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Planescape: Chrysalis

Cabe Zeree

First Post
We need to know what tools we have to work with...

Noi'nu returns to the group and tells them of the numbers and of the layout of the camp, not leaving out any details. He looks to Zee when he speaks, as if the gith's words are finally sinking into his head. "You speak as if you know this Cedric. Tell me what you know of him...anything that would be useful - anything that we could exploit..." He then looks to the others and adds, "Each of you, quickly, tell me of your skills and abilities - we need to know what tools we have to work with..."

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Cabe Zeree

First Post
He's got a fear a bats

"Served with Cedric in Strife, he was second at the time. Maybe he stabbed enough backs to finally become first," Zee grunted. "Got his hands durty with discipline," he sneered as he said the word, "more than a few times. He'd take them chillin hostage in a heartbeat, if it could get him away. And kill 'em out of spite if 'e couldn't. As ta weaknesses, I dunno," he said with a shrug and rubbed his chin. "He's got a fear a bats. We ran into a cave full of the critters, they didn't take to well ta us, an he nearly lost it." Zee finished and sat back, winded from such a long account.

Each fesses up to their abilities:
Kort - quiet, quick, "thief" for lack of a more illustrious term. He's got a ring that lets him go invisible for a while.
Panaver - artist and mage. If he concentrates, he can make his drawings become reality. Zee - Blades and combat, and minor battle magic. He is a battle trained man of arms.
Rexx - Quick of tongue, and quicker with the knives. Skilled with Tarteran Two-Knife fighting, knows a few cantrips, and has passable ability to be stealthy, when he's not talking.
Barnabus - Can go invisible, and he's quick and hard to hit. His claws can make people weak if he gets a good hit.

Rabian - A few years from his adventuring days, but he can still wield a sword and shoot a bow well.
Garret - Good at tracking, keeping quiet, and a fine shot with a bow, he says as he pats the bow slung over his shoulder.
Nara - Again a few years removed from adventuring, but she's stayed in good condition at the Gambit. She's a healer, she can cast a few aid spells, and can swing a mace that kicks like a mule.

Cabe Zeree

First Post
All right then, here's the plan

Noi'nu nods slowly and then begins speaking. "All right then, here's the plan. Zee and I will head in and talk to them and try and get the children without bloodshed. Meanwhile, I want Kort and Barnabus, invisible, to position themselves to grab the children if things go sour. Rexx, if you can get close and stay in the shadows, do so, but if you are not sure, then hang back until things go south, then come in with blades flashin'. Garret and Rabian, find a good spot and get ready to drop the ones closest to the children with your bows, should the need arise. Nara, hang back for now, but any help you can provide with spells afore hand, t'would be much appreciated. If things get hot, come in an' show me how a mule kicks. Panaver, I need you to cook something up that is big and scary - something that would seem to drop out of the sky and provide a real, split second scare - something - bat-like. Hold off til you see my signal."

Noi'nu pauses for a moment and then contines, "Okay - Zee and I go in and try and talk. If we can get the kids and get out, fine by me. If I cannot, I will hold both arms up and shrug. If you see that - I need Panaver to drop the "suprise" and then Garett and Rabian to fire on the two closest to the children. By then, Kort and Barnabus should be there - grab the children and run back to Nara, Garett and Rabian. Rexx, you help Kort and Barnabus as best you can. Zee and I will do what we do best..." The gith nods silently at the plan.

"Zee, I want you to do the talkin' when we get in there, since you know Cedric. Make me out to be the big, bad, scary guy - I may have to put the fear of the Old Man into 'em." Noi'nu pauses for a moment and then speaks to the group before him. "Remember, we came here to get the prisoners, not exact revenge. If we pull them out, get them out of here, don't stick around to settle a score. Vengence will put you in the dead-book, quick." He pauses and then asks, "Any questions?"

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Cuz you barmies are gonna need it

Kort nods when he hears his part. While Barnabus sighs, grumbles something about getting skinned, but he does agree.

Rabian and Garret discuss places to get the best shots, and make Noi'nu and Zee privy to their choices.

Panaver scratches his head, when his part is mentioned, but he nods. It's going to be difficult with no light, but it must be done. He'll think of something, but warns everyone they better be prepared for it too. He pulls Noi'nu aside and confesses the greater the being he draws, the less chance he has of controlling it. It happened once before, and he's regretted it ever since.

Nara agrees to the plan, and before the plan goes into action she asks luck to favor the just and empower the people of Lornhall. Those near feel a cool ingle spread over them, and their apprehension and anxiety ebb away. Everyone remains wary, but they no focus on the job at hand, instead of their fears.

Everyone gathers and wishes Noi'nu and Zee luck. "Cuz you barmies are gonna need it," Barnabus offers good naturedly.

Cabe Zeree

First Post
You ready?

Noi'nu remarks to Panaver, "Fine, then make a big, nastly flock of bats - that should be easy enough, eh?"

Then, Noi'nu looks to Zee. "You ready?", he asks. Zee nods in silent reply, as he spasmodially clenches and unclenches his teeth...

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Run Down

Ok so give me a run down how the two of them approach.
Do they walk up and wait till someone see's them. Hail from afar. Sneek in?

The camps sits with a fire at its center. The five prisoners are arranged around the fire, and the mercs situated themselves around the prisoners. Three appear to be engaged in a game of chance, two converse quietly with the one Zee identifies as Cedric. There's one sentry, he's positioned on a tumble of rocks a little taller than a man just to the northeast of the camp. The remaining mercs appear to be resting.

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Simply walk up

Simply walk up until someone sees them, and then Zee will ask to speak with Cedric. If he has any "inside information from the old days", he will use those to their best possible effect. :)

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Straight dark now

As the two approach the guard on the rock calls out, "two from the west!" The camp springs to action, and Noi'nu and Zee are quickly yelled.

"Halt! We've bows leveled and ready." It's a true statement, with their superior vision both Noi'nu and Zee can see four mercs with arrows notched and ready. The two have around twenty strides until they even get near to the outer ring of the camp.

Cedric slowly strides from the camp, he stops to appraise the two from fifteen paces. Cedric's a tall thin individual, and not human, the two small tusks protruding from his lower lip make that obvious. He has a thin sharp beak of a nose, and his coarse dreadlocked hair is pulled back in a tight queue. The mercinary leader doesn't look to be the fool, his eyes dart back and forth from Zee and Noi'nu.

"Zee," he says and inclines his head. "Not since Strife. Still odd as a deva in the Pit to find ya out here, with a faceless cutter no less. Straight dark now, my lads are jumpy."

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Straight dark indeed

Zee nods in return but does not speak. Instead, his dark, sallow eyes shoot towards Noi'nu, who then speaks. "Straight dark indeed." Noi'nu says. "We've come to reclaim your prisoners. You can profit from it or your bones can feed the crows, it is no matter to me." There is a steely determination in Noi'nu's voice that sends a shiver down even the battle- hardened Zee's back. It is the edge of a man who cares nothing for his life, only his goal.

A man with nothing to lose...

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Are you their champions?

"Hah!" Cedric barks. "Those dirt diggers from Lornhall send you, are you their champions?" the merc captain sneers. "Eyes open, couple a snakes in the grass boys!" he shouts, and then he shakes his head. "Zee what happened, never were the charitable type."

Cedric waves his hand in dismissal. "I'm a man a buisness, though you tempt me Faceless. What's in it for us? They'd fetch a good price."

Voidrunner's Codex

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