PC concepts I'd love to play...

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I've wanted to play a character w/ spouse and kids for a while.

Likewise, I want to play a talkative familiar with the wizard in the background.

Silver Moon

1) Tandem PCs.
A long time back there was an RPGA module where each of the playing characters was some variation on tandem PC's.

Arscott said:
Likewise, I want to play a talkative familiar with the wizard in the background.
I have a module plotted where all of the playing characters will be the familiars and animal companions of the current adventuring team. I'm considering using TOON rules.

Arscott said:
I've wanted to play a character w/ spouse and kids for a while.
Our group has a lot of that, but we've also been playing a continuous campaign since 1982, during which 17 years of character time has elapsed. I have a playing character who is married to the party leader and they have a child. I have another playing character who is my playing character's daughter from a previous marriage.


First Post
Otherwise I DM all the time, so either:

A) Sadly, I can't play any character concepts, or
B) Happily, I can play any character concept I might have.

Definitely B. Being able to take a character concept, run with it for 1 or 2 sessions and then dump it if it gets boring or doesn't work quite as you expected is one of the great things of being a DM... And because you're not limited by pc creation rules you can go all out... :)

I'm going to have great fun with a spirit posessed ranger who controls all the animals around him. Even got thematic AoE attacks with birds and such, as well as dog minions, rat swarms, etc. He's going to be a great villain that just wouldn't quite work as a pc...


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By spell assassin, I mean like a killer for higher...but someone who wields arcane magic, rather than the traditional cloak-and-dagger type. In D&D 3.5 especially it seems like if you really wanted to get rid of someone, you'd be better off getting a level 20 wizard to scry, teleport, and disintegrate, than give the task to a level 20 rogue who'll have to waste a lot of time finding the target and generate a good opportunity to pull it off. I always thought a cool campaign idea would be a group full of wizards who decided to create a mafia-like organization.

I actually ran a campaign where each of the PCs controlled someone else's familiar. Honestly, the interactions between the familiars was more fun than the campaign itself. Very silly and non-serious, but fun nonetheless.

Another fun run was when we all got drunk and ran a campaign where everyone plays int 6 goblins. =) Just something completely different from the usual "serious" games"


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I actually ran a campaign where each of the PCs controlled someone else's familiar. Honestly, the interactions between the familiars was more fun than the campaign itself. Very silly and non-serious, but fun nonetheless.

Another fun run was when we all got drunk and ran a campaign where everyone plays int 6 goblins. =) Just something completely different from the usual "serious" games"

I'm surprised at how many people have already tried this Familiar angle... but maybe I shouldn't be...

The Goblin idea is a hoot! And, as I like to have a drink from time to time... win-win!

I once was in a "one-shot" game, a surprise for everyone, and our GM declared we would be playing the game in the He-Man universe. I played a sentient flower, and another player was a sentient rodent of some kind (a skunk perhaps?). At one point, Skunk lifted up my character and roared... "I ... HAVE ... THE FLOWER!" Big laughs...

Baron Opal

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A PC created by a wish spell, or some other high level of magic. Especially if you were the only type of person that looked like you; wouldn't that be crazy.

I did this once. He was an illusionist that was really a ... greater shadow magic animated with an alter reality? I think, something like that. An illusionist wanted a child but couldn't sire one so he made one through magic. A dispel magic hurt him like a fireball. It was fun.

Ambush Bug

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A character who's a dead spot for magic - he can't cast spells, magical effects can't affect him, any magic item he uses is treated as mundane. Enemy spells and arcane abilities would be useless against him, but he also can't use magic to heal himself or enhance his combat abilities, etc.


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Mrs Chorlston - the widow of a recently murdered merchant, an incident which woke latent magical abilities (3.x sorcerer, 4e ?).

A young half elven girl, yet unnamed, daughter of a human paladin and elvish wizard. Her older brother and parents were murdered by someone bad as her paladin father was about to tread on some big toes; she managed to escape and pleged her soul to fey powers in order to seek revenge (4e Fey warlock).

Hmm, both my latest interesting character concepts are female and vegeance oriented. I worry about me some days. :confused: I do have others, honest!

Just need to find a game now!


I'd like to play the opera-themed bard/paladin I made for a D&D campaign that it turns out I didn't have the time play; Largo A. Factotum, from the civic-minded city-state of Civilia (on the Costa Del Barbierre). Rides a big white stallion named Figaro.

And I'd kill for a d20 Modern game so I use the Original Tiger Schulman, the karate-fighting mohel, master of the Five Points Exploding Bris Technique, who was conned out of the family dojo-franchising business by his unscrupulous cousin Moishe.

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