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D&D 5E Paladin: Why Are They Often Considered Highly Powerful?


Yeah I do get your point. I suppose it is kind of like a sci fi fan hating star wars and preferring things such as blade runner, they are the same genre but completely different in approach/feeling. I think the problem I may have with paladin is that once you give them a personality/ goal that defies them, they are basically the embodiment of that concept whilst experiences are more likely (from my perception) to mould the fighter in terms of personality.

I know they can become anti-paladins if they stray from their paths and so on, but I know the paladin will have a) a cause they believe in. b) Mary Sue features. c) A player who will likely enforce their viewpoint on to the party (ergo making it hard for the party to go against the paladins dogma unless they want conflict)..
And I just don't want to see that in game and I know others feel the same from my play group.
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By others in your play group, you mean, of course, "All good and right-thinking people."

Not really, meant it as it was said. Not sure why people are taking this as if I am saying anyone who likes the paladin is wrong when I have admitted its my own "problem" if it can be called such a thing. I just know of other people who feel the same way. If someone was to play one in my group I wanted throw a hissy fit or anything, I just probably wouldn't be that bothered about the character.



Or, as the DM calls them, A-ROAR-AHHHHH's

Big bad spellcaster, meet your doom, the passive, sit there, save vs. everything aura.


Add in the additional D8 for damage rolls they gain]quote]

What now? You mean from higher level spell slots? As mentioned above, that's not actually a very good payoff for those higher level slots sometimes. .

11th level - Improved Divine Smite - ...Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, creature takes an additional 1d8 radiant damage.

My experience differs. The VERY first roll of the very first combat of the very first 5e game was the party mage going from full (6 HP) to dead (-14 HP) - critical from a crossbow. No other fatalities so far, but plenty down to unconscious and making death saves (the party, it should be noted, does not have a barbarian in it).
Most of my play experience is above level 8, so that's the experience I speak from. I feel like paladins are probably more balanced at lower levels, where they have even fewer spell slots and you're more likely to be fighting goblins than dragons; they also can't spend their spell slots any faster than the wizard can, until they pick up Extra Attack.

The perception of class balance is likely to vary somewhat if you pay more attention to low levels.


People have pretty much pointed out why the paladin is so good. The only flaw I can think of regarding the paladin is not even a flaw and more of a personal preference; they are really boring characters.

Yes, I am sure many people will say "oh my paladin was really unique in terms of personality" or "any character can be interesting, its the player that makes a character interesting" but as a concept they are really tedious to me and I have never seen a player truly make a interesting paladin. People try to make them interesting by making them evil, but even then I mentally roll my eyes because its always the same old thing I have seen. In terms of features, they are perhaps so good it turns the character into a Mary Sue/ glory seeker which makes the experience feel fake when they do succeed because the game has gave them all the tools to succeed.

Whereas the fighter is like a fresh canvas. You can assign so many personalities to the class as they are so generalized, having said that though I think the class really needs more to stay unique. Easiest solution I could think of for this is to give the Fighter more fighting styles and a wider selection to pick from.

Paladin and druid are the two classes I have trouble getting into. When I roll one for a game I end up scrapping it and rolling something else.

The signature of champions.

I re-read the entry on Divine Smite, and yes it specifies attacks for when smiting can happen.

A big point of contention is that Paladins can smite twice per round.

I don't necessarily know if that was intended, it's something that I'd house-rule into them being only allowed to smite once per turn, much like how they went out of their way to restrict the sneak attack on rogues.

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