you're multibillionaire. With that kind of money he could totally reform Gotham into an utopia from the grime-ridden hellhole it currently is, but instead he runs around in pyjamas punching other mentally unstable people. 🤷

But yeah, @Remathilis is absolutely right. Working of Batman and other non-powered heroes teaming up with powerhouses like Superman or Thor relies on plot armour and other writer side shenanigans.
Batman is mentally ill. The man needs help. His parent died and he proceeds to become a super ninja.

It's more plot genius.

Batman in the Justice League doesn't fight.
Batman pilots the planes, leads the teams, forms the plans, and pays for everything.

You see the same with the other nonpowered. Both Robins. All the Arrows.


I think that there should be a Batman Rogue who's technically mundane - and I like the anti-mage fighter or barbarian as a concept.

But the "purely mundane" can't stick swords through dragonscale. There needs to be a level cap for the mundanes unless you're going right to JLA Batman types.

An anti-mage martial can make a lot of sense.

But, thinking about it, is the Batman rogue... technically an artificer? I could see a reflavored Armorer Artificer as having the endless gadgets and tools, as well as handling the physical combat and stealth abilities.

The problem is Batman (as an example of mundane superpowers) is his secret power is plot armor at thick he can barely walk. He always has a plan, has just the right gadget nearby, and always knows how to defeat his enemies. To model that accurately, just let the fighter or rogue player read the module at the table, have access to the MM stats, and pull any item out of the DMG when needed.
Some of this depends on just how OP non-mundanes are. Because there aren't any classes that can really speed-blitz Superman or Flash style. Or can just tank up everything the way Superman or Wonder Woman can. (And there's a reason I called Batman a rogue in that group not a fighter).


RE: Batman - Given how many otherwise-normal folks can crank out super powered armor and weapons and the like in the comics, Batman's mundanity is kind of disappointing. Is that all he gets for his billions?

Does he ever get to show off that he is supposedly the world's greatest detective nowadays? (or at least in the top few?)


No other class say they make use of ki. If fighters used it, don't you think the book would say so, like it does for the monk?

Look, if the book was vague for everybody on this issue, maybe I could come around to your point of view. But it isn't.

Fighter's studying or not studying Ki doesn't matter. What does the book say? "This energy is an element of the magic that suffuses the multiverse—specifically, the element that flows through living bodies." Do fighter's have living bodies? Then they have Ki. Whether they study it or not is immaterial. They have it.

Though, I do suppose the book doesn't specify if Fighter's are alive. They could all be dead. Is that an argument you would like to make? That no fighter has a living body?

An anti-mage martial can make a lot of sense.

But, thinking about it, is the Batman rogue... technically an artificer? I could see a reflavored Armorer Artificer as having the endless gadgets and tools, as well as handling the physical combat and stealth abilities.
Artificers are too spell-slingery. But Justice League Batman is I think an artificer subclass of Rogue (in the way the Arcane Trickster is a wizard subclass of rogue).

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