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[PbP] WOT: Prophecies of the Dragon

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Old OOC Thread: http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27701
New OOC Thread: http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33098
Character Thread: TBA

The great city of Caemlyn is in turmoil. The winter that will not seem to end has drawn thousands of outsiders into the city, filling its inns and public houses and crowding the streets with transients. A simmering spirit of unrest is on the verge of boiling over into violence, as those who see a time to bring Queen Morgase's rule to an end (displaying this sentiment by wearing white cockades, armbands, and sword wrappings) confront those who support the Queen (wearing similar markings of red). Children of the Light patrol the city, keen to identify Darkfriends and impose their own brand of justice upon them. And to top it off, the recently captured false Dragon is to pass through the city within a few days, amid much fanfare, as the Aes Sedai transport him to Tar Valon to be gentled.

The mood at the Golden Stag is boisterous, almost festive. Although the simplicity of the fare reflects the long, hard winter, there is plenty to drink - and where there is ale and a lighthearted crowd, music, laughter, and games of chance quickly spring up. So many are crammed into the Golden Stag that the common room cannot contain all the guests, and tables have been set up in the stableyard to accomodate the overflow. There several open fires have been lit, to hold the wintery chill at bay and grant a cheery atmosphere. A fiddler plays as guests chatter and toss dice. Strangers all in a strange city, you find yourselves engaged in light conversation with one another.
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OOC: Is this a game or just an In Character Chat (should be listed)

From the Chilly cobbled streets, a young rather noble looking man, in the multicolored cloak of a gleeman enters the bar, and sets dubiously in front of the fire, occasionally eyeballing the fiddler with a curious eye. If a maid aproaches the Mysterious Gleeman asks for an ale, and a bowl of stew, and inquiries into an empty room.

The Dark one told me to stay and watch for those that will come, so here I am watching...Sigh If no one comes before five dawns I am hitting the road

A little while later another dark haired man enters the commons, and deliberately heads for the Gleeman.
" Sivak, my sources..." the dark haired man pauses as a maid goes by "My sources in the queens court has told me that the one for whom we seek has already come, and gone a weeks time before us"

"Errant our master will be unhappy at this news. I have gleened from the Waitress that he travel in the company of another of my calling, I have sent letters in search of this man."

A little later the two men are seen retreating to their room.
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Near the hearth, an Ogier sat on a bench that strained under his weight. With an Ogier-sized axe - haft wrapped in red cloth - at his side, and a whole pitcher of ale in his meaty hand, the Ogier took in the Humanity that surrounded him, and relished the quick pace of these folk.

"Aye, 'tis not like this in the Stedding, it isn't," Jorad mused to himself.


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From the Ogiers shoulder a dark haired gentleman in well made forest green clothing appears

"Friend Ogier, perhaps I might sit by you and share the warmth of the fire"


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"Aye, of course," the Ogier replied. "My name is Jorad. I am in Caemlyn to repair the old stonework, as you can likely guess. What brings you here?"


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" Ah thank ye' friend Jorad" The Dark haired man says in a decidedly ebou dari accent" My name is Sivak, and I am here on my fathers business."

" He has a winery here in Caemlyn, which I am afraid is not doing so well, what with this dreadful cold and all his cellars have nearly frozen over to the point that the workers won't budge, and with the wolves on the roads these days..."

Sivak stares off towards the door where a light haired man in a gleemans multicolored cloak wanders off into the frigid streets.

When a maid goes by he orders a spiced wine, and tips the girl giving a wink

"So your repairing the marvelous old town are ye?"
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"You're father's plight is unfortunate, but what is more unfortunate is that it is now the plight of many otheres as well," replied Jorad.

"As for me, aye, I'm here to repair the old stonework. It's nearly the only time we Ogier venture to human lands in these days," the Ogier continued. "And it's certainly the only reason the Elders accept, alas."


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" Tis a pity indeed, friend" Sivak states in a somber tone "not to be able to do as you like, or wander about amongst the fresh wilderness"

Sivak recieves the wine from out of the barmaids hands, and sniffs it slightly before drinking

"Alas, my good Ogier these are strange days to be about"

Sivaks face squints as if he had just taken a bite from a lemon

"Tis not the best I have e're drunk of before this time" the Dark haired ebou dari's eye grow saddened" Dark tidings indeed"

at this point Sivak removes from his inner pocket a journal in which he scribbles a few notes about the wine he has drunk, its estimated year, and its location at the golden stag. As he is putting the leather bound journal away a small jeweled dagger glints at the light from the hearth only to be swallowed again by Sivaks overcoat.
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A stout looking business man enters the bar. His clothes apear to be of a very fine make, but of what region is to be debated. The clothes are well worn, and the businessman appears to be quite worn out. At best you can assume he has had a long journey. The man looks out the bar as if looking for someone, but the look is neither anxious, fearful, nor hopeful. Perhaps he was just looking....

As soon as the man makes his way to a servant, or the innkeep he asks, "I am looking for a room, any room, and if you would be so kind I am also looking for healer of sort who can help me get some sleep. I seem to be having trouble with that of late. I thank'ee."

Three coins are passed the way of the worker to whom he speaks.
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A few moments after the business man enters the inn a young woman enters, dressed in the gown of an initate of the white tower. She looks tired from her travels but still appears alert. She glances around at the patrons of the establishment and wanders over to the bar. Spotting the innkeeper she walks over. "I would like a meal and a room for the evening, good sir."

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