Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

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But... who watches those who watch the watchmen?


Is it wrong that as soon as “X encounters per adventuring day” being “a requirement” comes up in any 5e rules based thread I roll my eyes and stop reading?

Because my mental health has been much improved by this policy. 😉
I think there is a very good discussion folks need to have about the intended design and their own playstyle when it comes to encounters per day in 5E. I've seen enough of those conversations for a life time though and do not need to see anymore.

I think there is a very good discussion folks need to have about the intended design and their own playstyle when it comes to encounters per day in 5E. I've seen enough of those conversations for a life time though and do not need to see anymore.
Oh but wait.. I don't think you've heard about my formula yet.. I think I've perfected it.. You take the average HD of each party member, multiplied by the number of players, and check that result against the reference table for the corresponding terrain and time of day....... You know what.. It's makes more sense in person.

Oh but wait.. I don't think you've heard about my formula yet.. I think I've perfected it.. You take the average HD of each party member, multiplied by the number of players, and check that result against the reference table for the corresponding terrain and time of day....... You know what.. It's makes more sense in person.
Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC

I think there is a very good discussion folks need to have about the intended design and their own playstyle when it comes to encounters per day in 5E. I've seen enough of those conversations for a life time though and do not need to see anymore.
Could be worse, we could still be arguing about Damage on a Miss

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