D&D 5E PHB Races Redone


I was wondering what the PHB races would look like with the new racial format ie minus the cultural and added or altered abilities to make up the difference. Might be worth having a crack at it as I do not mind some of the new races we have been seeing lately. I will look at each race one at a time, breaking its parts down into biological or cultural, then see what the cultural can be replaced with.
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Lets have a look at the Elves first (Base race) They get:
+2 Dex Goodbye Free pick in new method
Lifespan: Would the long lifespan count or is it a story element that has no bearing? (Which is my thought)
Darkvision Biological trait stays
Keen Senses: Whilst being a biological trait instead of a cultural one many wish to see no bonus proficiencies in races) Up for discussion
Fey Ancestry: Biological
Trance Biological
Languages: Cultural Free pick in new method

I think Elves may be one of the easiest ones.
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Subrace High Elf:
+1 Int Goodbye Free Pick in new method
Elf Weapon Training Cultural
Cantrip Cultural
Extra language Cultural

Wow it seems High Elves are defined completely by culture not biology. Even the description does not provide a lot to hang things off.


Subrace Wood Elf
+1 Wis Goodbye Free Pick in new method
Elf Weapon Training Cultural
Fleet of Foot Cultural
Mask of the Wild Cultural

2 for 2 Everything is cultural


Subrace Dark Elf (Drow)
+1 Cha Goodbye Free Pick in new method
Superior Darkvision Bilogical
Sunlight Sensitivity I am going to go with Cultural
Drow Magic Biological
Drow Weapon Training Cultural

Finally a subrace with some biological meat to it.


I would even argue that Sunlight Sensitivity is biological not cultural.

Good idea though
Is it Biological or is it because of culture there are Dark Elves that do no live underground and do not have it and there are dark Elves that come from underground and adapt over time.
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Is it Biological or is it because of culture there are Dark Elves that do no live underground and do not have it and there are ddark Elves that come from underground and adapt over time.
Even if they adapted over time? Doesn't it still make it biological? I may be wrong but I think biology can be affected by enviromental factors.

That's basically Darwinism isn't it?


Looking through the PHB I am tempted to say screw it, and fix up the base races and do away with base races all together and add more to the base races or maybe do up a list of cultures and say pick one that fits in place of subraces.

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