IMO, Star Wars hasn't had a great movie since 1980. There hasn't been a film in the series where the ending wasn't a forgone conclusion since 1983.
Since 1999 it's been "filling in the gaps" of unnecessary and tired retreads.
Let's see Han Solo become Han Solo. Let's see Darth Vader and Boba Fett be little kids. Maybe we can see how the Rebels got the Death Star plans? Maybe we can watch a decade long animated series about unimportant battles between Episodes 2 and 3 that change nothing about the world or core characters?
I was a pretty big Star Wars fan until 1998. Ever since the prequels started coming out, the entire brand has become an embarrassment.
I think this is why the Sequels had such a bad time of it and divided a bunch of people. JJ wasn't a fan of Return of the Jedi.
Because he hated it, he didn't understand WHY it was so essential to Star Wars. He and RJ couldn't comprehend that The Return of the Jedi really is the capstone of the entire original Trilogy. It's the payoff.
Instead of understanding it's importance, he and RJ simply tried to erase it.
Instead of making a film that built on Return of the Jedi, and thus appeal to generations of fans while bringing in new fans....they tried to undo it instead and managed to DEEPLY divide the Star Wars audience.
That's a rift that keeps on going today.
Perhaps if they had actually UNDERSTOOD Star Wars and why Return of the Jedi is a GOOD Star Wars film, the result of their labors would have been to unify Star Wars fans into a new love for their films instead of creating a chasm between different groups of fans that cause problems to the franchise even today.
I see it similar to what 4e Forgotten Realms did, but instead of at least trying to repair the rift (5e realms)...they doubled down (yes, 4e Realms has it's fans, and yes, 4e Realms did sell books. It also created a great deal of divides among the Forgotten Realms community). That's not to say that rift is repaired, but it's looking a lot more united than what Disney Star Wars official timeline is among fans today.
PS: And that's just addressing the problems the Sequels had with the Original Trilogy. It doesn't even cover that JJ and RJ didn't want to even admit the Prequels even exist...which surprisingly enough has led to a lot of Gen Y now considering the Prequels masterpieces in comparison. What they did was to redeem the PT in the eyes of many who had previously disliked it...which is actually rather amazing. It's crazy what a disdain for the original creator who imagined the entire universe will do when you diss them and ignore their ideas and replace them with the idea to erase those ideas.