PC concepts I'd love to play...


Staff member
Whoever you are, something- time considerations, finding a game of the appropriate genre, a closed minded GM- has kept you from playing some kind of nifty PC concept that's been bouncing around your head.

Some of the ones I would love to play (regardless of system), but haven't gotten a chance to include:

1) Tandem PCs. I've played one half of a set of identical twins with another player and had a blast. I'd love to try out playing one of a group of siblings of mixed ethnicity, the more mixed the better. Sure, one could play a Human and Half-Orc or Human and Half-Elf, but I want to play one in a tandem of a Half-Orc and Half-Elf siblings. Ideally, I'd probably enjoy messing with gender and class roles to boot-possibly tossing in a Fullmetal Alchemist vibe...think F 1/2-O Sorceress or Artificer with her younger 1/2-E bro Warrior.

2) A mute arcane spellcaster/rogue or warrior in any edition of D&D.

3) A Voodoun style necromancer. See post # 3 in this thread: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?t=202609c.

What are yours?

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Sometimes I think it would be really interesting to play as part of a married couple adventuring together. It would be a very different dynamic. Sometimes I think that D&D character backgrounds get too fantastical; bringing in some more real-life elements would make them more interesting.

Another one would be a spell assassin. It was impossible to pull off well in previous editions, but its actually viable in 4e.

Fallen Paladins, its a really cool concept but has too many in-game penalties to make it doable in a game that designed for balanced parties. I think an Evil Paladin falling towards Good would be even more interesting.

Halfling Berserker. Preferably one that is very jovial and pleasant most of time (like LOTR halfling), but when they snap....boy they SNAP.

A PC created by a wish spell, or some other high level of magic. Especially if you were the only type of person that looked like you; wouldn't that be crazy.


Staff member
Sometimes I think it would be really interesting to play as part of a married couple adventuring together.

Nice! Hadn't even considered that!
Another one would be a spell assassin.

What do you mean by this?

Halfling Berserker.

Now THAT I've played, and would love to play again- 3.X: Halfling Barbarian with XWP Bladed Gauntlet, Clawed Glove, Katar (or equivalent), spiked armor, and bottles of trog stink for good measure. One part badger or wolverine, one part porcupine, and one part skunk.


First Post
1) Tandem PCs. I've played one half of a set of identical twins with another player and had a blast.

Funny you should say that. I'm playing one half of a set of twins now, younger brothers to the sorcerer I played before (who is now an uberlevel NPC heading for godhood, whether he likes it or not). No player interest in anyone playing the other twin, but he figures in the plot, especially since big brother is so famous. The game also has a twist in that both have magical ability, but the younger brother learned about rogue skills from one of big brother's colleagues, and didn't pursue his magical studies--fraternal conflict ensued. I'm looking forward o developments...


First Post
1) Tandem PCs. I've played one half of a set of identical twins with another player and had a blast.

Funny you should say that. I'm playing one half of a set of twins now, younger brothers to the sorcerer I played before (who is now an uberlevel NPC heading for godhood, whether he likes it or not). No player interest in anyone playing the other twin, but he figures in the plot, especially since big brother is so famous. The game also has a twist in that both have magical ability, but the younger brother learned about rogue skills from one of big brother's colleagues, and didn't pursue his magical studies--fraternal conflict ensued. I'm looking forward to developments...


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The character concepts I want to play haven't really been limited by dms, just circumstances.

A) Halfling servant. I know that sounds like an odd character to want to play, but I just want to do it. He'd be very weak in combat, and would basically be the put upon henchman.

B) Halfling twin brother devoted defenders. I got to play this combo for one session, but never even got into a combat because the other player bailed. That was the suck.

C)Incubus. This character would need a party with a paladin PC and a dm willing to allow me to play an incubus on the downlow. The purpose of the character would be to turn the Paladin into a Blackguard.


First Post
DA, I think it would be a nice change of pace to play a character with no physical presence - an extraplanar character perhaps, or maybe someone whose physical body is unable to leave it's home. So the character would have a completely different interaction with the world - though dangers would abound.

Another interesting idea I've toyed with but never implemented would be to DM a game in which all the players are familiars to NPC wizards. Like WonderPets for grownups.


The Halfling Beserker made me laugh. I actually got to play in 4E game a week ago and made a halfling fighter who behaved like the character Begbie from Trainspotting. It was fun :)

Otherwise I DM all the time, so either:

A) Sadly, I can't play any character concepts, or
B) Happily, I can play any character concept I might have.


A halfling gangster. He wears a beat up old broad-brimmed black hit, and talks a bit like a London chap. Armed with a dagger and a pair of iron knuckles, he exudes pure menace. He is evil, but basically loyal to the other party members. If he thinks he can get away with it, he is not above finessing tricky moral situations without consulting the group. Although not completely without compassion, it would be unwise to rely on his charity.


First Post
I wanted to have a game where all the players controlled intelligent magic items that controlled characters. One guy plays a sword that has a fighter, one guy is a Robe of the Archmagi (with a mind) who controls a mage, etc...

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