I'm not particularly invested in what gets counted as a "traditional" RPG, and as I've said I don't know what "narrative" means as an adjective of RPGs.
But I think Star Wars, given that it is a version of epic fantasy but in space, should have emotional significance to the character affecting actions in a fashion that is not (say) part of CoC, which is all about the impersonality of the threats to humanity, nor a part of (say) a gritty or noir-ish game. And certainly not a part of an expedience-oriented RPG like classic D&D.
If Luke's attempt to do such-and-such does not differ, in terms of resolution, whether he is dealing with a random ice monster or dealing with Darth Vader, I don't think the game has done very well in capturing Star Wars themes. There are of course many mechanical ways this can be implemented.
I do think this is a difference from The Hobbit. Less so from LotR.
I can't comment on Monster of the Week. 4e has action resolution mechanics that are focused on the success or failure of action. So does Apocalypse World (which surely gets to be a paradigm of PbtA!).