D&D (2024) People on this forum are creating confusion. Not WotC.

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WoTC wants folks to call it a revision of 5e. Much like how 3.5e was a revision of 3e. ;)
And Morris just pointed out that half (about) of enworld and slightly more than 2/3 of Twitter see it as a new edition. If this is true WoTC needs to find a way to fix it or no matter what they say it will be.

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And Morris just pointed out that half (about) of enworld and slightly more than 2/3 of Twitter see it as a new edition. If this is true WoTC needs to find a way to fix it or no matter what they say it will be.
Or they could roll with it and say it's a new edition. ;) And why call it a revision anyway? It could just as easily be called an expansion. WoTC could even borrow a page from Paizo and call it D&D Remastered. ;)


And Morris just pointed out that half (about) of enworld and slightly more than 2/3 of Twitter see it as a new edition. If this is true WoTC needs to find a way to fix it or no matter what they say it will be.
Please tell me we’re not using Twitter as a yardstick for anything.

This forum is usually belligerently and unashamedly anti-WoC. Nothing wrong with that, everyone needs a home. Also don’t forget that EnWorld has a vested interest in existing players being unfavorably disposed to the new edition on account of them having a clone of the existing rules.

Nothing wrong with that at all, as I said, but we can at least recognize the bias.
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Please tell me we’re not using Twitter as a yardstick for anything.

This forum is usually belligerently and unashamedly anti-WoC. Nothing wrong with that, everyone needs a home. Also don’t forget that EnWorld has a vested interest in a existing players being unfavorably disposed to the new edition on account of them having a clone of the existing rules.

Nothing wrong with that at all as I said, but it’s important to recognize the bias.
EN Publishing has a vested interest in leveling up everyone. ;) ENworld is a site that caters to RPG news and reviews. ;)


Please tell me we’re not using Twitter as a yardstick for anything.
So nothing that goes against your view
This forum is usually belligerently and unashamedly anti-WoC.
Um… this board is full of loud people yelling to trust WoTC (except when they say things they don’t like then don’t trust them)
Nothing wrong with that at all, as I said, but we can at least recognize the bias.
Oh I see the bias

Well, I feel that whether or not a version of a game constitutes a new edition is very much a valid topic for discussion, WotC’s statements notwithstanding. Last time I checked nearly 50% of EN World respondents and a whopping 70% of Twitter respondents felt that it was a new edition.

WotC is certainly clear about what they want folks to call it. That is inarguable. :)
I can even understand that discussions and the rejections. But going by your ENworld numbers 50% think it is not. So saying that WotC lies about that topic seems wrong.

Last time I checked, you can have different opinions without calling the other one a liar.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
And Morris just pointed out that half (about) of enworld and slightly more than 2/3 of Twitter see it as a new edition. If this is true WoTC needs to find a way to fix it or no matter what they say it will be.
I don’t think there’s anything WotC can do that will change people’s minds about this. It’s not a matter of people being confused, it’s a matter of people believing that changing the contents of the core rulebooks beyond simple errata necessarily constitutes a change of rules edition. Maybe an edition with very similar rules to the previous edition; maybe even an edition that’s backwards-compatible with the previous edition. But no matter how many times or in what ways WotC reassures people that the 2024 rules are the same edition of D&D as the 2014 rules, a significant portion of the audience firmly believes that change of rules = change of edition.

Um… this board is full of loud people yelling to trust WoTC (except when they say things they don’t like then don’t trust them).
See, I don't have to trust anyone.

I can look at the playtest and form my own opinion about how much of an edition change it is and how valuable my old books will be.

This is how it should work. Build your own opinion. Discuss with other people. Don't call other people/companies liars or people liking what they see fanboys or something.

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