PC concepts I'd love to play...


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There was an old adventure in like 2E that turned the characters into venerable age versions of themselves. I always wanted to try out my grognard voice....

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Dragon Snack

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Jermalaine Monk/Rogue (played as Salacious Crumb)

Half Orc Wizard ('hiding' as the party's porter)

Elf Barbarian (a proper Elf fighting the 'demon inside')

They just had too many drawbacks to play in any long term campaign...


Staff member
I've always wanted to play a child prodigy -- y'know, the 8-year-old human archmage?

All the power of an archmage at his fingertips, but the emotional maturity and innocence of a child.

I think the dichotomy would be quite fun.

That would make an awesome sorcerer...a natural caster, charismatic and unschooled...with a temper when he stays up too late!

Perhaps he's always grabbing the "shiny stuff" and complaining when he doesn't get his way.

Call him...Bigby...

"Talk to the hand...of PAIN!"
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I had a freind who make a replecment character that had died. He ended up playing a fighter kobold versed in the use of duel +2 spoons. His fevored tactic was to be thrown at his enemies by his half-orc barbarian friend while screeming "SPOOOOOOOON!!!"

..... apparently the DM was ok with this.


Staff member
Ahhh....the Tick!

I played a character called Major Mosquito in a playtest of GURPS V:tM...(a brujah crazy enough to be malkavian).

good times, good times.


First Post
That would make an awesome sorcerer...a natural caster, charismatic and unschooled...with a temper when he stays up too late!

Perhaps he's always grabbing the "shiny stuff" and complaining when he doesn't get his way.

Call him...Bigby...

"Talk to the hand...of PAIN!"

I played a child-magical prodigy once. Of course that was in Shadowrun. Back in 2nd edition with the oh-so-broken shapechange spell. Ahhh memories.

Voidrunner's Codex

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