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Paths of Legend: Lord Noran's War (IC)


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OOC: sorry about that.
I’m just used to another play-by-post where we were supposed to take the control of "our" npc's... so my bad :heh:
The other thing was just me forgetting... cause I read we both was on the way to the same place. Of cause it could be different places, just my foolishness...
kinda hope this is okay... just to get the info of the anxious uncle.

Phai woke up, by the morning noise. He, almost still sleeping, walked out to the kitchen to get his breakfast, still in his night clothes.
He noticed that his uncle was more nervous than normal... no, that wouldn’t do it... he was anxious...
“hey… something wrong old man?” Phai asked in a worried tone.

OOC (again): could I be told if I am near the dwarf? Just so that phai could annoy him (not the player… the character… simply love the grumbled dwarfs :p , and does give some good character play)

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[sblock=Nyrazha al’Zandrin] Class Rogue 3/Bard 3

Ability Scores/Modifiers
STR: 12/+1
DEX: 16/+3
CON: 10/0
INT: 14/+2
WIS: 10/+0
CHA: 16/+3

Hit Points: 23.5 (Max @ Lvl. 1; +3.5/lvl 2+)
Armor Class: 19 (10+3+6) (10+DX+A+NA+Df+Sz+M)
Initiative: +3 (DEX+Feat)
BAB: +4
Attacks: +5 Melee (B+STR); +6 Ranged (B+DEX)
+1 Scimitar: +6 attack, 1d6+2 damage, 18-20/x2 critical hit, Slashing damage
C. Shortbow (20 arrows): +7 attack, 1d6 damage, 20/x3 critical hit, 70 ft range, Piercing damage

Languages: Common, Emiran, Aquan (B), Azgundi (B)
Speed: 30 ft

FS: +2 (0+2+Feat) (CON+Base+Feat)
RS: +8 (3+5+Feat) (DEX+Base+Feat)
WS: +2 (0+2+Feat) (WIS+Base+Feat)

Skills/Modifier/”How” (Abil.+Ranks-Armor Check Penalty+Misc.+Feat+Syn.)
[* denotes a cross-class skill]

Balance +5 (3+1-1+2)
Bluff +8 (3+5)
Climb +1/+3 [w/rope] (1+1-1+2 [w/rope])
Decipher Script +6 (2+4)
Diplomacy +14 (3+5+6)
Disguise +3/+5[Act in character] (3+0+2[Act in character])
Escape Artist +2/+4 [w/rope] (3+0-1+2 [w/rope])
Gather Information +10 (3+5+2)
Hide +3 (3+1-1)
Intimidate +5 (3+0+2)
Jump +7 (1+5-1+2)
Know (History) +7 (2+5)
Know (Local) +7 (2+5)
Know (Nob/Roy) +7 (2+5)
Listen +1 (0+1)
Move Silently +3 (3+1-1)
Perform (Dance) +12 (3+9)
Perform (Percussion) +14 (3+9+2)
*Ride +5 (3+2[4 sk pts])
Search +7 (2+5)
Sense Motive +5 (0+5)
Sleight of Hand +6 (3+2-1+2)
Spot +1 (0+1)
Survival +0/+2 [track] (0+0+2 [track])
Tumble +9 (3+5-1+2)
Use Magic Device +7 (3+4)
Use Rope +8 (3+5)

Combat Expertise - Trade attack bonus for AC, max 5
Dodge - +1 AC vs a single opponent
Martial Weapon Proficiency-Scimitar - Use specific weapon (scimitar) with no penalty
Mounted Combat - Negate hits on mount w/Ride check, DC = opponent's attack roll

Gear (43.5 lbs) [Carrying Capacity: LL =<50, ML 51-100, HL 101-150]
+1 Elven Chain (Light Armor, 20 lbs, +6 AC, +4 Max Dex, -1 ACP, 20% ASF, 30’ Max Spd)
+1 Scimitar (4 lbs)
Composite Shortbow (2 lbs)
20 arrows (3 lbs)
Heward’s Handy Haversack (5 lbs) (106 lbs/120 lbs capacity)
(Carried in Heward's)
Bedroll (5 lbs)
Belly Dancer’s Costume (4 lbs)
Cosmetics (8 lbs)
Courtier’s Outfit & Jewelry (6 lbs)
Everburning Torch (1 lbs)
Acid Flasks x5
Dance Oil (sandalwood perfumed) x10)
Grappling Hook (4 lbs)
Ink x3 (2-black, 1-blue)
Inkpen x2
Money (504 gp)
Potions of CLW x2
Sack x10 (5 lbs)
Scroll Case (0.5 lbs)
Parchment x10 (in Scroll Case)
Sealing Wax (cerulean blue) (1lbs)
Silk Rope-50’ (5 lbs)
Smokesticks x10 (5 lbs)
Soap x2 (2 lbs) (1-jasmine scented, 1-sandalwood scented)
Spyglass (1 lbs)
Steel Mirror (0.5 lbs)
Tanglefoot Bag x5 (20 lbs)
Traveler’s Outfit (5 lbs)
Antitoxin x2
Whetstone (1 lbs)
Not in Heward's
Belt Pouch (0.5 lbs)
MW Finger Cymbals (3 lbs) (brass, wave motif) (in belt pouch)
Money (6 sp 8 cp) (in belt pouch)
Signet Ring (tri-gold, inlaid lapis lazuli in a wave motif)
Spell Component Pouch (2 lbs)
Waterskin (4 lbs)
(in Stable)
Lt Warhorse (Zephyra, Sandy colored “Arabian”)
Bit and Bridle (1 lbs)
Military Saddle (30 lbs, +2 Ride (stay in saddle), 75% (rider unconscious to stay in saddle)) MW Chain Barding (Medium Armor, 80 lbs, +5 AC, +4 Max Dex, -1 ACP, 40’ Max Spd) Saddlebags (2 lbs)

Racial Traits:
+1 feat @ 1st level, +4 skill points @ 1st level, +1 skill point every level 2+, Favored Class: Any

Class Traits:
Rogue: Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1

Bard: Bardic Knowledge (1d20+INT+Brd Lvl+2), Bardic Music (Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1, Inspire Competence), Spell Casting Capability 0-1 level spells (Know: 6-0 lvl spells, 3-1st lvl spells, Cast: 3-0 lvl spells, 2 [1+1 bonus]–1st lvl spells)

Spells Known:
Level 0 -- Ghost Hand, Know Direction, Light, Lullaby, Message, Summon Instrument
Level 1 – Alarm, Feather Fall, Ventriloquism

Physical Characteristics/Background:
Nyrazha stands 5’3” and weighs 135 lbs. She has long, wavy black hair, sea green eyes, and skin browned by the desert sun to a warm bronze. Although petite, she is curvy and fit. Like many of the women in the Emirates, she wears translucent face veils and head scarves everywhere. Being from the Water sect, she tends to wear blues and greens with silver and gold highlights. She truly shines when dancing. Considered an art-form in the Emiran Deserts, the Azuran style favored by the Water Sect is in demand, even by the other Emiran Sects.
Of noble birth, Nyrazha was brought to Azgund by her father and eldest brother for the express purpose of influencing various Lords into seeing her people’s troubles in a sympathetic light. She has been in Azgund for the last two years. She has spent that time alternately entertaining her father’s Azgundi guests with various dances and music from her homeland (including the “infamous” Azur Iza [Blue Waves]), dazzling Azgundi Lords into disclosing more than they probably should at various Azgundi Court functions, and generally charming, sweet talking, and seducing influence and information from various Lords.


Ability Scores/Modifiers
STR: 16/+3
DEX: 13/+1
CON: 17/+3
INT: 2/-5
WIS: 13/+1
CHA: 6/-2

Hit Points: 22
AC: 19 (10+1+5+4-1), Tch: 10, FF: 15
Initiative: +11 (DEX+Feat)
BAB: +2/+9 (grapple)
Attacks: +4 Melee (B+STR-Sz)
Hoof (Primary): +4 attack, 1d4+3 damage, 20/x2 critical hit, Bludgeoning damage
Bite (Secondary, -5 Att): -1 attack, 1d3+1 damage, 20/x2 critical hit, P/B/S damage
Full Attack (2 Hooves, Bite): +4/+4/-1 attack, 1d4+3/1d4+3/1d3+1 damage, 20/x2 critical hit, B/B & P/B/S damage

Speed: 60 ft (40 ft w/Chain Barding)

FS: +6 (3+3+Feat) (CON+Base+Feat)
RS: +4 (1+3+Feat) (DEX+Base+Feat)
WS: +2 (-2+4+Feat) (WIS+Base+Feat)

Listen +4, Spot +4

Endurance - +4 on ability checks/saves to resist non-lethal damage
Run - Run at 5x normal speed, +4 Jump check w/running start

Gear (292.5 lbs) [Carrying Capacity: LL =<230, ML 231-460, HL 461-690, DRAG 3,450]
Bit and Bridle (1 lbs), Military Saddle (30 lbs, +2 Ride (stay in saddle), 75% (rider unconscious to stay in saddle)), MW Chain Barding (Medium Armor, 80 lbs, +5 AC, +4 Max Dex, -1 ACP, 40’ Max Spd), Rider and gear (179.5 lbs), Saddlebags (2 lbs)

Racial Traits:
Low-light Vision, Scent

Tricks Known:
Attack-Attacks apparent enemies or on command
Come-Comes to rider, even if she wouldn’t normally do so
Defend-Defends rider, even if not commanded; defends on command
Down-Breaks off from combat or “backs down” on command
Guard-Stays in place and prevents others from approaching
Heel-Follows rider closely, even if she wouldn’t normally do so

Physical Characteristics:
Zephyra, as her name implies, is an Emiran warhorse bred for speed and agility. She is the color of the Emiran Deserts, having a sandy-blond coat and a sandy-reddish mane and tail. She is temperamental, being trained to respond only to her mistress’ voice and the voice of her trainer, Nyrazha’s father. All others will find themselves flirted with, only to have their hopes of riding the beautiful and powerful mare dashed upon the floor of the stable or the pasture.[/sblock]

Nyrazha responds in the only language she shares with her father that the others are unlikely to know, Aquan, as she watches those around the room from under her lashes, her gaze seemingly on the floor. “I, too, would like to know what the King intends. Why the angel…and his nephew with the unsavory reputation?” She casts a quick glance in Keefe’s direction when he shifts off the wall he’d been leaning against. “Perhaps I should inquire?” Her lilting tones lift slightly in question.

Nyrazha retains the proper stance for a woman from her country, as she always does when attending official functions with her father or brother. She sits next to her father, almost in his shadow, with her gaze on the floor and her hands folded in her lap. The only bit of skin that shows is the skin around her eyes. She is dressed today in flowing pants of sea green tied at her ankles, a blouse of silver, and filmy veils that are a blend of the two colors. She carries no weapons, as her father doesn’t wish to offend their Azgundi allies. She has a small blue pouch tied at her waist.
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Kae'Ari replies in Aquan "I know as little about this as you do. I was invited here by the king to represent the church, not him, tell me, how does the war go?"


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Keefe laughs as he strides forward into the room. In crisp Azgundi he states very casually, "What are we having here, a water party? Does not social niceties dictate one should refrain from speaking in hushed tongues in the king's own hall?" He looks askance and shrugs casually, "Of course, I am merely just a man in a king's court, not a foreign diplomat, his diplomatic daughter, or an angel, so I might be completely wrong."
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Meanwhile, outside the city, Ahote approaches the gates, seemingly unconcerned and oblivious to the guards. His high cheekbones and long, straight black hair, as well as his pointed ears mark him as a wild elf. He makes no effort to hide this fact and attempts to join the ranks of people and animals, dismounting and leading his horse.


First Post
The Capital City of Azgund, the King's Palace

A group of five men, all about 40 to 50 in age and dressed in noble finery, enter the room. The servants quickly exit. The lead man bows, first to the Emiran ambassador, who merely nods, and then to Kae'Ari.

"Regretably, the King is unable to join us this day and has sent me in his stead. I am Varace, Minister of War, and the King's principle advisor in all manners of state. I bid you all welcome. I have asked you here," speaking now to Kae'Ari, "to make a request of the Healing Light. The war in the Emirates against the evils unleashed by the Thayvians taxes our resources to the utmost. The clerical might of the Healing Light, were they to send aid, would bolster our troops and ensure victory."

Nyrazha's father stands and glares at Varace, "You insult the elementalists. We of the Water sect are healers without match."

Varace nods, "So you are, which is why the Thayvians are targeting you specifically. I have recieved reports from the battle fronts. Water and Earth elementalists assassinated...Fire elementalists turning traitor and siding with the enemy...Air elementalists retreating into the desert. The war goes against you, ambassador. You need Azgund more than ever, and," he turns again to Kae'Ari, "Azgund needs the Healing Light."

Frontier City of Delagund, Duchy of Vedlund

Shajrom, as he passed by one of the two taverns in town, notes the exit from that tavern of Hrugnir...Lord Noran's Beast as the other guardsmen call him when he isn't within hearing range. The immense half-ogre was well known in the Duchy as an able and intimidating scout...orc raids had lessened since the half-ogre joined the patrols, probably due to fear.

Hrugnir, as he exited the tavern, spotted...The Dwarf. He was the only dwarf in town and the only dwarf that most folks in town had ever seen, including Hrugnir. The Dwarf had an unsavory reputation as Lord Noran's spy...lurking in the shadows near the gate, watching those coming and going and reporting on the doings of foreigners. Many of Hrugnir's fellow patrol guards whispered that The Dwarf was a criminal in dwarven lands...murder, theft, who knew what else. But they never said anything in town for fear that The Dwarf might overhear.

Phai's uncle, Emran, turns and considers his nephew for a moment, "Get your gear together. You're to come with me, to meet with Lord Noran. Your magic may be of use in what is to come."

The guards at the gate command Ahote to stop. One guard climbs down from the watch tower and approaches the wild elf, "What manner of thing be you?" Another guard, still on the tower, shouts down, "I told what he was, ye derned idiot. He be an elf, like Sergeant Emran's nephew." The first guard looks up, "Now yer the derned idiot. Emran's nephew be only half an elf." He turns his attention back to Ahote, "What be yer business in Vedlund, elf?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: "The Dwarf" I like it, I like it very much! ^^

Shajrom muttered something in dwarven as he passed by Hrugnir, making a greeting gesture with his hand. "Hail to you Hrugnir" he said after, in a low grim voice, as he uses to say everything. Without waiting a reply, he continues walking, his long beard, hanging from one side to the other, every step he made.


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crazypixie said:
The guards at the gate command Ahote to stop. One guard climbs down from the watch tower and approaches the wild elf, "What manner of thing be you?" Another guard, still on the tower, shouts down, "I told what he was, ye derned idiot. He be an elf, like Sergeant Emran's nephew." The first guard looks up, "Now yer the derned idiot. Emran's nephew be only half an elf." He turns his attention back to Ahote, "What be yer business in Vedlund, elf?"

At being addressed, Ahotes haunted, solemn expression transforms in splendid fashion to a smile of pure and genuine joy, as if the guard had made his day by simply paying attention to him. "I am indeed, a full elf! I have both a top, and a bottom! Or a left and a right, if you prefer that yourself!" he says in a bizarre cadence that still somehow lets the words rhyme. "I come to trade these..." he says. He closes his eyes and holds out his hands, palms open and up. "Thoughts and sights, thoughts and sights... ... ... Ahhhch, alas you cannot see and I cannot show you." he finishes and gives the guard a look of helpless resignation.


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”just give me a second” Phai said. He quickly, forgetting all about breakfast, began to find and equip his gear. Most of is was luckily packet on in advance, so he could just grab the few things missing and throw them in.
He came out of his room with his backpack in one hand. A bow was fixed firmly to it, and it would seam quiet loaded. He had thrown in all of his adventuring gear, just for safety.
On his left leg hung a rope, and a bit to the right was a very little bag, not bigger than a hand could fill it. On his right shoulder, there was a little bottle attached in a way that it almost looked like a part of the amour.

“Got most of it… I think…” said Phai, ready to leave. Suddenly wandering what could have happened, that lord Noran would need his magic.

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