D&D General PETITION: Acknowledge Hasbro's hurtful content (Black orcs, Asian yellow orcs, Native American red orcs)—through an Amendatory Bundle [+ thread]

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A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
I'm pretty sure there are Germans and Belgians that have issues getting housing, employment, or basic human needs and decency from society because of how they were born. By the standards put forth in this thread, these people are up.
For being German and Belgian?

Or do you mean Germans and Belgians who are ostracized for being LGBTQIA, Lower Class, Disabled, People of Color, or other groups that are explicitly targeted for their nature?

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For being German and Belgian?

Or do you mean Germans and Belgians who are ostracized for being LGBTQIA, Lower Class, Disabled, People of Color, or other groups that are explicitly targeted for their nature?
Use enough segmentation, almost any group is marginalized. Point is, it's very subjective what one person view as punching down.
But, it's late in my part of the world and I'm not very good at explaining what I mean. So no more on this from me


Game Designer
I'm not gonna sign it.

I agree with some of the points, notably making sure Hasbro doesn't profit from distributing a troublesome product like that.

However, for reasons others have already mentioned I think it is important to keep the product available and in its current form. It's part of the history of the hobby and it's a proof of how problematic it can be. Having it available for free, or have the money turned to charities would be great though.


Looking over the petition I suggest revising petition request #4 to be not one of the 9 points to ask WotC to do but have that be a free standing statement above in your intro.

#4 Note: let it be known to all that I have never called for 'censorship.' Rather than divide the community by yanking and hiding this title in a vault (in the manner of Disney's Song of the South), I call on Hasbro to humbly unite the community in this way:


If it were a Brit or American taking shots at the Greeks or Italians then it could certainly still be punching down.

How would possibly you think that? Unless you had some odd view that the Brits or American's were actually in some way better?

Not as badly as taking shots at historically oppressed people, but still pretty tasteless.

I mean do you need reminding that it was the Italians that historically oppressed the Brits?
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How would possibly you think that? Unless you had some odd view that the Brits or American's were actually in some way better?
Well, i could point to things like "British Exceptionalism," or American "Manifest Destiny." I don't have to agree with them to understand the mindset and identify it as "punching down."


Well, i could point to things like "British Exceptionalism," or American "Manifest Destiny." I don't have to agree with them to understand the mindset and identify it as "punching down."

I think you are neglecting how much of European history is owed to Greece and Italy. That European Exceptionalism was a thing and British Empire was only one of several (Italy colonized large parts of Africa). Italy is even part of the G7. Even if you neglect Greece's role as the cradle of Western civilization, Greece was part of the founders of the UN and 10th country to join the European union.

I think you are showing your own bias and anglocentric views if you think the UK or USA punches down if it makes fun of them.

I mean if they took literal shots then the US is punching down at the whole of the world, but you are just consider military power and I think we can agree that alone is not what makes a country.


I think you are neglecting how much of European history is owed to Greece and Italy.
No. No, I'm definitely not.

That European Exceptionalism was a thing and British Empire was only one of several (Italy colonized large parts of Africa). Italy is even part of the G7. Even if you neglect Greece's role as the cradle of Western civilization, Greece was part of the founders of the UN and 10th country to join the European union.
And yet there are people who firmly believe that Italians are all poorly educated criminals, and that Greeks are worse. If they conceptualize of themselves as superior then they are punching down. That they are wrong has little bearing.
I think you are showing your own bias and anglocentric views if you think the UK or USA punches down if it makes fun of them.
Or you could be reading to much into my examples. I could have as easily gone with Germans punching down on Slavs, or the Milanese punching down on Napolitanos.
I mean if they took literal shots then the US is punching down at the whole of the world, but you are just consider military power and I think we can agree that alone is not what makes a country.
You oversimplify a great deal, but there is a kernel of truth here. There are different measures of "greatness," and they can matter. A European taking shots at the US over school shooting would be punching down, as would a Frenchman targeting English cuisine. That doesn't preclude my original point.

Edit: Since this is only linked to the OP by the thinnest of threads, PM me if you want to continue, but im done clogging the thread.

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