D&D (2024) Players Handbook 2024 Art and Design video from WotC


Book-Friend, he/him
Not necessarily. An index isn't just rules. It also is a reference for key topics, terms, and etc.

If the book is able to provide the function of an index, cool; but the '14 versions struggled with that, so I'm not exactly enthusiastic about the idea of completely removing an index.
Yeah, we don't know exactly what they will do here: done recall the last time a D&D book even had an Index, though?

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The players in those table scenes are not in the same positions relative to each other in the different pictures. And I can't deal with that! :D
I feel you - but those are different campaigns, so while most of the players are the same people, they're playing different characters and a different member of the group is DMing. It's not just a similar scene from a different POV.


The players in those table scenes are not in the same positions relative to each other in the different pictures. And I can't deal with that! :D

I think it will be easier to deal with when the full pictures are shown, and the one with the green ghost skull is showing a player rolling a nat 1 (you can barely see it in the video as is scrolls over the image) while the other is focused on the DM giving exposition.

Voidrunner's Codex

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