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Phyrric Legacy - Shackled City IC Thread


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Dowlee speaks in a low voice to Remen, "... Remen, I don't think they're going to back down, but..."

Louder, she addresses the masked men, "If you lay down your weapons and lie on the ground, we'll let you live." She readies an attack for if/when the masked men attack.

ooc: Longbow +5, damage d6+1 (extra +1's from Point Blank Shot)

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First Post
Flannad licks his lips as he draws the bow ready to fire. Although not sure who is who in the situation, he does know that anyone that paints their face in a garish way can't be to right in the head. And that the other strangers that have simultaneously arrived appear well motivated.

Staying hidden as best he can in the shadows, the young Whisper Gnome keeps his keen sight trained on the thugs and waits for an opening to fire in support of the good samaritans.
[sblock=ooc]Ready Action to fire if he gets a reasonably clear shot and attempt to re-hide (sniping). Atk +4, Dmg 1d4 +1d6 sneak attack as hidden from thugs (hopefully), crit 20/x3, darkvision 60ft and low light vision, hide +16 (-4 after -20 penalty for sniping)[/sblock]


First Post

Liracor springs into action first, and weaves his way deeper into the alley. He brings his now-enchanted blade to bear on the nearest thug, and deals a mighty blow that tears right through the street tough's padded armor. (Liracor hits thug #2 with his longsword for 11 damage.)

Jon's psionic assault hums forth, assailing the mind of the targeted thug. He reels briefly, but then somehow the ruffian manages to shake off the painful effect. (Jon uses Mind Thrust against Thug #1. The thug makes a successful Will save against DC 15.)

Flannad keeps his bow nocked, and hangs to the back of the alley, ready to make a shot if a good opportunity presents itself. As he waits for his chance, he attempts to remain unseen. (Legildur, in the narrow confines of this alley, it's a tough shot to try and hit one of the attackers through the crowd. Flannad would have to contend with +4 cover bonuses to the enemies' AC, as well as the -4 penalty for firing into melee. So, I've ruled that he holds fast, with his attack readied. Hopefully, that matches you intent.)(Flannad readies a ranged attack with shortbow, to be taken if a clear shot opens up.)[/size]

Arak moves forward and swings at the closest thug, who is already bleeding profusely from Liracor's attack. The young paladin's greatsword deals only a grazing blow, but it proves too much for the thug, who collapses, mortally wounded. (Arak moves and attacks thug #2, hitting for 5 damage. Thug 2 falls, dying.)

Enraged by the felling of their companion, the remaining thugs move to counterattack. The first steps up and jabs with his shortsword at Liracor, but misses the duskblade. The second circles around his now-forgotten victim and brings his blade to bear on Arak, but the thrust is turned aside by the paladin's banded mail. (Thug #1 takes a step, then attacks Liracor, but misses. Thug #3 moves and attacks Arak, but misses.)

Disappointed that her warning has not been heeded, Dowlee tries to get off a shot with her longbow. She nocks and fires, but her aim is spoiled by the presence of Liracor and Arak in front of her target. The arrow misses badly. (Dowlee makes a ranged attack w/ longbow vs. Thug #1, but misses. The thug has soft cover from Liracor, and the penalty for firing into melee also hurt the roll.)

Remen seeks to grab ahold of one of the thugs, but finds his access blocked by Arak and Liracor, now standing shoulder to shoulder within the alley. The barbarian holds his ground for now, frustrated that his appeals against bloodshed have not been heeded, so far. (Remen readies his grapple action, but is unable to move into position to take that action right now.)

The attack victim, meanwhile, takes a step backwards away from his assailants, and cries out, "St. Cuthbert, grant these good souls your favor, that they might deliver your servant from harm!" A feeling of fearlessness washes over the party as the man prays. (The attack victim takes a step, then casts Bless.)





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First Post
With few options really available to him given the congestion in the alley, Flannad simply maintains his focus on the thugs should a clear shot become available.[sblock=ooc]Yeah, sure Malvoisin, that was the intent as I could see it was quite crowded in there[/sblock]

Land Outcast

Well, going against the Last Laugh might get them killed, but now that one of the bandits lies on the floor, they'd get killed anyways.
For sure he wouldn't side with the bandits.

Remen shrugs I never liked thieves anyways and draws a dagger, which he procedes to try and lodge into one of the thugs.

OOC: Draw [move], Ranged +4 (1d4+4) (Bless)
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First Post
Liracor dodges the thug's short sword, then counter-attacks with a slashing blow of his own.

OOC : Attacking the thug that attacked me.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The battle now raging around him, Jon worked hard to keep the voices in check. Some wanted to help him, others to hurt. With an iron will, he shut the out so he coudl focus on the mortal peril in front of him.

With the two swordsmen blocking any potential shot from his poor hand, only one way to assist availed itself. Once again, the low metallic hum filled the alleyway.

[OOC: mind thrust against the thug Liracor attacks if it is still standing; against the other thug otherwise]


First Post

Liracor swings his longsword at the thug directly in front of him, and slices a neat gash in the man's chest. The thug ries out in pain. (Liracor attacks Thug #1 with his Longsword, hitting for 7 damage.)

Jon unleashes the power of his mind once more, against the thug just injured by Liracor. Astonishingly, the thug grits his teeth and resists the mental assault for a second time! (Jon uses Mind Thrust against Thug #1, but the thug makes a successful Will save once again.)

With few options really available to him given the congestion in the alley, Flannad simply maintains his focus on the thugs should a clear shot become available. (Flannad maintains his readied action, a ranged attack with his shortbow.)

"Cuthbert, guide my hand!" Arak steps forward and strikes a mighty blow at the nearest thug. And a mighty blow it truly is, as the greatsword comes down hard, cleaving the thug through neck and collarbone. The thug's body collapses in a fountain of gore, stone dead. (Arak gets a critical hit against Thug #3, dealing 24 damage. Thug #3 is dead.)

The last remaining thug, now seeing that both of his companions have been struck down, loses his will to fight. He drops his shortsword, and turns to flee down the opposite end of the alley. He runs past the cleric he had been threatening just moments earlier, but the victim holds no weapon and cannot prevent the thug's passage. The thug rounds the corner of the alley, and his footsteps, splashing through rainwater puddles, diminish in volume as he vanishes from sight.

(OOC: It's up to you whether you wish to pursue the final thug, especially Dowlee and Remen who can still act in this combat round. Of the two thugs fallen in the alley, one is dead and one is dying. What are your actions now?)

Voidrunner's Codex

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