D&D 5E People don't read the 5E DMG for a reason


I was thinking about the DMG and the alleged DM shortage for 5e. "Alleged" not because I doubt it, but because I don't know.

What if we just get rid of the Dungeon Masters Guide? When we tell folks you need to read this book (DMG) in its entirety to run the game that seems like a barrier we can remove. Give the Main rulebook a couple of chapters on running the game, throw treasures in with the monster manual and call it good.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
What if we just get rid of the Dungeon Masters Guide? When we tell folks you need to read this book (DMG) in its entirety to run the game that seems like a barrier we can remove. Give the Main rulebook a couple of chapters on running the game, throw treasures in with the monster manual and call it good.
Castles & Crusades did this initially, although it eventually introduced a Castle Keepers Guide full of supplemental content. But all the rules for running the game were in the PHB and all the treasures were in the clearly labeled Monsters & Treasures book. It was a good model.

If this is duplicative, let me know the link and I'll ask the mods to merge this thread with the original one.
There were a whole slew of recent threads dealing with the 5e DMG. Many great ideas were hashed backwards and forwards between posters. I would link but I'm using my phone right now as I'm not at home and my skills are pretty limited using this device. 🙃

I wouldn't worry about it though. We've been talking about alignment, xps and gygax for years. What's one more thread on the DMG. 🤣


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
While I agree that we need different material in the DMG - material that guides DMs in areas where many have weaknesses or uncertainty - I do think there is a lot of good material in the DMG that is worth reading that people ignore. I would more magic items to the PHB, I would move the planar materials and Gods to the Manual of the Planes - but there is other stuff worth keeping in the DMG that should work with training on storybuilding, encounter building, conflict resolution, and balance.
There is a lot of really great material in the DMG. Just not material that teaches people how to DM. A lot of it is stuff that in editions past would have been good material for an Unearthed Arcana (back when that used to be a supplement book full of optional rules rather than a playtest blog).


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I was thinking about the DMG and the alleged DM shortage for 5e. "Alleged" not because I doubt it, but because I don't know.

What if we just get rid of the Dungeon Masters Guide? When we tell folks you need to read this book (DMG) in its entirety to run the game that seems like a barrier we can remove. Give the Main rulebook a couple of chapters on running the game, throw treasures in with the monster manual and call it good.
We covered this, its one less book to sell. While folks aint reading the DMG, they are buying it...


I've long said there should be FIVE core books.

  1. Player book
  2. DM book
  3. Monster book
  4. Setting and Magic book
  5. Equipment and Options book

I know it's more money but it would provide space for many left of things a starting, intermediate, and veteran DMs and players might need or want.

It's not a bad idea & not one I disagree with. Ultimately this is an area where they would benefit writing more books to incentivize their subscription thing. If the DMG got split into two or even an eventual third book that were each more heavily full of useful stuff it makes doing the read all of them subscription a better value until you pick them up one by one & by then a lot of people will find that the online tools have gained enough value to drop 5$/month or whatever*.

* or buying each of the books at once was no big cost & 5$/month is likewise a trivial amount.

Voidrunner's Codex

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