D&D General PETITION: Acknowledge Hasbro's hurtful content (Black orcs, Asian yellow orcs, Native American red orcs)—through an Amendatory Bundle [+ thread]

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I would say writing any culture as a stereotype is punching down. Especially when the stereotypes are based on misconceptions.

It's deeply hypocritical to only cry about one representation, but be okay with other bad representations.
Punching down is a separate thing from sterotyping.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Whenever feels right or good enough.

Like I get the implication of this slippery slope argument is essentially leading to Demolition Man where saying a curse word gets you an automatic fine and having sex is illegal.

But it's actually super easy to not slide down the slippery slope into ridiculous extremes. Just ask Garfunkel and Oates.
I had a reply to this but I am moving it to the other thread LordEntrails mentions two posts down from this to avoid threadcrapping here.

See this thread.
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But who gets to decide who's up and who's down. You? The majority of this board? The most vocal minority of this board? Those who voice opinions closest to "modern sensibilities" (and who gets to decide who's closest?)?
If taking stabs at some nations/people is bad, it should be bad taking stabs at any nation/people. Anything else is just double standard, imo.
If you have issues getting housing, employment, or basic human needs and decency from society because of how you were born, you are 'down'.

If you are sad because other people are asking for those things, but you aren't getting everything you want, you are up.

For those of you who do not wish to be limited by the restrictions of a + thread.


Mod Squad
Staff member
But who gets to decide who's up and who's down. You? The majority of this board?

You say this as if it is difficult to discern. Socioeconomic data on a wide variety of demographics is readily available out there. My job here isn't to educate you on who is getting the short end of the stick, though.

If taking stabs at some nations/people is bad, it should be bad taking stabs at any nation/people. Anything else is just double standard, imo.

And you are free to feel that way. I'm not stopping you.


I have a hard time understand why having it available for free is a better / good solution. I something is offense, it is OK to simply stop selling it I would think. That is not censorship. If people want to archive it, fine - but that is not on WotC (or anyone really) to do that IMO.
IMO, that's why donations to an appropriate charity or cause are the right solution.
  • The material remains available. (I think there is value in being able to see what was done in the past. Also, I would rather not encourage the "'anti-capitalist' is hate speech" company to yank things they deem problematic. Qui custodiet ipsos custodes, and all that.)
  • Wizards doesn't profit from it, and thus is not incentivized to sell it or market it.
  • We don't get the issue where bad stuff is made available for free while less-objectionable products cost money.

If you have issues getting housing, employment, or basic human needs and decency from society because of how you were born, you are 'down'.

If you are sad because other people are asking for those things, but you aren't getting everything you want, you are up.
I'm pretty sure there are Germans and Belgians that have issues getting housing, employment, or basic human needs and decency from society because of how they were born. By the standards put forth in this thread, these people are up.

I generally agree with the assessment that the blanket statement WotC puts on all of their old content needs to be replaced by actually labeling specific old content such as this that actually contains material that they wouldn't be comfortable putting in a 5e book released today and using it as a teaching moment to explain what the issues might be. In this book's case, it seems pretty obvious what some of the problems would be but in other cases it might not be so obvious.


I'm pretty sure there are Germans and Belgians that have issues getting housing, employment, or basic human needs and decency from society because of how they were born. By the standards put forth in this thread, these people are up.
So, no jokes about anyone, unless we can joke about everyone?

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