PFS #51: The Shadow Gambit

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Halflight Path Ambush - Surprise Round

Oero's climbing the Halflight Path with the others, listening to their chatter with half an ear while keeping his Dwarven senses tuned to the underground surroundings. He hears a low pitched rumble a half second before an enormous chunk of masonry, well constructed brickwork on the west side of the passage, collapses. From behind it boil dozens of yowling, barking, and yipping creatures carrying swords and snarling viciously - goblins! In a matter of a few quick moments, the goblins are among the merchants and citizens with the Duskwardens desperately trying to fend them off. Just as you think to act, another chunk of masonry, this time from the ceiling, collapses and cuts you off from the rest of the traveling group. You find yourselves in a small passageway, cut off and under siege.

The Goblins take advantage of the precious moments it takes you to gather yourselves to repel their attack, moving into position. One of them hangs back, shouting and brandishing a wooden holy symbol . . .

GM: Harken, Kalenth, and Oero need to make Will Saves (DC12)

[sblock=Combat Status]The Goblins moved (and cast) in the surprise round. Oero acts in the surprise round (if he makes his save), then we'll start at the top of Round 01 w/ Lanel.

I list combatants in their initiative orders (below the map). I post ACs so you can go ahead and determine whether or not you hit and roll your damage, putting in your description of your actions.

The large map is a section of the total area - I've attached a pic of the full area to the post, with the area covered by the combat map outlined. It's a little hard to see who's who on the map as is, but you can click the black bar to enlarge it. Kindly use coordinates in your posts for accurate positioning. The bad guys tokens are numbered in the top right corners; you can use either these numbers or their map coordinates to let me know which target(s) you're trying to affect.

Finally, I made my best guess as to character appearance for the tokens - forgive me for any mistakes (sorry about the lack of a beard, Keht - I don't have any good Dwarf beards for my software yet).


[u]Combatant          AC/ T/FF   -HP      Condition[/u]
Lanel              12/12/10    00      Flat-Footed
Goblin 01          16/13/14    00      
Goblin S           14/14/11    00      
Harken             15/13/12    00      Flat-Footed
Goblin 02          16/13/14    00      
Koshka             15/14/13    00      Flat Footed
Goblin 03          16/13/14    00      
Goblin 04          16/13/14    00      
Goblin 05          16/13/14    00      
Oero               16/11/15    00      
Kalenth            17/12/15    00      Flat-Footed
Dogan              17/10/17    00      Flat-Footed


  • Halflight Path Ambush (Full Area).jpg
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First Post
[sblock=OOC]<o o> Oh... that was not a good roll. Well, now I need to know what the spell does.[/sblock]

Harken is caught by surprise, and, despite his best inclinations, turns momentarily to face the source of the fell chanting. He struggles to lose one of his sickles and swing at the foe bearing down at him.

Koshka stands behind Harken's leg and hisses indignantly at the beast.
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[sblock] Sorry for the delay [/sblock]

"Oh shi-" Lannel is confronted by the two Goblins. He tries to move away (5ft step) from the Goblins to 8F and casts Color Spray (Will DC 15) on them. "I need assistance here!" he laughs nervously.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=OOC]No problem - you didn't actually hold anything up as Oero is the only one who can act (not surprised). If I haven't heard anything from him by tomorrow AM I'll NPC him for this fight and then likely drop him if Keht's still not around by then.)[/sblock]


First Post
Sorry everyone, never saw it start, guess I need a will save. Will catch up on everything tomorrow.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Harken, Kalenth and Oero feel the will of the female Goblin seep into their thoughts, infusing them with lethargy. Harken succumbs, swaying on his feet then falling to the ground as his eyes drift closed. Kalenth and Oero manage to fight off the effects of the sleep spell and remain on their feet.

GM: Oero gets an action in the surprise round, then we'll move on to round one.

[sblock=Combat Status]

[u]Combatant          AC/ T/FF   -HP      Condition[/u]
Lanel              12/12/10    00      Flat-Footed
Goblin 01          16/13/14    00      
Goblin S           14/14/11    00      
Harken             15/13/12    00      Prone, Unconscious
Goblin 02          16/13/14    00      
Koshka             15/14/13    00      Flat Footed
Goblin 03          16/13/14    00      
Goblin 04          16/13/14    00      
Goblin 05          16/13/14    00      
Oero               16/11/15    00      
Kalenth            17/12/15    05      Flat-Footed
Dogan              17/10/17    16      Flat-Footed
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Oero yells in surprise as he shakes off the effects of the sleep spell and claws his falcata from its scabbard, preparing for a fight.

Lanel exclaims as well, but reacts more quickly than his fellow Pathfinders. Getting a quick jump on the Goblins, he takes a short step back, teeters on the edge of a yawning abyss before catching his footing and uttering arcane words. He throws a handful of brightly colored sand at the two goblins facing him; one drops bonelessly to the ground, but the other shakes off the effects and grins toothily at the mage before stepping up to attack. He lashes out with a shortsword, drawing a shallow cut along Lanel's breastbone.

From the shadows to the southeast a crossbow bolt flies, punching through Dogan's armor and into his side.

The Goblin standing over Harken's sleeping form looks down on the Druid for a moment, shrugs and steps up to swing at the barbarian. The sword also finds its way through the tough scale mail, the tip tickling Dogan's ribs but doing little damage.

Kashka hisses at the Goblin as it passes, then slinks under Harken's arm.

The Gobs facing Kalenth and Oero cry out as they strike in unison; Kalenth's foe misses his mark, but the Dwarf's opponent slams home a solid blow.

GM: [MENTION=6678799]Keht[/MENTION], [MENTION=11732]Helfdan[/MENTION], [MENTION=70171]PeteZero[/MENTION] - Oero, Kalenth and Dogan are up!

[sblock=Combat Status]

[u]Combatant          AC/ T/FF   -HP      Condition[/u]
Lanel              12/12/10    01      
Goblin 01          16/13/14    00      
Goblin S           14/14/11    00      
Harken             15/13/12    00      Prone, Unconscious
Goblin 02          16/13/14    00      
Koshka             15/14/13    00      
Goblin 03          16/13/14    00      Prone, Unconscious,
                                       Blind, Stunned (5 Rnds)
Goblin 04          16/13/14    00      
Goblin 05          16/13/14    00      
Oero               16/11/15    04      
Kalenth            17/12/15    00      
Dogan              17/10/17    06
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