D&D (2024) Perfect edition update (kinda + thread)

Some pieces I would add into my game:

  • Better monster design, specifically around
    • more spell-like effects rather than spell so that players can't just shut down everything with counterspell.
    • more templates so that DMs don't feel hamstrung around how a monster is presented but are more open to tweak creatures
    • more action-oriented monsters / legendary-like monsters a la Matt Colville to make boss fights feel more epic
  • Introduce a 'dramatic scene' encounter system that unlock cool new powers that both monsters and players can use for specific encounters that kick things up a notch for encounters/scenes that are meant to be, and feel, epic. Having it as a mechanical effect clues players into what's happening in a blatantly obvious way. Idea adapted from FantasyCraft.
  • I would add more options with hit dice such as spending them for martial effects and giving them to spell casters for slots or spell points in some way (particularly sorcerers since that feels thematically correct to me, as well as some warlocks).
  • I would experiment with doing away with spell slots, at least for wizards, and put limits on how often specific spells can be cast (still requiring a certain class level to cast them). Combine with needing a roll to cast successfully. Upcasting would be banished without expensive spell components -- that's where the energy comes from for upcasting the spell and encourages adventuring for the components and supports the exploration pillar of play. Personally, I like the idea of harvesting monster parts, too, supporting the combat pillar (not that it needs much more support).
  • Add a tiered mechanic (similar to Cypher System) for gaining hit points from hit dice w/o requiring healing or a full short rest:
    • Once per long rest, spend a bonus action and spend 1 hit die to gain that die+CON on hit points to 'catch your breath'
    • Then, same thing, but it costs you a full action (obviously this doesn't apply to 1st level characters)
    • Then, same thing, but it costs you 1 minute (doesn't apply to 1st/2nd level characters)
    • Reset everything after a long rest
  • Make long rests more dangerous: You can keep watch for a 2 hour period during your 8 hour long rest ... but if anything disturbs you during the remaining time you don't get the benefit of the long rest -- this is to encourage those on watch to deal with encounters without just waking the entire party and making it more nail biting/tense. It's the classic movie scene where the one character wanders off to investigate that odd noise.
  • Hardcore mode ... limiting HP, creating vitality points out of constitution ... something optional for campaigns that want to go that route.

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Core game: levels 1-10
Additional supplements: levels 11-20 (with prestige classes, more feats, variant class features)

3 subclasses for each core phb class (pare cleric and wizard subclass options especially)

Organize spells into arcane and divine, and then organize by level.

Use the front inside covers as a quick rules reference

cross reference using page numbers

Include a ~40 page running the game section for dms that includes advice on 1. how to run the game, 2. quick-start adventure creation and sample adventure, 3. session 0 and social contract stuff, and 4. some basic magic items for your intro adventure
(the idea of a $50 dmg as a core book has outstayed its welcome, imo. There's no shortage of dm advice out there, and wotc I think has started to make its own online content for dms.)

edit: get rid of bonus actions and counterspell


Jedi Master
Take the 2014 PHB and expand it slightly
  • Make most optional rules from XGtE and TCoE the new standard, leaving the 2014 rules in as optional
  • Add Artificer and several popular sub-classes from XGtE and TCoE
  • Rework Race rules using MMotM standard. Add 3-4 popular races from other books
  • Make Feats standard with ASI and Multiclassing optional
  • Add all spells from XGtE and TCoE
Rework Monster Manual in MMotM style

Rework DMG. 1/3 focused on tips for running modules, 1/3 on magic items, 1/3 on tips for home brewing


Warlords and Psions are in
Sorcerers are done up as more of a free form caster where, rather than just casting spells, you spend points for the desired outcome. Can mimic the regular spells with this, but it’s free form and gives sorc its own niche

That’s all I got that so far


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
So there is an update coming in 2024... maybe 5.5 maybe 6e most likely witch ever it is (or how we refer to it) WotC will push it as "50th Anniversary D&D"

overall I can't imagine they will EVER abandon the base d20 system that 3e,3.5,4e,and 5e are built on... but as Star Wars Saga, Mutants and Masterminds, and other systems have shown us (Deadlands d20 and D20 Cthulhu also) you can make BIG changes (again like 3/4/5es) and still use that frame work. However I would bet dollars to donuts the frame work will look MORE like 5e then any of those others...

but we have threads talking about Vitality and wounds, as well as 100+ threads edition waring about fighter and caster discrepancy. But without fighting, without putting down (although still maybe working off each other) what would YOUR perfect 2024 PHB look like?

This isn't for "what's most likely" or "this is what I am thinking it will be" but if you could alter reality so the dev team saw things your way... what would the 2024 PHB look like...

I have this labeled 'kinda +' so please don't tear down others ideas... even if you are going to post the opposite of someone let your ideas stand on there own not as 'better' then others.
Unpopular opinion: I'd breathe a sigh of relief if this much-hyped "50th Anniversary D&D" turns out to be just a 5E reprint of the core rulebooks, but with errata and a leather cover. That is what I'm hoping they do, and I make sure to mention that in every survey they send out.

See, here's the thing. I'm not shopping for a new edition, and I'm not going to switch to something drastically different from what I'm already using and accustomed to. Sure, there's still 2 long years for me to reconsider that stance, but it's going to be a long uphill battle to talk me into buying new books. (Seriously, I looked it up: according to Amazon, my 5E hardcopy library would cost $431 if I were to purchase it today, and according to the Roll20 Marketplace, my digital compendium would cost $450. I don't know what that says about me as a person, but here we are.)

I'm really only interested in an updated set of core rulebooks that combines all of the errata, plus all the materials from Xanathar's, Tasha's, Mordenkainen's, Volo's, Fizban's, etc. into a single three-book set. That's pretty much it: I want a fancy reprint of what I already have...not a new game or a new game edition.

I told you it was an unpopular opinion.

But who knows? Two years is a long time for me to change my mind.
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5e Freelancer
They core rulebooks are setting-agnostic. No listed alignments for the general player races, because what alignment might fit for Toril won't fit for Eberron or Dark Sun. No gods are mentioned unless it specifically says "in the Forgotten Realms/Krynn/Oerth/etc".

More classes work like the Warlock (especially Fighters). You get your Subclass at level 1 (which gives you additional benefits when you level up), Eldritch Invocation-style features at level 2 (getting more at later levels), and a "Pact" at level 3 (So, like the Martial classes getting a Fighting Style, but with a bit more mechanical crunch).

The Artificer becomes a core class and gets as many subclasses in later books as every other class.

The adventuring day is shortened to 2-3 combat encounters every day.

There are Mythic Monsters in the Monster Manual (probably the Tarrasque, Liches/Demiliches, Death Knights, and maybe some high-CR Celestials). Oh, and there are at least two monsters of every Challenge Rating in the Monster Manual. And similar monsters are put together, not all alphabetical (so all Goblinoids are in the "G" section, like how the 4 main Elementals are grouped together in the 5e MM).

The Dungeon Master's Guide gives more advice for beginner DMs to learn why specific parts of the system are designed the way they are. It would explain better how to make a homebrew class/race/weapon of similar power to the PHB ones instead of mainly saying "reflavor something else".


Book-Friend, he/him
Basically the same core as 5E, with the Tasha's and Monsters of the Multiverse changes built in, along with the Feat at 1st tied to a Background fir everyone.

Plus...reworking the Classes so that Short Rests aren't assumed, and stripping as much assumed flavor as possible and putting that on Backgrounds (Thieves Can't fir a Criminal Background, not the Rogue Class, no Orientalism or Monasticism for the Martisl Artist, etc.).

Voidrunner's Codex

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