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[OT] Star Wars Episode II: AOTC - Easter Egg Hunt

Palpatine's chair

The chair in which Supreme Chancellor Palpatine sits in his office in "Attack of the Clones" is the same chair in which the Emporer (i.e. Palpatine) sits in "Return of the Jedi".

Also, the guards outside the Chancellor's office are wearing the same helmets and uniforms as the Royal Guards in RotJ, except the color is blue rather than red.

Beautiful symbolism - just as the Republic devolved into the Empire, so the office of Supreme Chancellor becomes Emporer, but retains many of the the same symbols in twisted forms.
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Re: Palpatine's chair

Atticus_of_Amber said:
Also, the guards outside the Chancellor's office are wearing the same helmets and uniforms as the Royal Guards in RotJ, except the color is blue rather than red.

Beautiful symbolism - just as the Republic devolved into the Empire, so the office of Supreme Chancellor becomes Emporer, but retains many of the the same symbols in twisted forms.

Actually, the guard uniforms were there in tPM as well. I remember spotting them then, and thinking it was a nice piece of foreshadowing.

I'd sure love it if I could find some kind of compilation of all the little off-hand comments that Lucas makes like that. What's the chance that I'd be watching a special on Danish TV? :(

Wolfen Priest

First Post
Mistwell said:
18. One of the "from space" shots of Corusant has the lights of the various cities arranged as an exact fractle mandelbrot.

Ok, I have to ask, (at the risk of sounding like an idiot).

What the heck is a fracktle mandelbrot, bro?


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Re: Re: [OT] Star Wars Episode II: AOTC - Easter Egg Hunt

Wolfen Priest said:

Ok, I have to ask, (at the risk of sounding like an idiot).

What the heck is a fracktle mandelbrot, bro?

You do not sound like an idiot. Fractals are a bit of a complex, somewhat obscure idea. Here's a brief primer:

1. What is a Fractal: Fractals can be anything that contains self-similar images within itself. For example, the human circulatory system is a fractal. If you look at the blood vessels in your hand, they resemble the overall shape that the complete system takes on.

A Mandlebrot Fractal is a particular kind of computer-generated fractal named after mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot (still quite alive at Yale University), a man who helped to discover the order in fractals. So....

2. What is a computer-generated Fractal: Computer generated fractals are created using fractal geometry. This new kind of geometry dismisses the Euclidean way of looking at the world. A mathematician would tell you that fractals are created at the boundary between chaos and order. To fully understand fractals, one must understand the chaos theory. So...

3. What is Chaos Theory: The theory states that everything is subjected to so many variables that it becomes almost, but not completely, random. A meteorologist named Edward Lorenz helped to pioneer the study of chaology when he discovered a disturbing fact. No matter how much information he gathered, his weather predictions would quickly fail because there was no way he could use all the variables of the weather. A small change in the location of a sun spot would be amplified until it had a large impact. This is the basis for the chaos theory. No matter how much information one gathers, it is still not possible to make a completely accurate prediction because he can't take into account the endless amount of variables involved or the impact and feedback caused by a slight change in one of the billions of variables. So...

4. If Chaos Theory says you cannot predicte things, and Fractals are related to Chaos Theory, then how can you create an image of a Fractal? Fractals are not completely chaotic. They have an order to them that keeps them from being totally chaotic or totally orderly. So....

5. How does this guy Benoit Mandelbrot play into all this? Benoit Mandelbrot is a scientist who helped to discover the order in fractals. He found the self-similar charactersitics in his fracatal sets. So...

6. What does a Mandelbrot Fractal look like? The bulk of the Mandelbrot set is the black cardioid. (A cardioid is a heart-shaped figure). It's studded with circles all around its boundary. The circles around the boundary are also studded with circles. There are infinitely many circles on the cardioid, each of those circles has infinitely many circles on them, and on and on ad infinitum. That makes for a lot of circles!

You can see an image of the Mandelbrot Fractal here: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ma/gallery/mandel/index.html

And you can see part of the picture in Star Wars Ep2 that the rumor claims is a Fractal Mandelbrot here (upper left hand corner) http://www.benandgrover.com/showImage.asp?imgset=2&img=fl040
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Re: Re: Palpatine's chair

KidCthulhu said:

Actually, the guard uniforms were there in tPM as well. I remember spotting them then, and thinking it was a nice piece of foreshadowing.

Ah, KidC, wise you are in the ways of the geek. Hmmm. :)


First Post
Re: Re: Palpatine's chair

KidCthulhu said:

Actually, the guard uniforms were there in tPM as well. I remember spotting them then, and thinking it was a nice piece of foreshadowing.

But did you note the red Imperial Royal Guards inside Chancellor Palapatine's office stationed right next to the doors?
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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Adding additional rumors:
Several Klingon Birds of prey flying in the Back ground on Coruscant
The ALIEN from "Alien", “Aliens", etc., in the clouds on Naboo. Top left over Padme while she is doing that "sound of Music" scene...
In the scene where Padme and Anakin land on Naboo, you can see a STAR TOURS vehicle land there too. It even has the same location for the R2 unit!!
character who looked a lot like one of the aliens from Earth: Final Conflict? She is the blueish colored female alien on the pulpit with Palpetine in the Senate.

Bran Blackbyrd

My friend CDX says:

Jango Fett hits his head on the closing door of Slave 1 after his battle with Obi Wan on Kamino, just like Boba did in ESB on Bespin when leaving with Han Solo's frozen body.

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