Deluxe Unhuman
I'm not sure the OT is a fairy tale - or at least I don't see it that way. I see it as more like something from mythology or legend.[...] the part they missed is that Star Wars is a fairy tale, and the Return of the Jedi is the end of that fairy tale. You don't continue a fairy tale by saying the Happily Ever after was a bust (Han and Leia separating, Luke giving up on the personal growth he already had through two movies, etc).
Regarding Luke, there are plenty of heroes from legend who make a big mistake after their big victory. I don't have a problem with Luke's fall 20+ years after ROTJ.
I figure Luke, Han, Leia, and the rest had 20-some years to have all the adventures we think they should have had, before things went south for them.
I actually find Han and Leia's falling apart harder to deal with than Luke's fall. It's more realistic, but a) who needs that in SW?, and b) something more epic would have suited the world better. I don't know what that would have been, but just generally being separated by forces greater than themselves.