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[PBP] Tholestia Chapter 1: Minotaur trouble and a failed ambush


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Wulf exclaims with a mixture of irony and panic in his voice:

MAgic does not seem to affect this orc, my fellow spellcaster....perhaps my two blades will ridd us from the foul creature......!

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serves Gnome Master
The Orc replies:
"Or perhaps this foul creature will rid the world of two magic casters... RAAAAGH!"

[OOC: and then waits for his next initiative ;)]

It is Tristan's turn.
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and wulf replies, though with a slight tremble in his voice:

The first Orc to do such a thing has yet to be born......!
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First Post
Tristan charge towards the bug or bear (ROFL) 9 front 1 left and zip zap of goes the bugbears head.

You requested that 1 roll of a 20-sided die be rolled.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 20.


20+18 (bless) = 38

You requested that 1 roll of a 20-sided die be rolled.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 4.

4+18 = 22 ??

If critical -> 3d8 + 21 (special skill x3)

You requested that 1 roll of 3 8-sided dice be rolled.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 6, 7, 2 = 15. 15 +21 = 36 dmg

If not -> 8 + 7 = 15 dmg


serves Gnome Master
(See in the OOC thread for Tristan's actions)

(Disclaimer: The following decription has some creative licence)

The Bugbear looks down on his human assailant with contempt. He still stands there in his full plate armour which seems to have survived many battles. Tristan could not find any weak spots on the bugbear, and the bugbear hardly winces as a very slight stream of blood comes from one of the less protected spots in his armour: the elbow joint.

As in the far background the Hobgoblin begins chanting, most likely to cast a spell, the bugbear circles around Tristan a bit, finally draws a weapon, which he does with lightning speed, and strikes at Tristan in one fluid motion. The first attack is dodged by Tristan, and he notices it is a battleaxe that the bugbear tries to hit him with - the second swing was harder to dodge, as Tristan's shield was out of place from the first swing, and hits him in the side. The Bugbear did not have his full force behind it however, and the wound is not too grievous. (10 damage)

While Tristan had his attention on a creature twice his weight trying to knock the life out of him, the bugbear in the distance took a more tactical position and started casting a spell. Diactum recognizes it as a Hold person spell, but Wulf is too busy trying to keep a ravenous orc at bay to recognise it.

Ilan feels that he is being assaulted by a spell, but his elven mind is hard to sway to such enchantment and he keeps control of his motor functions*... just barely.

*Yes, the +2 from being an elf was needed to make that save.

Soon to be posted: A map for round 3 with the new tactical situation and the initiative order, as well as hitpoint tally.
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serves Gnome Master
Round 3

Initiative Order is still unchanged:
Ilan: 21
Deepwinter 7: 18
Hobgoblin Archer: 17 (incapacitated)
Human: 17 (most likely dead)
Wulf: 16
Goblin: 16 (most likely invisible)
Diactum: 11
Orc: 10
Tristan: 9
Hobgoblin Cleric: 9
Bugbear: 3

Hitpoint tally: Tristan 29, Ilan 46, Deepwinter 7: 66 (subdual damage = 2), Diactum 22, Wulf 37

Next up: Ilan.


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I move dioganally to the left, to find a better line of fire, while firing at the HOBGOBLIN [spellcaster]
"Diactum, use your magic and find the goblin."

12 + 20 + 1 - 4 = 30
damage 8 + 6 = 16
13 + 20 + 1 - 4 = 31
damage 1 + 6 = 9
8 + 15 + 1 - 4 = 21
damage 3 + 6 = 11
[deduct those penalties]

"Wulf, protect my flank."
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serves Gnome Master
AS Ilan shoots through the myriad of trees, heavy rain and wind, and dense foliage obstructing his arrows's path, something seems to be guiding him. His aim is very accurate*, though his last shot does fail to penetrate his opponent's shield.

* Rolled by Irony Dice Roller for a 50% miss through concealment chance:
Roll them bones ... your dice are
Roll 1: 62.
Roll 2: 80.
Roll 3: 90.

The hobgoblin takes 25 damage, and yells out in pain. Deepwinter 7 is next (tell us exactly where your construct is going to come into form please).
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Deepwinter 7

First Post
Finalizing his spell, the clumb of ectoplasm that was taking form some 45 foot directly to the North of DW7, hardens to create the bulk of a massive construct.

Acting out of his own accord, the ethereal creature spots the bugbear fighting Tristan in its north-western perimeter, and charges to his aid, stopping 10 ft in front of the monster to slam it with its clublike arm

You requested that 1 roll of a 20-sided die be rolled.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 12.

You requested that 1 roll of a 8-sided die be rolled.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 2.

So if AC 12 + 16 = 28 is a hit, it does 2 + 14 = 16 dmg

Eat ectoplasm, scumbag, now let us make this battle a little bit more unfair and incapacite that cleric

Once again drawing upon the powers of the Ethereal Plane, DW7 the Shaper summons strands of ectoplasm to coccoon the enemy cleric, trying to heighten this power as much as possible.

You requested that 1 roll of a 20-sided die be rolled.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 16.

Save will versus DC ... ah forget it, you'll never make it :D (if you must know it's 16 + 2 (spell lvl) + 3 (heighten max) + 2 (psionic focus) + 7 (int) = DC 30)

Furthermore backup to the nearest tree


serves Gnome Master
Everything Deepwinter 7 does, works. Next up - Spellsword Wulf (Note: Circumstance modifier +1 to hit from being mounted if you are going to try and hit the Orc - I sent you the sheet back the way I think it is going to be... please check that)
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