OOC: [T20] High Law and Low Justice


The disk would have told you what was going on and why, and given you an interesting choice as to the best thing to do with it, but that in itself wouldn't put you any closer to finding out who did it.

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Wilphe said:
The disk would have told you what was going on and why, and given you an interesting choice as to the best thing to do with it, but that in itself wouldn't put you any closer to finding out who did it.

Are you talking about the disk we found taped under the table? From what i remember we didn't find any useful information on it. Or are you talking about the missing disk? IN which case, we would have had to find it first.

Saanath was planning to monitor passenger movement, hoping the person who took it would lead them too it, but it was just a shot in the dark. I don't think that there was any plan to do a room to room search.



No, the one taped under the drawer was put there purely for misdirection.

Projects Arvhive II was the one missing

Projects Archive I & III are the ones I was talking about above.


Ah, and we would have got that information eventually as Saanath and Trelene worked through the disks.

Let us know where you want to pick things up, and how you want to proceed.



Well, we have three options:

1) Carry on where we left off, with me posting a summary for the events since you jumped out. By this point you should be able to work out who took Projects Archive II (only 2 passenegrs + yourself have had the opportunity to steal it), not that that necessarily means they killed Antonsecu of course...

2) Carry on with arrival in system at Shrigegge, with a bit more background information

3) Jump foward to Bleue Mer and chase up the Treth plot

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