How I'd fix Star Wars

Let me preface this by saying I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I've been exposed to enough of the fandom of Star Wars and its various factions, that I've absord alot. Plus I recognize the value of various compenents of Star Wars, like The Force/Mystism, key characters, Light Sabres.

First off I'd have a new power race of true Jedi Masters return to the Galaxy with the goal as they put it of taking the training wheels (which is what I'd spin the mintocholdins thingies as) off and forcing evolution among the younger races by killing off the training wheels, and force the Jedi directly access the force directly, instead of microorganisms intermediaries.

I'd have this race of true Jedi, direct force users, to create new hybrid bodies for Luke, Leia, and Solo's, a mix of their DNA with the true force wielder's DNA (so you can cast hot young actors to play new versions of these characters,BUT use the old actors voices for inner monolog and telepathy). But Solo isn't a Jedi! No, but my thinking is, is Leia could have been secretly infusing him with the force for years, building him a kind of Force Ghost for when he died, earning her the new nick name the Necromancer then everyone finds out she could cause none Jedi to manifest force Ghosts. Also no one realized it, but Force Ghosts use the force directly, not via training wheels.

This allows for the reunion between them everyone wanted and never got.

I'd have Rey become consumed with an inner spiritual battle with Emperor Palitine's Force Ghost of control of her mind, body, and soul, giving her a much more emotionally conflicted and challenging plotlne.

Darker, more dangerous factions among the true Jedi set up a series of conflicits, manipulating varous factions from behind the scenes.

And yes, I took some inspiration from Babylon 5 the way OG Star Wars took inspiration, too inspiration from Star Trek and Flash Gordon.

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The first thing we need to do to salvage Star Wars is to rewind back to 1998. Then come to a consensus that Dark Empire never happened. (Though I think that was already largely accepted even back then.)
And then we sit down to rethink what we actually want from the new upcoming prequel movies and how it will affect the established Expanded Universe continuity.


IMO, Star Wars hasn't had a great movie since 1980. There hasn't been a film in the series where the ending wasn't a forgone conclusion since 1983.
Since 1999 it's been "filling in the gaps" of unnecessary and tired retreads.
Let's see Han Solo become Han Solo. Let's see Darth Vader and Boba Fett be little kids. Maybe we can see how the Rebels got the Death Star plans? Maybe we can watch a decade long animated series about unimportant battles between Episodes 2 and 3 that change nothing about the world or core characters?
I was a pretty big Star Wars fan until 1998. Ever since the prequels started coming out, the entire brand has become an embarrassment.


I'd be inclined to time jump a few centuries forward in time - far enough that the Skywalker name is still known, but the details have become hazy. Drop in a line or two somewhere along the road about the ship designs being "timeless classics", or whatever, and keep on using X-wings and TIEs.

And then don't bother trying to 'fix' it. Just try to make good films.

A complete reboot of the franchise. Adding new factions of force-user adepts.

The "legends" or "expanded universe" is missed by lots of fans.

The complete History of the Galaxy should be rewritten, like a RPG setting, a lot of interesting things should be happening in different places. Not all should be too linked with jedis vs siths or Skywalker dinasty. We should avoid the "Skywalker effect" about "this was a boring place, but the heroes arrived, caused a lot of troubles, saved the day, and now there is a boring peace again. This can't be a simple "new villain emerging from a magician's top hat and more powerful than the previous enemy".

Advanced technology should be updated. SW should add nanotechnology, exosuits, new materials and maybe mind-upload/digital inmortality (like in "altered carbon" or "Eclipse Phase RPG").

SW licenced again to WotC to publish a new SW d20.

As a hidden pilot episode, to release a Star Wars-Transformers crossover set in an alternate timeline. And some game-live show, maybe in D&D channel, or in Disney youtube.

Time travel is cannonically possible in SW.

The complete History of the Galaxy should be rewritten, like a RPG setting, a lot of interesting things should be happening in different places. Not all should be too linked with jedis vs siths or Skywalker dinasty. We should avoid the "Skywalker effect" about "this was a boring place, but the heroes arrived, caused a lot of troubles, saved the day, and now there is a boring peace again. This can't be a simple "new villain emerging from a magician's top hat and more powerful than the previous enemy".

You're basically describing the West End Games source books. So much of the meat of the original Expanded Universe comes from there.

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