Wow that's a lot of good advice, I'm going back to look at the encounters the group have ahead, some tinkering is in order.
Just to clarify, the Rogue gets stuck out front because nobody else is offering him anything in the way of advice, or even contributing to what's happening. The Ranger is the last of the bunch, he generally waits at the back of the queue. The Rogue scouts comes back and tells them what he's found- the other players nod there heads, and no plan of attack gets made.
The Rogue gets frustrated goes back to have another look, the Cleric and Paladin are so armour heavy they've got no stealth so they stay where they are or try to shuffle a little closer to whatever the encounter is. The Ranger stays behind them.
Then there's a few minutes silence as nobody does anything, the Rogue who's still close in, and not quite sure what to do either gets spotted or cracks and launches an attack. There follows a conga line of the others running to catch up with the Rogue. Maybe it's not the Ranger, maybe it's the fact that none of the players are the "Leader", and so no plans get made, or rather very few. Partially the reason for that is the Ranger has a habit of saying "no", even when the Cleric is fed up of being the Defender and has a ranged at will that he has only ever got to use once, becuase he's stood next to the Paladin getting smacked.
The Ranger is the source of the ire at times because everyone else is on last legs and he's still 10 squares away.
I agree the Archer Ranger is best as an Archer, it's just all he does at times (90%), even when others seem to be having a very hard time of it.
The Killing the Kobold Kid thing was a bit annoying because it effectively pissed off two of the other players, there was absolutely no reason for it- as the Paladin said the Lord was not going to pay them for the heads of children, so he was just doing it because a) he could, b) he knew it would annoy somebody, c) or else he just doesn't think about it.
So Rogue- gets little advice, I just heard from the Cleric he's going to start advising the Rogue and try and help him out, the Rogue however looks to the Ranger- who usually just says "naaah, you do scouting", and sounds pissed off that somebody asked him again.
Cleric- doesn't want to be a Tank all the time, has to be- in the example as I outlined above, with the Ranger getting whacked by the Kobold Chieftain the Clerics plan is a do or die rush to get the Ranger back to full. He's not going to let anybody through to the Ranger, he's roleplaying the good guy, the hero.
The Paladin, is doing good and follows the Cleric's lead, or else does the good guy stuff for herself.
The Wizard stays out of the way and is forgiven for it because she does serious chunks of damage, has a crap AC and HP and incapable of combat, she also contributes with lots of cantrips to help out along the way.
The Ranger doesn't do scouting, is excellent as an archer, but relieves nobody- not even for a minute, does stuff that the other party members either dislike (in character), or find annoying (out of character), then moans that they are not doing it right.
So what the Ranger is doing may not be the problem, how he's doing it may be, the fact that all the other characters are covering for each other and he's on his own is very apparent at times.
Does that make it a little clearer?
Oh and I've had a word with the Ranger out of game, he just says that's what he's best at, that's what he's doing.
Thanks again for the advice, overwhelmed with the number of replies, top work- just trying to make it work.