First Post
Delber rubs his chin and thinks for a moment. then an eyebrow arches and his eyes light up.
"well, you see. When I conjur forces of magic I take the words, gestures and my will and call forth to places far and alien to bring to my hand the material I need at the moment. when a priest calls forth for healing magic, it is like a channel to the very gods is opened and a measure of divine prescense is trickled through and the body of the injured living being knits together or what ever other effect the priest is wanting to do.Does that make sense?"
Merenita is silent for a very long moment. Periodically she looks at Delber, or the dwarf, or the one who healed him. Finally she looks back at Delber. "I didn't see any of that happening! Are you teasing me?" she asks incredulously. "Show me the gestures, tell me the words. We'll see if I can make something happen!" she says excitedly. "Or we'll see if you're full of it." she adds after a moment.