That and Warlords, yeah?
Every edition has a reputation. And those reputations are not given, they are earned as scars in battles so terrible that entire forums have fallen. Damage On A Miss is a scar that is an old friend. We touch it and play with it, numb to the pain that once was, feeling only a paradoxical rough smoothness as our fingers follow the ridges of history as we choose both to remember and forget as we please. But not the Warlord. The Warlord is a scar that still burns. Still itches. Some chose to avert their eyes, but others cannot help but pick, pick, pick at it. Myself, I wonder what scars we will remember most from 5e. The SRD? The true names of editions? The Ranger? But I do not speak of the Warlord, lest it be remembered too much.