A warlord in 4e almost always had the highest at will power damage because you let your highest damage ally swing while adding a damage bonus to that. It could be a really high bonus because you didn’t have to focus on main stat and could focus on secondary stat bonuses. You had good heals and other buffs on top of that (like initiative buffs). Etc. was it the strongest class ever? Maybe, maybe not, but it was dang strong and as the geico commercial says - it was so easy a caveman could do it.
Note when I say at will attack granting is overpowered I'm only talking about 5E.
1. You can double dip the sneak attack action and reaction.
2. Sneak attack hits a lot harder in 5E.
And if its not sneak attack its something else like the -5/+10 feats.
It's probably rare but I've seen a well played battlemaster in action and played the order cleric.
There's probably a build in there somewhere.