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Planescape: Chrysalis

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Name it

Noi'nu ignores Cedric's comments, until he speaks of a price. "Name it.", he says simply.

Zee, as usual, remains tight-lipped as possible...

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Cabe Zeree

First Post
A reasonable cutter

Cedric arches a brow. "We'll a reasonable cutter. Two a the lad's are stong, good workers, 125 scale each. The other's just a fat wet blanket, only 90 scale. Now the two women, both 're nice tarts, but I kept my boys away. 175 for the one, but Azim's plaything is somethin special ta me, 250," he smirks and then pauses. "Course if you got souls to trade, I'd be willin to haggle."

Noi'nu notes the bowmen relax a little with the conversation. Arrows are still notched, but they're no longer drawn and ready. The other men still glance about, wary of every dancing shadow the fire throws off.


Noi'nu nods, as if he is considering the price...

Finally, Noi'nu speaks, "Done. But first, you must tell me where you were taking them..."

Cabe Zeree

First Post
The sods are yours

"What's it matter?" the merc asks, but Cedic shrugs and continues anyway. "There's a portal to Furnace. We'd take them to Ember to trade. The ‘Loths 'id or other's be more than willin ta buy." Cedric eye's Noi'nu, and his hand tightens on his blade.

Noi'nu retrieves his pouch of gems and tumbles a few into his palm. Cedric's eyes almost outdo the luster of the stones. He invites Noi'nu closer to the fire, Cedric wants to inspect the gems under better light.

If Noi'nu doesn't want to attempt anything...after just a bit of haggling, to keep up appearances for Noi'nu, they agree on a trade: the diamond, 3 onyx, 1 amethyst, and the lapis lazuli. Cedric orders one of his men to cut the ropes of the prisoners.

"It's a good trade cutter, nice to see some level headed bloods about." The merc captain looks towards the five drained haggard prisoners and sneers. "The sods are yours. Don't care where you go, but I don't wanna see you round here. We'll be movin on at dawn, you try ta cross us, an I'll make sure they're the first ta fall," he threatens with a nod to the five.

Cabe Zeree

First Post
So be it

Noi'ni nods at Cedric's words, and then adds a few of his own. "So be it. By th' same token, I don't want to see you back near Lornhall. Take it off your route, or the next time we meet, t'will not be nearly as profitable." The masked man waits for Cedric's reply...

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Fair trade, take 'em an go

"Woulda suited me jus fine if the boil of a town burnt down. No worries cutter, you'll not see me near there again," Cedric growls. He stashes the gems and motions towards the captives. "Fair trade, take 'em an go."

Eyes wide, the prisoners look towards Noi'nu and Zee. Shock, awe, befuddlement, and weariness is present on every face.

OOC: What's the plan man.

Cabe Zeree

First Post
Be ready to bloody your blade

Noi'nu nods silently, and then looks to Zee. He motions with his chin and the gith, used as he is to reading subtle shifts in one's body, picks up on the meeting. He moves over to the captives and helps them move away from the fire. The masked man joins the gith, assisting the exhausted prisoners and moves close to Zee; close enough so that only the gith can hear his whisper.

"Be ready to bloody your blade."

Noi'nu waits for a few heartbeats and lets the prisoners get as far as they can away from their captors. Then, he gives the signal...

OOC: As soon as he gives the signal, Noi'nu silently draws his blade and prepares to attack as soon as the beast fills the sky.

Cabe Zeree

First Post
What the...

OOC: Heh!

Cedric whirls, "What the..." and he trails off. Screeches and clicks fill the night. Noi'nu watches as the campfire grows and explodes into a half dozen separate balls of flame. The balls of flame congeal, chill into dark glowing cinders, and large ashen bat like wings burst forth. At least half a man's span the ash bats eyes burn like fire. As they cavort over the camp the edges of their wings glow, and with every beat puffs of flame roll off their wings.

"Loth dung eaters!" Cedric shouts. He gazes at the bats, and his hand grips his swords tightly, but he holds his ground. "Everyone, blades and bows! Stay stone and we get out. Khavain go for the captives! No mercy!" Cedric draws his broadsword and backs towards the camp, one eye on the threat overhead, the other on Zee and Noi'nu.

The horses are having none of it, and add to the ruckus. But since they're hobbled, they're not going anywhere. Noi'nu knows though if they feel threatened enough, none of that will matter, and they'll try to bolt.

Noi'nu sees ten mercs, including Cedric, gathered about the fire. Their swords are drawn, and a few (3) have bows ready to let fly. He can't see the lookout that was on the rock anywhere.

OOC: Noi'nu and the other's are up. Nothin like a good surprise attack to liven the evening for a bunch of mercs. ;-)

Cabe Zeree

First Post
...whirls on the closest merc

Noi'nu whirls on the closest merc, his blade slicing up without mercy. Noi'nu channels from deep within him, one of the spirits that he keeps the deepest buried - a cold-blooded killer from Carceri. Noi'nu hates this thing within him, this silver of icy, bloodless hatred and strives endless to keep it constantly smothered.

Sometimes, however, this killer has his uses...

Zee, if he has any missile weapons, readies them, but his first goal is to get the prisoners to safety. If he has any spells for hiding or protecting them (fogcloud, mass invisibility, etc...) he will use them. If not, he will hurry them along (carrying children if need be) and then enter the fray, supporting Noi'nu.

Rexx will hurl knives at any of the mercs wielding bows, hoping to disrupt their shots...

Fun, fun! :)

Cabe Zeree

First Post
The long blade in the figure’s hand catches the moonlight

Kort winks into existence as he pulls the trigger of his crossbow. The quill whistles and pegs into a bowman’s side. He lets out a yelp of pain and his arrow flies high.

OOC: Rexx goes before Barnabus, is he going to tag one of the two ready bowmen?

IC: Zee hears the whisper of grass, and the stomp of feet. A figure races towards Zee and the captives, his body wrapped in shadow. The long blade in the figure’s hand catches the moonlight.

OOC: Zee’s action is first.

Cabe Zeree

First Post

IC: Zee hears the whisper of grass, and the stomp of feet. A figure races towards Zee and the captives, his body wrapped in shadow. The long blade in the figure’s hand catches the moonlight.

Zee draws razor and then quickly speaks the words to a spell, the words slipping out of his mouth like buttered slime. He then braces his self, reading his blade for the impact...

OOC: Casting Grease between Zee and the Shadow-dude. I want to do it in such a way as to wait until the last moment so that Shadow-dude slams right onto my blade, which is braced! OUCH! :)

IC: Kort winks into existence as he pulls the trigger of his crossbow. The quill whistles and pegs into a bowman’s side. He lets out a yelp of pain and his arrow flies high.

Rexx eyes the situation with an perry eye; he had been in situations like this before - the time on Carceri when he was pinned down by the corrosive slime-slinging ghelreths, for instance. He knew the best way to play this, and so, dripping his Tarteran knives tightly and grinning like a madman, he went to work...

OOC: Rexx goes before Barnabus, is he going to tag one of the two ready bowmen?

OOC: Backstab if possible, if not, then flying knives galore. Yes, one of the bowmen, please.

Voidrunner's Codex

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