D&D (2024) Playtest 6: Stealth Rules


I don’t think so. If a creature’s passive Perception is higher than your Stealth check, then presumably (and according to what it says in the new rule) it would immediately find you, unless, as @FitzTheRuke suggests, the intent is to remove passive Perception, but the new rule doesn’t say that.
Do they? That's one of the things that's not clear at all. There's no indication of how an enemy finds you. Is it an action? Free? Based on passive or active checks? The most straightforward reading for me is they the enemy actually has to take an action: "which becomes the DC for a creature to find you with a Wisdom (Perception) check."

So that ancient red dragon with a +16 perception now has to use their entire action (or legendary action, since it's an option) to find someone they don't know is there? Blech.

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Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Do they? That's one of the things that's not clear at all. There's no indication of how an enemy finds you. Is it an action? Free? Based on passive or active checks? The most straightforward reading for me is they the enemy actually has to take an action: "which becomes the DC for a creature to find you with a Wisdom (Perception) check."

So that ancient red dragon with a +16 perception now has to use their entire action (or legendary action, since it's an option) to find someone they don't know is there? Blech.
Making a check doesn't imply using an action. Also, a passive check is a kind of ability check, to quote the 2014 PHB.


The other issue I have is that there's no flexibility in the propose rule. People can get pretty focused on things, like someone trying to chop your head off. Which could be just as distracting as trying to count how many times people in white pass the basketball.



Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
It needs clarification, because I disagree.
I'm not sure what you disagree with, but I agree further clarification is needed because, as I mentioned just up-thread in response to @FitzTheRuke, all that's being play-tested is an action in combat (Hide). The actual rules for hiding, which appear in the "Hiding" sidebar, are still being used for the playtest (at least outside of combat) because it hasn't been noted otherwise, including the statement that "In combat, most creatures stay alert for signs of danger all around".

If Stealth is always against DC 15, perception should also always be against DC 15.

So no need for tracking anything.

Seems like a fair rule. Otherwise rogues from level 10 upwards are quasi invisible forever.


Stealth should be:
You need to beat the DC of 15 or passive Perception scores of anyone that can see you if it's higher.
Why invest in Perception if the DC will always be 15?

Floor of 15 is good addition to not be constantly invisible to a bunch of wis 6-8 monsters and their pathetic passive DCs.


Here's my cut at stealth and detection rules:

General rules:
  • Creatures within 300 feet see you if you are in bright or dim light, unless something completely blocks their line of sight to you.
  • Creatures within 300 feet hear you when you move or do something noisy, unless something blocks or drowns out the sound.
  • The DM decides whether you can be seen or heard beyond 300 feet, and how far.
  • If a creature can't see you, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against you, and you have advantage on attack rolls against it.
  • If a creature neither sees nor hears you, it can't tell if you're there and doesn't know where you are. (However, it can attack the spot where it last detected you; if you're still there, you may get hit.)
  • Once on each of your turns, you may become Stealthy (no action required).
Stealthy Condition:
  • Your speed is halved, unless you are flying and held aloft by magic.
  • The first time a creature might detect you, make a Stealth check and note the result. Keep this result until there are no longer any creatures that might detect you, or 1 minute has passed, or you stop being Stealthy.
  • If a creature's passive Perception is lower than your Stealth result, you can move without that creature hearing you.
  • You can stop being Stealthy at any time (no action required). You also stop being Stealthy if you attack; if you cast a spell with verbal or somatic components; or if you do something that draws attention to you.
Hide Action: You can only use this action while Stealthy, and its effects end if you stop being Stealthy. Choose a source of partial obscurement that you can see; it must be your size or larger. If any creature's passive Perception is lower than your Stealth result, that creature can't see you as long as the obscurement remains between it and you. Once the creature does see you, it stops being affected until you Hide again.

Detect Action: Make a Perception check. Until the end of your next turn, you may use the result in place of your passive Perception to detect Stealthy creatures.

Blinded Condition:
  • You can't see anything.
Invisible Condition:
  • Other creatures can't see you.
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