[OOC] The Missing Warlock [4e, closed]

"Todarr = pincushion" (true) vs. "encounters were too easy; prepare for them to be tougher" .......... <gulp>

Heh - don't worry too much. The encounters in Part One were actually a little above level 2 on average, but I played them a little 'dumb' tactically. I think I'm just going to be a little bit meaner. :) But we'll see how that goes.

In fact, I might retrain Tactical Assault with Toughness, because my fighting style (frontline) couldn't change without redesigning the whole character.

Solid choice, IMO. Five extra hps (and the added hp to your surge value) is probably going to matter more often than an occasional damage boost.

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[FONT=&quot]On the whole stats thing I’m not sure I agree, although we know our stats, I think from a role playing point of view I’d rather not know that the Direwolf I’m facing has a strength of 18 for instance. I’d rather just know that the thing’s huge etc. [/FONT]

Yeah, I agree with you there - I was more thinking of _defensive_ stats. (AC x, Fort Y, Ref Z) - that way you can roll your attack, know whether you hit or not, and (most important from my point of view), characterize how your attack hit or miss ("I smash hard into his skull!") if you are in the mood. I don't mind characterizing those things (in fact I enjoy it), but it's nice to give players the option to do so as well.

The only thing I can think of is that we floundered a bit during that last skill challenge interrogating the enemy wizard

I agree. Got a little lazy there.

(Though his comments were awesome... "keep your helmet on", lol) probably just because we weren't quite sure how to proceed at first, and didn't know where we stood. Not sure what to do about that, short of going to a strict initiative order for skill challenges with all the mechanics hanging out in the open. Halford and Phoenix8008 have done that in their L4W games with, I think, some success, but it does inject a bit more OOC into what is basically a roleplaying situation. Dunno.

Also, you should houserule Stealth to suck less. ;)

Seriously. :/ I assume you're mostly concerned with stealth in combat to gain combat advantage? I do have an idea I could run by you if you're interested.

I'm also going to see how far I can stretch make good use of your offer to retrain various things.

Heh heh. As long as your name, race, and personality are unchanged, I'll probably allow it.

Re: potential Moreen/Todarr role switch

I see no problem with Moreen going cleric and Todarr going fighter if both of you really want to (haven't heard from BlueLotus on that yet). It's not much of a stretch, really (it would probably have to say no if Todarr wanted to be a warlock and Moreen wanted to be a swordmage, for instance...)

However, I have an item idea for Moreen if things stay the same which would effectively give her a small additional heal power each encounter (got me the Adventurer's Vault - egads, there's a lot of stuff in there).

OK, that's my last post for the day.


Oh I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to change Moreen's class. I was just saying I felt I haven't been very good at roleplaying her and I was asking for some criticism if anybody had some.

I picked up the adventurer's vault myself but I haven't had a chance to read it much.

As for her level 3 power... Righteous Smite looks quite good. =) I don't think I'll be retraining anything either.

Didn't want to put words in your mouth, Lotus, just putting an option out on the table I thought, based on your comment, you might like. Just going for options.

Tossing Todarr's warlock redesign.....

I assume you're mostly concerned with stealth in combat to gain combat advantage? I do have an idea I could run by you if you're interested.

Sure, go ahead. I'm still enjoying Karis even without really being able to use stealth in combat easily, but it would be great if that option were available.

Sure, go ahead. I'm still enjoying Karis even without really being able to use stealth in combat easily, but it would be great if that option were available.

OK, here goes. My goal is to give some options for getting CA, but not making it something you could roll every turn. Let me know whatcha think.

* Sly Setup (rogue class feature) *
Minor action
Target: One creature
Attack: Roll stealth vs passive perception
Hit: Your next attack against the creature this turn has combat advantage
Special: You must be at least 3 squares away from your target when you use this power. You may not use sly setup on a creature you have attacked since the start of your last turn. You may not use sly setup on a creature that has attacked you since the end of your last turn.

Yeah, I agree with you there - I was more thinking of _defensive_ stats. (AC x, Fort Y, Ref Z) - that way you can roll your attack, know whether you hit or not, and (most important from my point of view), characterize how your attack hit or miss ("I smash hard into his skull!") if you are in the mood. I don't mind characterizing those things (in fact I enjoy it), but it's nice to give players the option to do so as well.

Yes I see your point, as Digger also said knowing what these are does make bothering to roll damage easier or not. something I didn't realise straight away.

Consider that comment withdrawn, as Digger said as well it does seem mechanically the 4e does encourage this in any case.



Just to come back on two points, I agree with the covaithe on the skill challenge, its new to me and I thought those who weighed in did well. I offered some roleplaying for Rellek and Aid another so as to be useful, but it did seem that we got the hang of it by the end.

Also I'd like to add that I think Todarr has been a great strategist. I think he's already shaping up to the teams natural leader...but that might be premature. In any case your experience shines through mate, where I tend to be more cautious...hence the desire for more detailed maps to help make the most of my moves.

Anyway, as regards to changing roles...my only thought is that it might be premature, in that we are all getting used to both our abilities and one another. I think Todarr as a warlock and Moreen as defender can be explored more with the rest of us. I think a few more encounters will shake us down and shape us up tactically better. But that is just my thoughts. I'm enjoying playing Rellek as a ranger so I think I will only look at swaping in and out what he's already got, and we can pick one level 3 upgrade - right NT?

I will take a look but obviously hold off till you give the say so.


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