Toriah, Temple Raider of Olidammara
Class & Level: Rogue 7
Race: Half-elf
Alignment: CN
Deity: Olidammara
Size: M
Age: 23
Gender: M
Height: 5'3"
Weight: around 135#
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark
Skin: Tanner than usual for a half-elf
Str: 12 (+1) (4 pts.)
Dex: 14 (+2) (6 pts.)
Con: 14 (+2) (6 pts.)
Int: 10 (+0) (1 pt., 4th level increase)
Wis: 11 (+0) (3 pts.)
Cha: 13 (+2) (5 pts.)
HP: 38 (HD: 6d6+14)
Speed: 30'
AC: 10 base + 2 armor + 2 Dex = 14 (Touch: 12; Flat: 12)
BAB: +5
Grapple: 5 BAB + 1 Str = +6
Initiative: +2
Fort: 2 base + 2 Con = +4
Ref: 5 base + 2 Dex = +7
Will: 2 base + 0 Wis = +2
Melee: +1 Rapier, +7 attack (Str), 1d6 + 2 damage, 18-20/x2, piercing
Ranged: +1 Shortbow, +8 attack (Dex), 1d6+1 damage, x3, piercing, 60' range increment
Feat: Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes (6th level)
Abilities: Immune to sleep, +2 saving v. enchantments, low-light vision, sneak attack +4d6, trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge
Languages: Common, Elven
Light load: up to 43#
Medium: 44 through 86
Heavy: 87 through 130
Gather Information: 10 ranks + 2 racial + 2 ability = +14
Hide: 10 ranks + 2 ability = +12
Knowledge (local): 1 rank + 0 ability = +1
Listen: 10 ranks + 1 racial + 0 ability = +11
Move Silently: 10 ranks + 2 ability = +12
Open Lock: 2 rank + 2 ability = +4
Perform (dance): 10 ranks + 2 ability = +12
Profession (stablehand): 1 rank + 0 ability = +1
Search: 1 ranks + 1 racial + 0 ability = +2
Sleight of Hand: 1 rank + 2 ability = +3
Spot: 8 rank + 1 racial + 0 ability = +9
Tumble: 10 ranks + 2 ability = +12
Traveler's outfit....................0gp...0#
Entertainer's outfit................3gp...4#
Leather armor.....................10gp...15#
+1 Rapier.........................2320gp...2#
+1 Shortbow.....................2030gp...2#
Blanket, winter......................5sp...3#
Flint & steel..........................1gp...0#
Mirror, small steel.................10gp...0.5#
Rope, silk (50').....................10gp...5#
Medallion, EE............................?...0#
Holy symbol of
Coins...................................6gp, 4sp
TOTALS............................100gp...42.5# (light load)
Toriah had lived in Verbobonc until a few years ago. His mother was a Rhenne and his father was a half-elven man she met in the town. The two settled in long enough for Toriah to grow up a bit, but in his thirteenth year they left, following the call of the river and further adventure. He never saw them again, though he listened to every bit of gossip that came in. Some days he wished they were dead, upset for leaving him, and some days he hoped they were out there still, amassing their fortunes. He has pretty much given up hope that they are going to return to him, but that possibility has crossed his mind once or twice.
When they left him, he had a decent education and the attractiveness of a half-elf in a mostly human town. However, restless and angry after his parents' departure, he dropped their surname and took to petty thievery. His parents had left him a small inheritance with a neighbor, who was to hold it until he came of age. He spent several weeks with the neighbor, until the disillusionment of being abandoned by his parents drove him into the streets, where he commenced his petty larceny. A minor figure in the local Thieves' Guild took Toriah in and taught him a few basic skills. After some time scraping by and paying dues to the Guild, Toriah struck out on his own, leaving the Guild with no hard feelings between them.
He spent a few years on his own, cheating and swindling the upright citizens of Verbobonc until he received an unsigned message from a friend in the Guild. Leave town, it read. You've well and truly done it now, and you've seriously annoyed Someone Important. I don't know who or how. Insider in the constabulary told me you should have a week, but I wouldn't outstay my welcome if I were you. Toriah was not alarmed, having been in tight places with the law before, but he was smart enough to heed the anonymous message. He returned to the neighbor, who was shocked to see him, having resigned himself to watching the boy--now a man--remain a criminal for the rest of his days. Toriah thanked him for his care and his concern, received what was left of the inheritance (some of it having been used already, for Toriah's care while living with the neighbor, who had been scrupulously good about keeping it), gathered up what belongings he had, buying what he thought he might need, and after three days of preparation, set off from Verbobonc.
He arrived in the small town of Hommlet, secure in the knowledge that he would not be pursued. He thought he knew which "Someone" was chasing him, and if his thoughts proved correct, that "Someone" wouldn't venture outside of his comfortable town to find a minor thief. Upon arriving in Hommlet, Toriah realized that he did not have the skill or means to support himself through the less-than-legal means he was used to, particularly since the town was so much smaller than Verbobonc. He hired on with The Welcome Wench and Terrigan's and finally settled on Telna's Kitchen, working as a general laborer. A few months after he started, he approached the owner with a proposition: he would take one night off a week from laboring to dance inside for the customers. The owner looked Toriah up and down, laughed to himself, and agreed. Since then, Toriah has spent a night or two every week entertaining--fairly successfully--at Telna's. He retained the grace of his mother's Rhenne heritage and in some ways, this dancing connects him with her.
Toriah has been inducted into the Temple Raiders of Olidammara.
Toriah's Family Tree
Toriah doesn't know much about his family. The information below is based on what he knew when his parents left him (10 years ago). It's possible they have all passed on, or have all had multiple children and marriages. As far as he knows, he has no siblings.
Mother: Lanya (Rhenne)
Mother's parents: Allena & Derrick (Rhenne)
Mother's siblings: 2 brothers, 1 sister (Rhenne)
Father: Ivellian (half-elven, ancestry uncertain)
Father's parents: 1 full-blood elf, 1 human of uncertain ancestry
Father's siblings: Rhiannon (older sister) (half-elven, ancestry uncertain)
Class & Level: Rogue 7
Race: Half-elf
Alignment: CN
Deity: Olidammara
Size: M
Age: 23
Gender: M
Height: 5'3"
Weight: around 135#
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark
Skin: Tanner than usual for a half-elf
Str: 12 (+1) (4 pts.)
Dex: 14 (+2) (6 pts.)
Con: 14 (+2) (6 pts.)
Int: 10 (+0) (1 pt., 4th level increase)
Wis: 11 (+0) (3 pts.)
Cha: 13 (+2) (5 pts.)
HP: 38 (HD: 6d6+14)
Speed: 30'
AC: 10 base + 2 armor + 2 Dex = 14 (Touch: 12; Flat: 12)
BAB: +5
Grapple: 5 BAB + 1 Str = +6
Initiative: +2
Fort: 2 base + 2 Con = +4
Ref: 5 base + 2 Dex = +7
Will: 2 base + 0 Wis = +2
Melee: +1 Rapier, +7 attack (Str), 1d6 + 2 damage, 18-20/x2, piercing
Ranged: +1 Shortbow, +8 attack (Dex), 1d6+1 damage, x3, piercing, 60' range increment
Feat: Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes (6th level)
Abilities: Immune to sleep, +2 saving v. enchantments, low-light vision, sneak attack +4d6, trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge
Languages: Common, Elven
Light load: up to 43#
Medium: 44 through 86
Heavy: 87 through 130
Gather Information: 10 ranks + 2 racial + 2 ability = +14
Hide: 10 ranks + 2 ability = +12
Knowledge (local): 1 rank + 0 ability = +1
Listen: 10 ranks + 1 racial + 0 ability = +11
Move Silently: 10 ranks + 2 ability = +12
Open Lock: 2 rank + 2 ability = +4
Perform (dance): 10 ranks + 2 ability = +12
Profession (stablehand): 1 rank + 0 ability = +1
Search: 1 ranks + 1 racial + 0 ability = +2
Sleight of Hand: 1 rank + 2 ability = +3
Spot: 8 rank + 1 racial + 0 ability = +9
Tumble: 10 ranks + 2 ability = +12
Traveler's outfit....................0gp...0#
Entertainer's outfit................3gp...4#
Leather armor.....................10gp...15#
+1 Rapier.........................2320gp...2#
+1 Shortbow.....................2030gp...2#
Blanket, winter......................5sp...3#
Flint & steel..........................1gp...0#
Mirror, small steel.................10gp...0.5#
Rope, silk (50').....................10gp...5#
Medallion, EE............................?...0#
Holy symbol of
Coins...................................6gp, 4sp
TOTALS............................100gp...42.5# (light load)
Toriah had lived in Verbobonc until a few years ago. His mother was a Rhenne and his father was a half-elven man she met in the town. The two settled in long enough for Toriah to grow up a bit, but in his thirteenth year they left, following the call of the river and further adventure. He never saw them again, though he listened to every bit of gossip that came in. Some days he wished they were dead, upset for leaving him, and some days he hoped they were out there still, amassing their fortunes. He has pretty much given up hope that they are going to return to him, but that possibility has crossed his mind once or twice.
When they left him, he had a decent education and the attractiveness of a half-elf in a mostly human town. However, restless and angry after his parents' departure, he dropped their surname and took to petty thievery. His parents had left him a small inheritance with a neighbor, who was to hold it until he came of age. He spent several weeks with the neighbor, until the disillusionment of being abandoned by his parents drove him into the streets, where he commenced his petty larceny. A minor figure in the local Thieves' Guild took Toriah in and taught him a few basic skills. After some time scraping by and paying dues to the Guild, Toriah struck out on his own, leaving the Guild with no hard feelings between them.
He spent a few years on his own, cheating and swindling the upright citizens of Verbobonc until he received an unsigned message from a friend in the Guild. Leave town, it read. You've well and truly done it now, and you've seriously annoyed Someone Important. I don't know who or how. Insider in the constabulary told me you should have a week, but I wouldn't outstay my welcome if I were you. Toriah was not alarmed, having been in tight places with the law before, but he was smart enough to heed the anonymous message. He returned to the neighbor, who was shocked to see him, having resigned himself to watching the boy--now a man--remain a criminal for the rest of his days. Toriah thanked him for his care and his concern, received what was left of the inheritance (some of it having been used already, for Toriah's care while living with the neighbor, who had been scrupulously good about keeping it), gathered up what belongings he had, buying what he thought he might need, and after three days of preparation, set off from Verbobonc.
He arrived in the small town of Hommlet, secure in the knowledge that he would not be pursued. He thought he knew which "Someone" was chasing him, and if his thoughts proved correct, that "Someone" wouldn't venture outside of his comfortable town to find a minor thief. Upon arriving in Hommlet, Toriah realized that he did not have the skill or means to support himself through the less-than-legal means he was used to, particularly since the town was so much smaller than Verbobonc. He hired on with The Welcome Wench and Terrigan's and finally settled on Telna's Kitchen, working as a general laborer. A few months after he started, he approached the owner with a proposition: he would take one night off a week from laboring to dance inside for the customers. The owner looked Toriah up and down, laughed to himself, and agreed. Since then, Toriah has spent a night or two every week entertaining--fairly successfully--at Telna's. He retained the grace of his mother's Rhenne heritage and in some ways, this dancing connects him with her.
Toriah has been inducted into the Temple Raiders of Olidammara.
Toriah's Family Tree
Toriah doesn't know much about his family. The information below is based on what he knew when his parents left him (10 years ago). It's possible they have all passed on, or have all had multiple children and marriages. As far as he knows, he has no siblings.
Mother: Lanya (Rhenne)
Mother's parents: Allena & Derrick (Rhenne)
Mother's siblings: 2 brothers, 1 sister (Rhenne)
Father: Ivellian (half-elven, ancestry uncertain)
Father's parents: 1 full-blood elf, 1 human of uncertain ancestry
Father's siblings: Rhiannon (older sister) (half-elven, ancestry uncertain)
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