Paizo Unveils Two New Classes

Paizo unveils two new, never-before-seen classes that tie into a large canon event in 2024.

Paizo unveils two new, never-before-seen classes that tie into a large canon event in 2024.


As gods die, new gods arise and all of existence will be drawn into the conflict. Two new classes have been announced with their own roles to play in the colossal battle. In preparation for a new rulebook release, Paizo is playtesting two new classes: the animist and the exemplar.

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The animist will be a Wisdom-based divine spellcaster, with bonds to apparitions, spirits who share their power and knowledge in exchange for the animist to act as their agent in the physical world. This wise spellcaster can change their abilities each day, or moment to moment, based on which apparitions they align themselves with.

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The exemplar will be Pathfinder Second Edition's first rare class, a Charisma-based divine warrior. They can move their divine spark between receptacles called ikons to unlock potent effects and abilities. As their power grows, so does their immortal legacy.

Playtesting will run from September 1st 2023 through October 2nd 2023. Anyone who is interested in the playtest can do so either in home or as part of Paizo's Organized Play Program. Demiplane is also hosting a free character builder of both classes. Foundry VTT users will receive access to the module added to support the new classes on Friday, September 1st.

Feedback for the new classes should be submitted via one of two online forums: the Class Survey and the Open Response Survey. There will also be dedicated playtest forums on to discuss the new classes.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton

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Erdric Dragin

Yayyy...more new content for PF2e that us PF1e fans won't ever be able to play with since Paizo doesn't want to convert some new PF2e material to 1e for us. First me and my players can't use the Inventor class for our 1e games, now these two classes.

But they'll gladly convert to 5e, however! Nothing for the consumers who helped them get to this point to begin with. Nah, they'd rather convert stuff for their rivals instead.

Make it make sense.


Interesting concepts as a non-PF player. I have a few custom divine spells that contact spirits to provide their effect similar to the animist and having a whole class that does it might be cool.

Forgot how much wayne reynold's super-busy art turns me off though. :giggle:


I get real Shaman vibes off the first one? I see now that Shaman isnt in PF2, is this a rename/replacement?
Flavor-wise, somewhat. But it's closer to the PF1 Medium or the 3.5e Binder in that it lets you "reconfigure" yourself daily by allying yourself with various spiritual entities. On the surface the spirits are mostly about spellcasting, but when you read the class you'll see that level 6, 12, and 16 have "Wandering" feats which lets you switch them out when you choose your spirits and give you more ongoing abilities.


A suffusion of yellow
Flavor-wise, somewhat. But it's closer to the PF1 Medium or the 3.5e Binder in that it lets you "reconfigure" yourself daily by allying yourself with various spiritual entities. On the surface the spirits are mostly about spellcasting, but when you read the class you'll see that level 6, 12, and 16 have "Wandering" feats which lets you switch them out when you choose your spirits and give you more ongoing abilities.
Its missing from the aesthetic but it kinda gives me a Vodou feel with the spirit possessing the Chwal
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Its missing from the aesthetic but it kinda gives me a Vodou with the spirit possessing the Chwal
You're not wrong.

I'm wondering if the class could support some added skill monkeying, perhaps at the cost of some of the lore skills they get, or maybe dropping their base skills. I'm thinking something like this:
  • Each apparition grants one "regular" skill (maybe instead of a lore, maybe in addition). You get this at Trained. If you are already Trained or better in it, you get a +1 status bonus to it (so not quite as strong as a full proficiency upgrade).
  • Add in a class feat that upgrades some or all of your apparition skills to level-appropriate proficiencies. Or maybe a feat chain, something like
    • Expert Tutelage (Class feat 2): You become an Expert in the skill of your primary apparition. At level 4, you become an Expert in an additional apparition's skill, and at level 6 you become an Expert in the apparition skills of all your attuned apparitions.
    • Master Tutelage (Class feat 8, prereq Expert Tutelage): You become a Master in the skill of your primary apparition. At levels 10 and 14 this extends to another skill.
    • Legendary Tutelage (Class feat 18, prereq Master Tutelage): You become Legendary in the skill of your primary apparition. At level 20, this extends to a second skill.
    • Maybe a feat at some level that gives you a skill feat in each apparition skill as well.

I am afraid I will not see the translated version. That is the reason because I don't want to buy more by Paizo.

These new classes seem as if Paizo wanted to create it own version of binder(vestige pact magic) and incarnum soulmelders (totemist, incarnate and soulborn).

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