D&D (2024) People on this forum are creating confusion. Not WotC.

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Regarding 4e powers, I've always thought of those as metagame constructs rather than in-fiction constructs. So when the Fighter uses Come And Get It to make all nearby enemies pile onto him, they're not under any kind of compulsion, supernatural or otherwise, they do it because that's what the story calls for!
A bit of this, and a bit of skilled warriors can wrongfoot their opponents, and put them where they want them.


He jumped in on a thread where I said something to tell me I was wrong. In what world is that me doing something to him?

Specifically (bolded added):
Yes it was BUT it also 4e was harmed by a few people spreading anecdotes and rumors, even provable untrue ones (everyone has spells)

Example of a fighter power:
Warrior's Urging: pull all enemies you can see in a burst 4 up to 3 squares (15 feet) and they take 2[w] damage ...​

That to me is a spell. There's no way to pull any creature you can see 15 feet and then automatically damage them (no attack roll, no hit) without magic.

I felt like fighters had exactly the same mechanisms and supernatural abilities that represented spells. Was that good? Bad? Just a preference? I'm not making any comment on that one way or another. But I don't like being called a liar because I express my impression of the game.

To me D&D is not a story based narrative game. It's a crude simulation of what it would be like to exist in a world of dragons and magic. So if my PC is using magic, they're using magic no matter what the label of that magic says.

Specifically (bolded added):

Example of a fighter power:
Warrior's Urging: pull all enemies you can see in a burst 4 up to 3 squares (15 feet) and they take 2[w] damage ...​

That to me is a spell. There's no way to pull any creature you can see 15 feet and then automatically damage them (no attack roll, no hit) without magic.

I felt like fighters had exactly the same mechanisms and supernatural abilities that represented spells. Was that good? Bad? Just a preference? I'm not making any comment on that one way or another. But I don't like being called a liar because I express my impression of the game.

To me D&D is not a story based narrative game. It's a crude simulation of what it would be like to exist in a world of dragons and magic. So if my PC is using magic, they're using magic no matter what the label of that magic says.
I think this is:
A) derailing the thread.
B) not very relevant anymore, as this was over 10 years ago.


You made a claim that people were misrepresenting the game. I disagree, you're assuming your opinion is the only one that is valid on this topic and that everyone else is just making stuff up to hurt the game. People discussing, and potentially disagreeing, on topics is kind of what this forum is all about.
You can disagree with opinions you can’t just make up facts and pretend people won’t call you on it.


Example of a fighter power:
Warrior's Urging: pull all enemies you can see in a burst 4 up to 3 squares (15 feet) and they take 2[w] damage ...​

That to me is a spell.
That is provable not a spell
You can feel it isn’t a hood exploit.
You can feel it SHOULD be a spell not a martial maneuver.
You can even feel it’s dumb.

It is in fact not a spell.
There's no way to pull any creature you can see 15 feet and then automatically damage them (no attack roll, no hit) without magic.
Yes there is it’s because you are so awesome they come at you when you urge them too.
Plenty of game allow non magic control like that.
Magic and spells are 1 way to do things this wasn’t.

You FEEL it should have been a spell but it wasn’t.
I felt like fighters had exactly the same mechanisms and supernatural abilities that represented spells.
Notice th different statement. I can’t help how you fell nor can I tell you your feeling is wrong. However the game said it was not a spell it wasn’t a spell.
Was that good? Bad? Just a preference? I'm not making any comment on that one way or another. But I don't like being called a liar because I express my impression of the game.
You are not listing about how you feel. You lie when you say it WAS a spell instead of you felt it SHOULD have been a spell

To me D&D is not a story based narrative game. It's a crude simulation of what it would be like to exist in a world of dragons and magic. So if my PC is using magic, they're using magic no matter what the label of that magic says.
And to me d&d is a fantasy game and my fantasy does not always need magic. And sometimes my fantasy WITH magic and supernatural things still doesn’t need spells.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Oh for goodness’ sake. Ridiculous. And we’re going to do something about those arguing via alt accounts too. Closed.

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