Solo: Star Wars A Flop?

I think Star Wars is a fantastic setting that can be used to tell stories like the one in Solo. I would like to see more films like that a lot more than more films about saving the Republic from the Evil Sith Empire.
Maybe the biggest flaw of the movie is that it's about an established character. Imagine if they introduced a new Rogueish character instead that could go on his own adventures for a few movies!

But if this won't work commercially, I might be a minority.

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Possibly a Idiot.
The conversation around this movie reminds me of the conversations that crop up when people make Star Wars games without Jedi.

Hand of Evil

What the heck is a swatch bucking movie? (English isn't my first language, so my apologies if it should be obvious...)

and my spelling is horrible...swashbuckling...gee, I am bad and English is my only language. :) Swatch Bucking is trying to ride a colorful wrist watch. :)
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Lord of the Hidden Layer
The conversation around this movie reminds me of the conversations that crop up when people make Star Wars games without Jedi.

Read "Star Wars: Scoundrels" by Timothy Zahn. The setting is clearly Star Wars but the only sign of a Jedi is somebody's old almost-broken lightsaber.

Read "Star Wars: Scoundrels" by Timothy Zahn. The setting is clearly Star Wars but the only sign of a Jedi is somebody's old almost-broken lightsaber.

Depending on what "making games without Jedi" is supposed to refer to - running a Star Wars game without Jedi? Sure. If the group likes that. But making a Star Wars RPG (Computer or Pen & Paper) without Jedi? I think you shoudn't do that. That's like making a fantasy game where wizards aren't playable, but still exist in the setting.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Depending on what "making games without Jedi" is supposed to refer to - running a Star Wars game without Jedi? Sure. If the group likes that. But making a Star Wars RPG (Computer or Pen & Paper) without Jedi? I think you shoudn't do that. That's like making a fantasy game where wizards aren't playable, but still exist in the setting.

Oops! It was already done!

The rules for playing Jedi didn't come out until two years after the game was released.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
I used to be a Star Wars junkie. But honestly Disney SW has pretty much killed my interest in the franchise, even the classic trilogy unfortunately, so instead of seeing this 7 times already I haven't and don't know if I will.


Naked and living in a barrel
Rogue One had barely a Sith cameo, and it was excellent. It certainly wouldn't have failed as a story if they'd dropped Vader entirely.
It was a bad film. Lame story full of plot holes and cardboard cute out characters. And unnecessary. Like Solo's backstory.

Voidrunner's Codex

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