D&D Movie/TV Polygon: Would Honor Among Thieves make a good tabletop adventure?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero

Their conclusion is ... maybe?

Polygon said:
The biggest strength of Honor Among Thieves as a potential D&D play module is that it offers the characters so many meaningful choices. This story was designed as a movie, after all, so the characters have dynamic and action-oriented roles to play. But more importantly, they’re mostly facing scenarios where there isn’t just one correct way to approach the problem. And the ending in particular is a strong one, where they authentically can take a selfish road or a noble one, and either path will lead to further story options. If they bolt with the gold, they’re rich and free — and they’ve left an entire city of the ravening undead behind them, which is bound to come up again in future adventures. If they go back to defeat Sofina, they’ve definitely made enemies out of the Red Wizards, which could launch endless future stories.

Either way, Honor Among Thieves has its ups and downs both as a movie and as a possible play experience, but it seems like there’s plenty of potential there. A great GM and a great group of players will find the fun in any module, scenario, or scene, but it really helps to have the bones of a good story already laid out. The Dungeons & Dragons movie wasn’t expressly designed for a play experience, but it does have a solid skeleton underneath all the on-screen action. It’s just waiting for players to flesh it out and get it moving.

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The DM has ruled that in this game all spells come as Token Items, plus there are some funky artifacts available.

also the druid just likes to use their spell slots for bonus wild shapes
You know, that's actually an intriguing idea for druids. Paladins can burn spell slots for smites; why not allow druids to burn spell slots for wild shapes? Although it would likely need to be limited in some way or require multiple slots for one shift, as druids are full casters...


You know, that's actually an intriguing idea for druids. Paladins can burn spell slots for smites; why not allow druids to burn spell slots for wild shapes? Although it would likely need to be limited in some way or require multiple slots for one shift, as druids are full casters...
I love this concept, though I would allow it only for very low CR creatures (as used in the movie), or the druid would have an almost endless HP pool.

I love this concept, though I would allow it only for very low CR creatures (as used in the movie), or the druid would have an almost endless HP pool.
Perhaps link it to Proficiency Bonus?

"You can expend one spell slot that is not a cantrip to use your Wild Shape an extra time. You can do this a number of times a day equal to your Proficiency Bonus. The CR of the creature you transform into must be equal to or lower than the level of the spell slot expended, up to your normal CR limit."

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