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D&D General Players' Poll: Which Alignment(s) Have You Played?

Players: Which Alignment(s) Have You Played?

  • Lawful Good

    Votes: 89 78.1%
  • Lawful Neutral

    Votes: 65 57.0%
  • Lawful Evil

    Votes: 54 47.4%
  • Neutral Good

    Votes: 101 88.6%
  • True Neutral

    Votes: 76 66.7%
  • Neutral Evil

    Votes: 30 26.3%
  • Chaotic Good

    Votes: 99 86.8%
  • Chaotic Neutral

    Votes: 67 58.8%
  • Chaotic Evil

    Votes: 28 24.6%
  • Unaligned/Other/I'm a DM/Etc.

    Votes: 44 38.6%

All three Good Alignments, and a Lawful Neutral once, but I ended up not liking the character. I like to play heroes rather than adventurers. My most common played genre is super-hero (not just super powered or super, but super-hero). I tend to drag that attitude somewhat when I play fantasy with an alignment structure.

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Looking back over all of my 5E characters:
4 were Neutral (an Illusionist, a Champion, a Circle of Spores druid, and a Hexblade)
2 were Neutral Good (an Abjurer* and a homebrew sorcerer that used the druid spell list)
1 was Chaotic Good (a Wild Magic sorcerer)
1 was Lawful Good (an Oath of Ancients paladin)

*my most recent character

But back in the days of BECM (when we only had three alignments) I was usually the DM and I didn't get a chance to play very many characters. There was one, Ivann Ironforge, a Lawful dwarf, who was my very first D&D character ever.

In 3rd Edition/3.5 Edition, I played all of the non-evil alignments at least once, but it was so long ago (and so many characters!) that I can't remember many details. We went through characters pretty quickly in those days, and played a lot of 'one-shots' as we got familiar with the rules. But it's always been my own personal policy to not play evil characters.
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I'm firmly in the "other" camp. My current 2 characters in playing don't have any alignment listed. I can probably say that they're not evil, though not much more than that.


Victoria Rules
I thought I'd hit them all but on reflection can't think of a truly LE one I've ever run as a player. I've one major LN character who, depending on your viewpoint or on what nation you call home, some might see as LE; but others might just as well see her as LG.

I've had a couple of wonderful CEs over the years, my few NEs haven't worked out as well (yet) probably due to random luck in all cases. My major ones these days, not all of whom are active but most of whom can easily become so:

LN - Human Mage
NG - Human Cleric
CN/Cg - Dwarf Cleric (pictured as my avatar)
CG/CN - Human Fighter (my namesake here)
N - Human Fighter
messy - Elf MagicUser, was CE, was force-changed to NG but quickly drifted CG
N/Ne - Human Thief (still working this one out, she's new, will probably end up on the border of N and NE)
messy - Elf, was Necromancer-Assassin but now MagicUser-Thief, was CN/CE but was force-changed to NG, is retrograding slowly
[CN - Elf Illusionist - currently long-term retired due to loss of mind]

Both of the force-changes were, I think, due to coming back from death with what we call a "death effect", a randomly-applied effect which in these cases (rolled on a table of possibilities) caused a change of outlook on life.

The only evil character I ever played was the 4e drow campaign they had for their Wednesday night games. It was fun, but it took an awful lot of work to get the other drow to trust me. Then, in the end, I betrayed them. ;) (Oddly enough, you would think the table would have been prepared for one of us to backstab, but to my surprise they were all stunned.)

All other characters are good alignments. I think for 5e, the addition of ideals, flaws, etc. has helped me (and others) play their character with much more nuance than an alignment tag.


I've mostly been the DM for the majority of my gaming career, but in the past couple of years I've been able to be a player. As a result, I've only had four PCs, who range as follows:

NG - human sorcerer​
CG - humanoid crow gestalt ranger/rogue, human fighter​
N - lizardfolk barbarian/fighter​

Based on that rather small sample size, I guess chaotic good is my default. But I have some ideas for upcoming PCs: a LG dwarven monk and a NE human (tiefling? half-fiend? fiendish?) cleric. The evil guy's just because my son has plans for a campaign where we'd all start out higher than 1st level so we could have templates and PCs of all alignments would be welcome (and forced to work together), so I thought it would be a good opportunity to try out an evil PC, something I'd probably not do in a "standard" campaign. If I get to run him, I intend to pattern him after Avon from "Blake's 7" - condescending, arrogant, looking after his own interests first but understanding the need to rely upon others to see his own goals met.


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