Solo: Star Wars A Flop?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Of course. People have low standards. Just look at the money the Transformers films made. Or how people buy all sort of crap and say they like it.

De gustibus non est disputandum.

Let's not generalize. There is teh problem of low standards.

Who gets to define standards as low or high? See below before you answer this.

Meh. Trying to be cool is not cool.

When "be cool" is "be decent to your fellow human beings", I disagree with your assertion.

People need help to come out of the cave.

Have you considered the possibility that *you* are the one in the cave? After all, yours is the place of dankness and disapproval, were few things are worthy of enjoyment. That's pretty cave-like.

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Let's not generalize. There is teh problem of low standards.
The juxtaposition of these two sentences is hilarious. Was that intentional?

Also, the problem isn't just that people have low standards It's that there's often broad disagreement over what the standards are. Obvious point is obvious (obvs).

But some people are just attracted to what is familiar.
This is a really odd point to make in a conversation presumably with genre fans. By definition, fans of a given genre want familiar elements - because that's what genres are. Collections of plots, themes, stock characters, and common elements shared between works that get that place them in the same general category. Which makes discussion the unfamiliar and the innovative vis a vis genre media something that requires a bit of nuance (and less 'implied sheeple' argumentation).

Some will just see anything with the Star Wars logo on it. Some have short term memory. Others just were never exposed to quality. But most are just programmed to consumme. It is what mass marketing and mass culture is about in our capitalist world.
See above re: less implied sheeple rhetoric.

The Star Wars franchise is not in good health and it is because quality isn't there.
See now I disagree (oh so many different standards!). Of the 4 contemporary Star Wars films, 2 are excellent, 1 is very good, and 1 is good, despite a troubled production. For starters, The Last Jedi is absolutely gorgeous in places, and -- at least for middle-aged me -- surprisingly emotionally resonant (the sad Luke parts).

Quality is measurable by all.
Agreement over said measurements, however...

Seriously though, can you list a few films you consider to be 'quality'? Without an example of your baseline, this is just "You have bad taste! Do not! Do too!"

It just takes a distance.
This could be the start of a beautiful... I mean, good point.

To be less emotionally involved.
But this kinda wrecks it. Art that provokes an emotional response is art that works. Especially one that endures over time. I know what your saying: people's emotional attachment to a given work/franchise/whatever clouds their more intellectual assessment of it. But that elides how those attachments form in the first place, the validity of those reactions, and how easy it is for intellectual assessments of art to eclipse more honest responses.

If you weren't a fan, there could be a discussion about how bad the films are.
Begging the question, you are. A good film critic does not this thing.


I think right here tells the story. How many people started seeing box office numbers and early posts about flops, and let that dictate their decision? I certainly think such a thing can and does adversely affect movies such as this one.

How many of those who are not like Zard, swimming in the echo chamber of 'But how much money did it make' accounted for the drop in the second week? How many are now thinking, I'll just wait till I can purchase it cheap or stream it? Probably no way to tell, though, I firmly believe all of this talk had a hand in what took place.

Say what you will about such a phenomena. I think it is a bit sad. Watch the movie (sure, see it as cheap as you can, its your money after all), then decide if the movie is good/entertaining.

Instead this breeds people who haven't even seen the dang film to decry it. (no offense Zard) And how is that helpful to someone looking for information to make the decision to see it?

It was a good movie. It was not the best Star Wars film, and it was certainly not the worst. I have wondered though, if the lack of Jedi harmed it. Unsure. Maybe Disney will turn a profit, maybe not. I don't think they will be hurting though. There will still be marketable merchandise that comes away from this.

I don't mind if a movie doesn't do well at the box office to go see it I have not been excited fro Star Wars:Solo for a while. I don't really care about a movies commercial success as to if I see or like it. Labyrinth for example was a flop at the box office and its one of my favourite movies ever. The interest was never there.

YOu can tell a good Star Wars Story without the force (the old X-Wing novels come to mind).


Naked and living in a barrel
so basically everything after A New Hope was unneeded and unnecessary in your opinion. wow, that's an opinion I've never encountered before.....
Not an opinion. Just facts. Vader wasn't originally Luke's dad. There were no plans for a trilogy or universe. Disney is milking the brand for cash. The films are terrible... Stop being emotionally involved and just read about it. You'll found out for yourself.


Naked and living in a barrel
The juxtaposition of these two sentences is hilarious. Was that intentional?
Of course. Cause it is factual and this is the internet. Ravenous fans try to defend bad art when it is indefendable. I'm working on many levels here, but that escapes most people. Gratz! You saw I work on many levels.

Also, the problem isn't just that people have low standards It's that there's often broad disagreement over what the standards are. Obvious point is obvious (obvs).[/quoe]Honest people do not disagree. The problem is he mental gymnastics fans will go through to justify bad stuff. Or the lack of mental effort most people put into things. Many people eat at McDonald's and say it was good. These sort of films are the same.

This is a really odd point to make in a conversation presumably with genre fans.
I'm talking about Star Wars fans. Not gerne fans. Star Wars fans are the kind of people who make an actress delete her posts cause of abuse.

You know. People who won't say/see something is bad even when it is.

See now I disagree
Fans sadly always do. Like how DC fans say the film franchise is doing great.

Seriously though, can you list a few films you consider to be 'quality'?
I can.

But this kinda wrecks it. Art that provokes an emotional response is art that works.
Not just emotions. It can provoke thoughts too. The problem is that most people will have neither. "MacDonald's yummy in my tummy. Good!" That is it. The belly is full. Momentarely. That is positive by itself. Nothing more. That doesnt mean MacDonald's is good.

Begging the question, you are. A good film critic does not this thing.
I do not pretend to be anything but honest and factual.


Naked and living in a barrel
De gustibus non est disputandum.
You're just using a saying in latin as a fallacy. Reductio ad latinium.

Who gets to define standards as low or high?
You do not recognize mesures of quality? Interesting. You drink sour milk?

I disagree with your assertion.
Ironically, you're disagreeing with yourself. A typial fan's response who will attack the messenger rather than the message. I will not do your homework for you. Check why I'm saying this. And double check. Cause I will not tell you say "I do not see it".

Have you considered the possibility that *you* are the one in the cave?
Being able to honestly say the Star Wars film were bad after the first trilogy means him out the cave. Try to join us. I know you can! You all can! Put Star Wars to rest. Stop feeding Disney with your money and thus your approval. Resists. Let Star Wars be what it should be. A memory.

Not an opinion. Just facts. Vader wasn't originally Luke's dad. There were no plans for a trilogy or universe.

well this interview says different
POLLOCK: In 1971, I became George’s attorney. He was just doing THX 1138 with Francis Coppola at Warner Bros, which was an extension of the short he did at USC. The first deal we did was a two-picture deal at United Artists Corporation for George to write a script called American Graffiti, and for an untitled science fiction movie, in nine parts. Swear to God. This was what was in the contract. I know this because when Skywalker Ranch was built, George had a time capsule buried. One of the things I put in there was that contract, along with the articles of incorporation of Lucasfilm.

DEADLINE: Back when that first deal was forming, and George ended up with $150,000 for the first film, did you think they would say yes to giving George ownership?
POLLOCK: Who knew? The point was, at that point I was a lawyer, doing what my client wanted. And what my client wanted wasn’t the money, it was the ability to get the movie made. I didn’t know it, but at some point when he was doing the first Star Wars, he had worked out the basic plot of episode V and VI. You know, Darth Vader…Vader means father, in German. It means Dark Father.

As for the Solo movie, the fans over at bloomilk, a star wars miniature gaming site seem to have loved it *shrugs*


Mod Squad
Staff member
Honest people do not disagree.


That might be true... if we were ants. If we were all physically and psychologically the same, if we had the same upbringings, and life experiences knowledge and understaning. But real people differ from each other - have different wants, needs, desires and sensibilities and perspectives. So, we disagree on stuff.

Or, perhaps to use your formulations: Honest people accept that some things are subjective, not objective.

I'm talking about Star Wars fans. Not gerne fans. Star Wars fans are the kind of people who make an actress delete her posts cause of abuse.

You know. People who won't say/see something is bad even when it is.

Um, I don't understand the mental gymnastics there.

My understanding is that you claim the fans have low standards, and will accept anything fed to them. But, this is an example* of them absolutely hating something fed to them, and reacting violently to it. They thought it was bad, and said so by hounding someone off social media for it. So, how does this support your point? This is evidence that fans can and will be highly critical of that which doesn't match their tastes.

*It is, actually, an example of a small number of fans being complete jerks. Stronger language would be more appropriate, but is not allowed here.

Edit: Oh, I just realized who I'm talking to. Never mind. Hi goldo!
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