Post-Apocalyptic Art Thread

Mutant Lord

Travels in a Post-Apocalyptic World

So here are some more recent ink images. Today, we are looking at some scenes of travel in a Post-Apocalyptic dark future world.


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Mutant Lord

Happy New Years folks!

And let's start it right with a handful of new post-apocalyptic inks for your viewing pleasure...

Ah, this reminds me of camping in the summer. God it feels like winter goes on for 9 months of the year up here in Canada...

Amphibious Sharks always spoil camp outs!

Come visit Scenic Pitford...

Wish you were here... a street scene from inside the protective shell of the ruin side barter town of Pitford...

Maybe visit the free town of Sandbarra and get a huge frosty pint of their local beer...

Yet another great stop over is the Lower Freehold town of Sorrow. They even have a dentist who can pull that rotten tooth that has been bugging you for months...

Finally, a full page ink introducing the Crossroads Region into text...

Mutant Lord

Travelling Post-Apocalyptic Waterways

Hey wastelanders, today we are going to take a look at some art depicting post-apocalyptic journeys via water. As many of my own players know, getting any place near the god forsaken waterways of the Mutant Epoch world will likely end in somebody either drowning or getting devoured. So too, waterborne adventures in the new era often involve PA pirates, storms, carnivorous reefs, enslavement and general misery for the PCs... and a great time had by all the players.


Mutant Lord

Land Travel in the Post-Apocalyptic new era

Throughout history, travelling has always been both exhilarating and dangerous. Seeing new places and people, and horrid mutant monsters, is however a big part of any post-apocalyptic RPG and great fun for everybody at the table. This week we've thrown together a few scenes of land based PA travel.


Mutant Lord

Full Color art of the Bog-Billy

So, another freaky mutant monster is here. The Bog-Billy is a cruel, ambush hunter that works in packs, uses small relics as bait and dwells in the low confines of fallen buidlings and junk mounds. This started as graphite drawing then painted in photoshop.
Hope you like it!

Learn more about it and get the free 7 page PDF at right here:

Mutant Lord


Hi again. This month we have the Scraplurker art. This mutant humanoid was created by Brandon Goeringer and illustrated by William McAusland. It was used for a free PDF ( )

The dreaded Scraplurker is a formidable foe of excavators and scavengers alike. This pink flesh colored aberration is vaguely human in appearance except for the bulbous putty-like skin that covers its entire body. The backside of this ruin dwelling monster appears to be hunchbacked due to a large mound of pliable flesh. It has, white shaggy hair, red globular eyes, a sharp toothed maw and retractable claws that serve as its main source of offensive weaponry.
An infant Scraplurker, with only a thin layer of putty skin, will start to collect small rocks and pieces of metal only hours after birth. It begins applying these items into its skin which hold fast, quickly hardening into a thin outer protective shell that also aids in camouflaging the beast whilst it conceals itself in destroyed buildings. Only vicious when cornered, infant Scraplurkers quickly run from intruders or other predators.
As the Scraplurker becomes a juvenile, it turns more hostile, and exhibits longer claws and fangs, as well as its improved debris armor. During puberty the young horror molts away its putty-like exterior only to regrow even more putty as it gains in size. This increased skin allows for larger pieces of debris and scraps to fuse with its body. Its slowed down metabolism now allows it to stay completely motionless for long periods of time as it awaits prey to come within striking distance.
Having a shell of possibly worthwhile relics and other trinkets attached to its frame, its hide also serves as bait; a dangerous ruse for the foolhardy excavator or scavenger with an eye for shiny things. Once the curious prey is close enough, the Scraplurker lunges forward attempting to shred the prey with its sharp claws and teeth.
A juvenile of this species will eat creatures of relative human size or smaller, and, as it is growing extraordinarily fast, is always ravenous from hunger and will attempt to immediately consume its defeated foe. Juvenile Scraplurkers have 2 Stealth skill points and an 11% chance of a mutation from the table on page 4 of this creature listing. A defeated Juvenile will have d3 loot items fused to its back. See the Scraplurker loot table on page 5, this document. They can be found hunting alone or in packs of 3d6 in number.
Once Scraplurkers are of adult size, they will often join others of their kind in a mixture breeding den and killing zone. A typical ruined building with an infestation of Scraplurkers will house anywhere from 7 to 16 (3d4+4) adults. They each spread out amongst the fallen structure, staying within 3 meters of one another, using their camouflaged backs of relics to enhance their stealth. This allows for gang sized take downs of numerous prey at one time or the chance to tackle larger meals that are too far big for a single Scraplurker.
Though they only make hissing snarls as they attack they do appear to have a form of communication amongst themselves. Their large claws are tapped on concrete, brick or wooden flooring in a pattern that seems to mimic a crude form of Morse Code. Response tapping has been heard from survivors of Scraplurker ambushes right before the attack, seemingly a signal that is one of the last things the poor souls hear before their own shrieks of horror. Adult Scraplurkers have 3 Stealth skill points, a 14% chance of a mutation, and offer up d4+1 items from the table on page 5 of this document.
Rumors from many regions tell of larger Brute Scraplurkers. Supposedly, this strain of Scraplurker have a genetic mutation that allows them to grow to huge sizes with increased strength and thick hides with massive amounts of debris attached to them. Tales of relic vehicles and ancient fire hydrants springing up on top of a mound of teeth and claws, slashing whole excavator groups to shreds are not too far fetched. Their huge size has made them slower on account of the amount of kilograms of debris these beast-men now collect, cladding them in an almost impenetrable husk of junk. This shell of rock, trees, metal bars, relics, pipes and other large scrap has also become a terrible weapon as the Scraplurker has learned to slam its back and massive weight down on prey, squashing them onto the pile of rubble. Excavator bodies that meet this grizzly fate are often kept in the debris to further lure potential meals.
Brutes can stay motionless for months at a time due to their remarkably slow metabolism. These enormous Scraplurkers have 3 Stealth skill points, an 18% chance of having a mutation, and carry 2d6 items of interest fused to their backs.
The origins of these humanoids are unknown, although it is widely believed they were made as a bioengineered weapon to retake lost buildings and fortifications. During these ancient wars, Scraplurker units would slowly sneak into these destroyed positions and help in the counter assault to reclaim the area by ambushing hostile combatants, lessening their numbers, and terrifying those who remained. Although clever hunters, they are dim witted otherwise and have no concept of trying to employ the relics they adhere to their backs.

Get the free PDF which includes the Scraplurker's mutations, stats and loot table right here:


First Post
Haven't done much with post-apocalypse specifically in mind, but from browsing some of the artwork here I'm sure themes can overlap depending on one's interpretation. I had a vague sort of pagan-ish+exploration of death and life idea for this painting (since it was for a Halloween-themed show), but I'm sure this could apply to a post-apocalyptic world where plants have mutated with or by using human DNA. This was actually the first of a series I [really] need to finish.

<object width="450" height="545">

Also want to let you guys know that I am accepting commissions right now!

<object width="450" height="545">Commissions.jpg</object>
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Mutant Lord

Post-Apocalyptic art and genre

Haven't done much with post-apocalypse specifically in mind, but from browsing some of the artwork here I'm sure themes can overlap depending on one's interpretation. I had a vague sort of pagan-ish+exploration of death and life idea for this painting (since it was for a Halloween-themed show), but I'm sure this could apply to a post-apocalyptic world where plants have mutated with or by using human DNA. This was actually the first of a series I [really] need to finish.

Oh I like this tree-creature! Thanks for posting it here. Please post any other PA art you might find appropriate, and, if you know other speculative artists please tell 'em they could add some post-apocalyptic art here, too!

Post-apocalyptic need not be some time in earth's future at all. I once created a fantasy setting that was in a post-apocalyptic period after a catastrophic global war. Tainted magic and the miscreations thereof haunted the ruined landscape of fallen cities, the survivors looking for the magic items and lost knowledge of the glorious former age. Come to think of it, when Rome in the west collapsed, western Europe was plunged into a dark age which really had a post-apocalyptic look and feel. People would come across Roman ruins and be in awe of the ancient ones.


Mutant Lord

The Back Hatcher is waiting for you

The moment that an excavator realizes that he’s encountered the dreaded Back Hatcher he instantly knows that he took a wrong step. Found in marshes, bogs, swamps and other muddy foliage covered quagmires, the Back Hatcher is a nasty surprise for anyone that is not watching where they’re going.

This giant green or brown, flat frog-like creature uses its legs to cover itself in mud, sludge and reeds. Once concealed, it remains motionless, its exposed, large lidded eyes are barely open as it watches for predator or prey alike. A wide maw of sharp teeth is its main weapon but is often not needed to kill; that sloppy work is often taken care of by its young. Upon its large flat back are d12+8 fleshy holes of skin, 30cm deep. Inside these holes rests an equal amount of hatchling young that are normally dormant and waiting for a meal. When someone steps on the Spawner’s back, receptor’s in the parents skin trigger a reflex that sends a slight electric jolt to the brood in the location stepped on, immediately the eyes of d6+3 of the young pop open, locate the offender, and with the aid of their back legs, jump up to 80 cm in the air, attacking the potential meal with their sharp toothy mouths. These ‘clingers’ attack like piranhas, biting and trying to grab on with their small legs, rending flesh with incredibly voracious appetites.

Any other movement by the unlucky soul, other than to jump off of the Back Hatcher, will trigger another clutch of young to join the frenzy. Whatever meat is torn off is quickly devoured by the brood while larger parts of a slain victim are consumed by the adult. The parent allows its children to feed first, only eating after they have had their fill. The parent will attack if it takes more than 10 endurance points of damage itself, or if half its young are killed. It has no use for valuables and any on a victim are discarded, left in the mud or in dung. These unconsumed articles are often a sign that the predator could be in the area.

Spawner’s have 2 Stealth skill points and an 11% chance of a mutation that only develops fully after it has left its parent, usually after a year from birth.

Though their origin is only speculated at, a Back Hatcher’s zoology is known to a few excavators who are curious enough to study its behavior. Shockingly the Spawner is actually a male specimen of its species and female versions take no part in young rearing. Females are identical to males in terms of physiology but their manner of breeding with males is most unique. After normal copulation, the female jumps and flips over a receptive male and drops her fertilized eggs into the male’s back holes. Therein, the eggs hatch and the young are cared for by the male while the female looks for another mate.

Create by Brandon Goeringer Illustrated by William McAusland
A free PDF Post-Apocalyptic monster for The Mutant Epoch RPG:

Voidrunner's Codex

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